Aug 3 2009, 12:20 AM
Can Mundanes have a spell anchored to them? Or an artifact/foci that has been anchored?
I've check SR3 rules and couldn't find it.
Could an PC with Archoring place a spell or Foci on a mundane PC?
How would they do it? Are there rules for it? Are there Foci any player shouldn't -or couldn't- have?
exsample wold be Anchoring an Anti-Magic Barrier to the SS Troll. How would the Mundane Troll activate it? How could he sustain it?
Or can it just not be done?
If someone could quote the rules (or tell me where to find it) it would help out greatly.
Aug 3 2009, 12:26 AM
you can anchor to a rock. or toxic sludge. or a pile of dirt.
why *wouldn't* you be able to anchor to a mundane person?
Aug 3 2009, 12:36 AM
are there rules as to how a Mundane could use the anchor?
Aug 3 2009, 02:49 AM
If I had to guess, they would be the same as anyone else using the anchor.
Of course, I'm personally not sure that I wouldt allow it as a metahuman's pattern is forever changing and evolving, but that's just me.
Aug 3 2009, 06:01 AM
QUOTE (lordnth @ Aug 2 2009, 05:20 PM)
Can Mundanes have a spell anchored to them? Or an artifact/foci that has been anchored?
Yes. (SM. p 59) The anchor is a temporary construct with a pre-set condition to cause it to discharge. Anchoring may be used on Instant, Sustained or Permanent spells.
Could an PC with Archoring place a spell or Foci on a mundane PC? How would they do it? Are there rules for it? Are there Foci any player shouldn't -or couldn't- have?
Yes. Per above.
exsample wold be Anchoring an Anti-Magic Barrier to the SS Troll. How would the Mundane Troll activate it? How could he sustain it?
The troll would activate by completing the pre-set condition (could be breaking the object). Sustained spells last per quickened spells. (SM, p.60)
Aug 3 2009, 08:08 AM
Gives me an idea for a prank involving a pair of pants, the orgasm spell, and anchoring...
Straight Razor
Aug 3 2009, 03:08 PM
reusable anchoring folci are useless IMHO too much karma for the bang. expendable folci when made in stacks of 6 or better can be very usefully if not still very expensive. If you are willing to have a few lvl 6+ skills in the enchanting field you can get pretty cheep virgin-hand-made folci and have 6 force 6 folci for 12 or so karma
my favorite folci are:
pack of smiley-face stickers. F6 heal. activate when stuck to someone.
a cigarette lighter. F6 fireball-expanded. activate when light.
pack of
haz-mat stickers. F6 fireball. activate when torn. (fishing line placed under the sticker and ran across a hall works great.)
disposable hair-nets. F6 improved invisibility. activate when worn in head.
Latex Finger Cots. F6 death touch. activate {target person touched} when worn on finger.
I'v also wanted to make a "wand" i was thinking having a mag-light with the batteries being the expendable folci. every time you click the switch 1 of the batteries casts the spell at whatever the light is pointed at.
both the cool and suck part of anchoring folci is the fact that you roll your drain when there used, not when you cast the spell to make them. So, you can go all out on the casting, and have a full pool when they get used, if your lucky and not in the middle of combat at the time too.
QUOTE (Straight Razor @ Aug 3 2009, 06:08 PM)
both the cool and suck part of anchoring folci is the fact that you roll your drain when there used, not when you cast the spell to make them.
I'm preety sure that the rules disagree with that statement.
Straight Razor
Aug 3 2009, 03:52 PM
mits pg 70
..."you do not actually make the test at this time-you merely note the number of dice to be rolled for the sorcery test. when the anchor is activated later, that is the number of dice used for the anchor's "spellcasting." the drain test is also made later."
now there is a drain test for linking the spell to the folci, but that is just force/2 M. Unless you have some detection spell also in there, then that complicates things. I do not find the detection-spell-activation method worth the effort normally.
mits pg 71
"...he suffers drain when the anchor is triggered."
This triggering is(should be) days or months later. My pools have refreshed, and i can soak it with everything i have. With luck i'm not casting in combat at the time, and i haven't already used everything i got.
The rules go out of there way to point out that after it's creation, it is the anchor that is doing the casting. I am not expending any energies at the anchor's triggering. I did that when i made it. I do have to deal with the movement of energy though. Anchors are nothing more than magical capacitors with one wire stuck to your face.
