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Full Version: Need help coming up with ideas for a game session
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So I'm going to be running our first game session this upcoming week, the first time I've ran a game in many, many years.

The runners are playing a Lone Star Fast Response Team.

I'm going to do a take off on Heat, with the team getting called in to assist when word of a super-skilled team of robbers comes out on a job. SWAT isn't available, it's just this FRT team.

So the question is, what should I have the robbers stealing? Are there still banks where fat bags of nuyen are sitting around that could be stolen (a la Heat)? Maybe a magic shop? I want it to be super valuable, so that the team will have some serious choice and consequences as to whether to return all of the goods/nuyen, some of the goods/nuyen, or none of the stuff they recover (assuming they recover any).

Depends what your characters value. Maybe they're hitting a corp's matrix R&D department, and making off with a bunch of high-end electronic gear. Processors with 8 Response, simsense accelerators, tricked-out microdrones, commlinks full of rating 6+ software/agents/IC and reality filters; anything from Unwired that costs more than 10,000 or has availability more than 12. Maybe the robber split up when the FRT hits, so the more baddies you catch, the more gear you recover (although some of it always "get away," or "is damaged.")

To answer your question, I suspect nuYen money storage is pretty much relegated to Zurich Orbital, but A. you could hit places corpscrip is kept, or B. you could hit places where nuYen is traded, especially places where it's traded in credstick (i. e. black/grey markets). Then again, those wouldn't hire a Lone Star FRT unless they really needed it, now, would they?
How about a large stash of orchilllium? And to add a complexity-have some hostages.
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Aug 12 2009, 10:30 AM) *
How about a large stash of orchilllium? And to add a complexity-have some hostages.


You beat me to it.
QUOTE (malichai @ Aug 12 2009, 06:14 AM) *
So I'm going to be running our first game session this upcoming week, the first time I've ran a game in many, many years.

The runners are playing a Lone Star Fast Response Team.

I'm going to do a take off on Heat, with the team getting called in to assist when word of a super-skilled team of robbers comes out on a job. SWAT isn't available, it's just this FRT team.

So the question is, what should I have the robbers stealing? Are there still banks where fat bags of nuyen are sitting around that could be stolen (a la Heat)? Maybe a magic shop? I want it to be super valuable, so that the team will have some serious choice and consequences as to whether to return all of the goods/nuyen, some of the goods/nuyen, or none of the stuff they recover (assuming they recover any).


How about a valuable antique? like an 1984 Apple Macintosh autographed by Jobs and Wozniak or a piece of memorabilia autographed by a RL celebrity?
The first thing that came to mind was a museum heist but people tend to ask questions when one-of-a-kind items go missing so there would be no way your team could keep the mcguffin.

Beyond that I would make it something with intrinsic value because money in 2070 is not a can of worms you want to open. Make it a diamond wholesaler or as others have said orichalcum (or however the hell you spell that). Or look at what criminal contacts your PCs have and make the mcguffin something that would be highly prized (and rewarded) by one of those contacts. This would be especially effective if the PC is endebted to that contact.
QUOTE (Method @ Aug 12 2009, 11:24 AM) *

That's how you spell it.

Another good idea would be having the group chase down some 'runners that just commited a crime on Extraterritorial grounds, and are called in to help because the 'runners are now traveling through their jurisdiction.

IE: Shadowrunners commit crime on Ares grounds, start running, go onto UCAS ground, keep running....
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