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Full Version: Using a projectile weapon (bow/crossbow/slingshot) - what action type?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Per SR4A RAW, there doesn't appear to be an action that allows a bow to be shot. The obvious choice of Fire Weapon specfies that it applies to firearms only while Throw Weapon is limited to throwing weapons. So, per RAW, these weapons cannot be used...
soeone hand me a anti-raw cluebat...
*hands over, runs like hell*
*starts swinging the bat around wildly*
By the way, I cannot find the action for Opening a Window. Is it that we lost the technology of opening Windows in the Crash?
By the way, I cannot find the action for Opening a Window. Is it that we lost the technology of opening Windows in the Crash?

It's either Use Simple Object or Use Complex Object at the GM's discretion.

BTW, I'm about as far from a RAW fanatic as you can get. I think that the RAW is full of holes and bad rules, and I think that RAWdoggers fuck up much more than they fix by doggedly sticking to RAW.

However, just to show that RAWdogging is crap, I'd ike them to show me how thye would make a viable bow-uaing character.
Technically, a Bow or Crossbow would require a READY Weapon action . . is letting go of the String/pulling the trigger a free or a simple action?
one Simple Action to nodge the Arrow, one simple Action to pull the String and let go.
remeber:Ki-Ads with Quickdraw are superior wink.gif

QUOTE (HappyDaze @ Aug 4 2009, 06:26 PM) *
Per SR4A RAW, there doesn't appear to be an action that allows a bow to be shot. The obvious choice of Fire Weapon specfies that it applies to firearms only while Throw Weapon is limited to throwing weapons. So, per RAW, these weapons cannot be used...

It's also either Use Simple Object or Use Complex Object at the GM's discretion.

I had brought it up last year.
It's also either Use Simple Object or Use Complex Object at the GM's discretion.

I had brought it up last year.

While that may be RAI, I'm pretty sure it's not RAW.
I stand by my comment from earlier up in this thread.
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