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Would you think an shaman's ally spirit would have the same totem bonuses (and/or negatives) for casting spells? I couldn't find anything in MitS that specifically said that.
Zimbabwean Aardvark
I suppose not. The ally spirit comes from the totem's plane, but it specifically say that that has no effect on it's abilities. Under the sorcery power in that section, it does say that the spirit "kmow the spell at the same force and with the same limitations" as its master. So maybe.
Zimbabwean Aardvark
I think they were refering to geased or exclusive spell options, but I may be wrong. The term "limitations" doesn't really suggest bonuses.
I agree with the Aardvark. I always understood the line about the limitations to be any fetished or exclusive limitations to the spell. Basically, if a shaman/mage knows the spell as a fetish-limited spell, then they can only teach the spell as a fetish-limited spell. Therefore, the spirit could only know it with the same limitations as the master.

-- Dash --
QUOTE (Dashifen)
I agree with the Aardvark. I always understood the line about the limitations to be any fetished or exclusive limitations to the spell. Basically, if a shaman/mage knows the spell as a fetish-limited spell, then they can only teach the spell as a fetish-limited spell. Therefore, the spirit could only know it with the same limitations as the master.

-- Dash --

A little off topic, but a mage can learn a spell for the ally that he doesn't even know.
I'd be tempted to say Yes. My way of reading it is that a totem is the character's personal outlook on magic. As the ally is effectively formed from part of the summoner, the outlook will be the same thus he would have the same totem and bonuses. Having the same outlook to Sorcery is, IMHO, likely considering how the spirit has the same mental stat-line as the conjurer, the same sorcery skill as the conjurer, and most importantly is (usually) formed from a point of the summoner's own magic attribute.

That, however, is just my oppinion and isn't canon AFAIK.
According to canon rules: The book seems to imply that no, they don't, but that passage about limitations is a bit vague.
However, I think Lilt has a very compelling argument for a house-rule. On the other hand, a spirit is a spirit and not a shaman, even when said spirit casts spells, so that might make a difference.
I think I'll allow it as an option at time of ally creation for my players. An option that once chosen, can not be changed, even by ally going free.
Zimbabwean Aardvark
That does make more sense, and I would use it in my game (if I GMed), but I think, by the official rules, they don't use the modifiers. This does make some sense (does a cat shamen spirit even get dirty?).
Maybe the spirit's totom would be the character.

I haven't had much sleep...
I do like Lilt's take on it. I think I'll allow it for my player. It only seems to make sense, considering that the ally spirit for a shaman comes from the metaplane of the totem itself.

Thanks for everyone's reply so far. smile.gif
The spirit receives no powers or abilities by virtue of its native plane.
QUOTE (tisoz)
The spirit receives no powers or abilities by virtue of its native plane.

Is that just your ruling, or did you find something in one of the books for that? smile.gif
It wasn't just his ruling, P108, MITS states that "Allies gain no powers or abilities by virtue of its native plane".

That dosen't rule-out totem bonuses, but it does make giving them on a plane-by-plane basis tennuous. I'd personally allow the totem bonuses as-long-as the plane the ally is from is not opposed to your totem's ideals. In-fact I'd consider not allowing a shaman to summon an ally that went against his totem/character, at-least not without some form of penalty.
QUOTE (Lilt)
It wasn't just his ruling, P108, MITS states that "Allies gain no powers or abilities by virtue of its native plane".

That dosen't rule-out totem bonuses, but it does make giving them on a plane-by-plane basis tennuous. I'd personally allow the totem bonuses as-long-as the plane the ally is from is not opposed to your totem's ideals. In-fact I'd consider not allowing a shaman to summon an ally that went against his totem/character, at-least not without some form of penalty.

My take on it was that shamans HAD to summon thier ally from the plane of thier totem.
Since we are on the subject of allies, I will ask this? Why can't Allies Conjure? Insect Queens/Mothers Conjure, How come you can't buy Conjuring as a Skill for your Ally? Any thoughts on to why this wouldn't work?
It'd kick too much ass and be a bookkeeping nightmare. What happens when your ally conjures itself an ally? wobble.gif
Loki Spirit
It would dikote it, have sex with it, and produce baby Ares Viper Silverguns!
QUOTE (Loki Spirit)
It would dikote it, have sex with it, and produce baby Ares Viper Silverguns!

QUOTE (Zazen)
It'd kick too much ass and be a bookkeeping nightmare. What happens when your ally conjures itself an ally? wobble.gif

It still needs karma...
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