Aug 3 2009, 03:53 PM
SR3--you pay when activated. SR4--you pay when created.
QUOTE (Straight Razor @ Aug 3 2009, 06:52 PM)
mits pg 70
..."you do not actually make the test at this time-you merely note the number of dice to be rolled for the sorcery test. when the anchor is activated later, that is the number of dice used for the anchor's "spellcasting." the drain test is also made later."
now there is a drain test for linking the spell to the folci, but that is just force/2 M. Unless you have some detection spell also in there, then that complicates things. I do not find the detection-spell-activation method worth the effort normally.
mits pg 71
"...he suffers drain when the anchor is triggered."
This triggering is(should be) days or months later. My pools have refreshed, and i can soak it with everything i have. With luck i'm not casting in combat at the time, and i haven't already used everything i got.
The rules go out of there way to point out that after it's creation, it is the anchor that is doing the casting. I am not expending any energies at the anchor's triggering. I did that when i made it. I do have to deal with the movement of energy though. Anchors are nothing more than magical capacitors with one wire stuck to your face.
Those are old rules, according the rules in StreetMagic you suffer the drain when you cast the spell into anchor.
Aug 3 2009, 07:10 PM
My previous post was necessarily short because I was running out the door to work. It appears that the main problem is that it is unclear which edition you need rules for.
Lordnth didn't put an edition tag on the thread, so we are left to guess. His post did reference SR3, but it is unclear if that is due to not having Street Magic or if he is playing an SR3 campaign.
In 3rd Edition per Magic in the Shadows, as Straight Razor quoted, the mage must soak drain when the anchored spell is triggered. This has some rather severe drawbacks--I actually had a character die from drain since he was wounded and a teammate triggered the anchored spell.
In 4th Edition per Street Magic, pages 59-60, the mage soaks everything upfront when creating the anchor.
Aug 4 2009, 04:28 AM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Aug 3 2009, 03:10 PM)
In 3rd Edition per Magic in the Shadows, as Straight Razor quoted, the mage must soak drain when the anchored spell is triggered. This has some rather severe drawbacks--I actually had a character die from drain since he was wounded and a teammate triggered the anchored spell.
In 4th Edition per Street Magic, pages 59-60, the mage soaks everything upfront when creating the anchor.
which 3rd ed rules led me to the question... why would anyone take anchoring to create stuff to give to anyone else??? i mean, i can understand something like the anchored bullet detection/barrier spells (sort of... other than the fact that an amor spell in a sustaining focus will also protect you from bullets, and everything else. and also won't needlessly trigger when your body guard stands next to you. add in the fact that no metamagic is required for a sustaining focus... it sounds like such a nifty power, but the way it works out is that it just doesn't do much awesomeness in 3rd)
Straight Razor
Aug 4 2009, 02:46 PM
you don't hand them off lightly. The fact you made it with karma alone makes you stingy with them. And who whats to have and soak 5D at 4 in the morning while your asleep, because that corporate executive finally found that lighter on his desk.
There one of those expensive but flexible items that can save the day when you need them.
"bob's down and we got to get out of hear now, quick put a sticker on him."
"razor cast invisibility on me so i can sneak up on that guy with the mini-gun in the pillbox. Are you crazy, the only thing keeping us alive right now are the 4 spells i'm holding already... hear take a shower-cap.
"Hay kid, yea you, come here. I'll give you 100Y if you put this on your finger and touch that big man down there, yea that one." 40sec "later run like hell kid...run like hell. i should probably give that kid 200Y for that tomorrow, didn't think he'd koncho the poor fellow."
Aug 4 2009, 04:53 PM
except that with the cash and karma you could probably have a bunch of sustaining foci instead. not to mention you could have chosen a different (and much better) metamagic.
in 4th it's worth something because now you suffer the drain when you put the spell in. it allows you to spend resources today to store those resources and have them available at no cost later, when the resources you're expending are renewable (provided you're using a reusable anchor focus of course).
Aug 4 2009, 07:16 PM
Per Sr3 no anchoring to a living meta human due to the enchangting process to create a anchoring focus necessary.
Good to go with quickening.
mundane can use the anchoring focus and trigger the spell depending of the trigger conditions. Drinking a healing potion for example or uttering the incantasion frag, frag am going to be shot to bring the physical barrier into being.
Then its the caster that pays the bill.
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