Aug 19 2009, 02:14 AM
I'm using this thread as a culmination of my pretty dumb questions. If this helps someone somewhere, it'd be awesome.
1.Initiative Passes
2.Recoil & BF Assault Cannon
3.SIN questions
Me and the group have restarted Shadowrun once again, and sadly we weren't in tune with the system as we wished we were.
My question involves Single Shot weapons and Initiative. The following example is how I thought Initiative has worked.
Guy 1 - 2 Passes Init 12
Guy 2 - 1 Pass Init 16
Guy 3 - 3 Passes Init 14
Combat Round 1
---Action Phase
------Initiative Pass 1
---------Guy 2
---------Guy 3
---------Guy 1
------Init Pass 1 End
------Init Pass 2
---------Guy 3
---------Guy 1
------Init Pass 2 End
------Init Pass 3
---------Guy 3
------Init Pass 3 End
---Action Phase End
Combat Round 1 End
I apologize for the stretching, but this is the easiest way I can think of to show how I'm thinking.
I ask this because SS weapons can only fire once an Action Phase, if so, Revolvers and Assault Cannons are powerful, but hard to use. If I'm wrong, and each Action Phase is before the Initiative Pass, then that means Revolvers and Assault Cannons can be fired once every pass? You can fire a revolver more than once in three seconds (or I would think, I wouldn't know personally)
My second point is recoil. If Action Phases are as I think they are, recoil can hurt you badly, if the passes are before the Initiative Passes, then recoil is no problem?
Another problem that's been bothering me is Assault Cannon recoil. We plan to turn our party troll into a walking tank. I see nothing about recoil rules-wise other than uncompensated recoil for heavy weapons is doubled. Since it's a Single Shot gun, there is no recoil?
I plan to turn the assault cannon into a semi-automatic weapon with the modifications from Arsenal, so when I do rack up recoil, is the doubling at the end of the initiative pass or at the end of the action phase?
Aug 19 2009, 02:23 AM
See Page 144 of the SR4A Cores Rules.
Action Phase comes AFTER initiative pass, and thus an assault cannon or revolver can be fired once every initiative pass (IP).
that means you may fire the assault cannon once every initiative pass.
There IS recoil for Assault Cannons, no doubt about that. I dunno the specifics, and don't have time right now to look. But the Action phase occurs WITHIN each initiative pass.
Aug 19 2009, 02:37 AM
Each character involved in a fight gets his own Action Phase in each Initiative Pass in which he can act. So to rework your example a bit...
Guy 1 - 2 Passes Init 12
Guy 2 - 1 Pass Init 16
Guy 3 - 3 Passes Init 14
Combat Round 1
------Initiative Pass 1
---------Guy 2 Action Phase
---------Guy 3 Action Phase
---------Guy 1 Action Phase
------Init Pass 1 End
------Init Pass 2
---------Guy 3 Action Phase
---------Guy 1 Action Phase
------Init Pass 2 End
------Init Pass 3
---------Guy 3 Action Phase
------Init Pass 3 End
Combat Round 1 End
Your Action Phase is your turn to act in any given IP. In IPs you don't have, you get no Action Phase and thus cannot take any actions. Does that help?
Aug 19 2009, 02:37 AM
Ah, thank you both so much! That simplifies things for me.
So then if I fire an Assault Cannon once a Pass, it generates no Recoil. Twice with the Weapon Firing Modification, and then it's gonna be a -1 for the second shot? Since the Action Phase is within the Initiative pass, it would not carry over IIRC. My Troll could then throw down 6 rounds in 3 seconds with a maximum of -1 recoil? Hmm...I wonder how much the GM would hate me if I invested into a Burst Fire Assault Cannon...
But then again, she's not gonna use it on every run, that would just be absolutely insane. This puppy is when there is no other choice but to rain down the pain and count the bodies later. Same with her sick minigun I'm gonna be whipping up as well.
I'm also waiting for my new book, I'm bumming my brother-in-law's old book for now. Did they happen to fix the binding issue of the older books?
Aug 19 2009, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (Syonyde @ Aug 18 2009, 06:37 PM)
So then if I fire an Assault Cannon once a Pass, it generates no Recoil. Twice with the Weapon Firing Modification, and then it's gonna be a -1 for the second shot? Since the Action Phase is within the Initiative pass, it would not carry over IIRC. My Troll could then throw down 6 rounds in 3 seconds with a maximum of -1 recoil?
Don't forget to double it if you don't add mods to compensate.
First shot, standard roll. Second shot, same Action Phase, -2 penalty. On his next Action Phase (in the next Initiative Pass), the penalty resets.
Aug 19 2009, 03:02 AM
Ah, so then if it's not compensated for at the beginning, then it's doubled then and there? That's a good rule, but we got coverage for it.
I think a BF Assault Cannon is in order, -2,-6 recoil, not doubled of course because I could cover that recoil...
Oh yeah.
Again, thank you guys so much. This is such a tight knit community, and everyone here is so friendly! I thank you both for the quick responses, Toolbox and Bugfoxmaster.
Aug 19 2009, 05:31 AM
QUOTE (Syonyde @ Aug 19 2009, 05:02 AM)
Ah, so then if it's not compensated for at the beginning, then it's doubled then and there? That's a good rule, but we got coverage for it.
I think a BF Assault Cannon is in order, -2,-6 recoil, not doubled of course because I could cover that recoil...
Oh yeah.
Again, thank you guys so much. This is such a tight knit community, and everyone here is so friendly! I thank you both for the quick responses, Toolbox and Bugfoxmaster.
For heavy weapons, any recoil that is left over after RC is applied gets doubled.
Aug 19 2009, 11:08 AM
QUOTE (Syonyde @ Aug 19 2009, 04:37 AM)
But then again, she's not gonna use it on every run, that would just be absolutely insane. This puppy is when there is no other choice but to rain down the pain and count the bodies later. Same with her sick minigun I'm gonna be whipping up as well.
now thats a mental image
Aug 19 2009, 12:39 PM
The recoil modifiers are only part of the effect of recoil on heavy weapons. The complementary rules are in Arsenal. Don't remember the details (it's not worth throwing the dice for my troll with a mere machine gun), but it involves a knockdown test and some damage.
The Assault cannon might not impair your accuracy, but it can send you flying and dismantle your shoulder
Oct 18 2009, 11:16 PM
Yes Hobgoblin, She. Her name was Nair, the bald Troll.
Chainmail and Full-Body Underarmor. Yes, she's a scary woman. You don't make love to her, she makes love to you.
I found the unmounted Assault Cannon rules. 1/2 DV and knockdown? No thanks. When she knows hell would rear it's head, she'd walk in with Gyroharness equipped and cannon mounted.
After realizing that Assault Cannon ammo is super-forbidden, a BF Assault Cannon is just a pipeline dream. She now sells ice cream, and was temporarily hiding bodies in said ice cream reserves.
Now, I'm sorry to necro the thread, but I have another question that kinda came up. What is the scope of a SIN? Is it based on Country? Due to a horribly botched run, we needed to GTFO, so from Georgia we head to Seattle. We noticed we will be crossing into the UCAS, so our our rating 4 Fake Sins viable?
Oct 19 2009, 01:19 AM
a sin, while tied to a national identity, can probably operate as a passport, as well as a national id...
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