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Full Version: Bone lacing and full cyberlimbs
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Phelan Patrick
Hi there, got another cyberware question.

Back in the early 90's i remember there being a rule when installing bone lacing and cyberlimbs. I don't know exactly what it was but was something like each pair of cyber limbs lessens the effectiveness of bone lacing or maybe they werent compatible. I haven't seen anything like that on SR4 and Augmentation rulebooks. Can anyone point me to where the rule may be if it exists?
This rule disappeared with SR4, but depending on the action you have use the average stat of all your limbs.

Your meat limbs have stats.
Your cyberlimb has stats.
Bone lacing boosts your meat limbs' BOD.

So when you average the stat of all your limbs, you practically only get a fraction of the Bone lacing bonus.
Phelan Patrick
ic ... thanks for the info
QUOTE (Traul @ Aug 19 2009, 08:11 AM) *
This rule disappeared with SR4, but depending on the action you have use the average stat of all your limbs.

Your meat limbs have stats.
Your cyberlimb has stats.
Bone lacing boosts your meat limbs' BOD.

So when you average the stat of all your limbs, you practically only get a fraction of the Bone lacing bonus.

Average stats of all limbs involved in the action. So if you're running and have a cyber leg and a meat leg, you average the stats of those limbs. I think called shots against limbs that are meat when the person has cyber limbs use only that limb's stats, not the average from the cyberlimbs.
I disagree with everyone! Woohoo!

Critical George has Body 3, Strength 4, and Agility 2. He has a cybertorso with a Body
6, Strength 5, and Agility 3, a left cyberarm with Body 3, Strength 7, Agility 3, and a
left cyberleg with Body 5, Strength 3, and Agility 3. If he punches someone in the face
with his left arm, he uses Agility 3 on the attack test and Strength 7 for calculating
his damage. If he wants to run down a hallway—requiring careful coordination of
both legs—he makes his Running + Strength Test using the lower Strength of 3. If
he gets shot, however, he uses the average value of his Body attributes, rounded
down—in this case, 4.

So, sometimes you use one limb, sometimes you average, and sometimes (like running) you just take the lowest.

Traul: I don't get the impression that Bone Density/Lacing does anything to a person's BOD; they only add dice to a person's damage resistance roll. Therefore, I don't see why the effect would be reduced from implanting cyberlimbs. The only interference between the two is that the BDA or Bone Lacing wouldn't be in a cyberarm, meaning unarmed attacks with the cyberarm would be a mere STR/2P.

Phelan Patrick: my take on this (and I am of course fallible) is that you keep the bonus to damage resistance rolls (and armour, in the case of titanium lacing), but the increased punching damage only applies to meat limbs.
QUOTE (McAllister @ Aug 19 2009, 09:37 PM) *
Traul: I don't get the impression that Bone Density/Lacing does anything to a person's BOD

You're right. I got confused between SR3 and SR4.
Phelan Patrick
you have a point there mcallister. thanks for your thoughts
You're welcome. And I'm sorry for being such a dick about it, I don't know why I had to come off all confrontational about it. My bad.
QUOTE (McAllister @ Aug 19 2009, 03:37 PM) *
Traul: I don't get the impression that Bone Density/Lacing does anything to a person's BOD; they only add dice to a person's damage resistance roll. Therefore, I don't see why the effect would be reduced from implanting cyberlimbs. The only interference between the two is that the BDA or Bone Lacing wouldn't be in a cyberarm, meaning unarmed attacks with the cyberarm would be a mere STR/2P.

Called shots. Let's say I specifically call my shot to target a cyberlimb. Should the bone lacing benefit still be applied? =P
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