The unmodified skill rating assigned at character creation or purchased
during game play is considered to be the character’s base skill
rating. Some abilities and implants (as noted) may increase this rating,
creating a modified skill rating. A modified skill cannot exceed the base
skill rating x 1.5 (making 9 the maximum possible rating, or 10 with
the Aptitude quality). Specializations, spells, and other implants may
provide bonus dice to a skill, but do not change the base skill rating.
These extra dice are listed in parentheses after the base skill,
as in Spellcasting 4 (+2).
during game play is considered to be the character’s base skill
rating. Some abilities and implants (as noted) may increase this rating,
creating a modified skill rating. A modified skill cannot exceed the base
skill rating x 1.5 (making 9 the maximum possible rating, or 10 with
the Aptitude quality). Specializations, spells, and other implants may
provide bonus dice to a skill, but do not change the base skill rating.
These extra dice are listed in parentheses after the base skill,
as in Spellcasting 4 (+2).
Lets say I have a Hacking Skill of 6(8 Exploit). I then inject myself with Rating 3 Neocortical Nanites (Page 110 Aug). These provide a +1/Rating Point to all Logic Based Skill rolls (Note to the actual Roll, not the skill). Do I have an effective Hacking Skill when using Exploit of 9 (+2 from Specialization, + 1 Neocortical) or 11 (+2 Specialization, +3 Neocortical). What if I then Trance, that provides a +2 to all Logic Based Skills. Do I get any benefit from it in conjunction with the other two? Do I still have a Rating of 9, or is it now 13?
It is my opinion that due to the language used I should have an effective dicepool of 13. 6 to start with, plus 2 because of the Spec. + 2 from the Trance. That means I now have a modified Skill Rating of 10. Then I add the Neocortical and that adds more to the dicepool itself, not to the skill.
Thoughts? (Sorry if that is difficult to follow, I am having difficulty putting my thoughts into words tonight. Damn dyspraxia!