Aug 21 2009, 07:50 AM
If I have a vehical and or drone with two weapon mounts, and I am jumped in to said unit, can I fire both at the same time at the time target? Do I have to split my dice pool? or can I slave the weapons together? just wondering, its been a bit since i've run a rigger,
Dakka Dakka
Aug 21 2009, 09:24 AM
I'm pretty sure that you cannot slave the two weapons together. I can't remember if there are rules for firing several vehicle weapons simultaneously, but I doubt it is possible. As A GM I would probably allow it if the player splits the dicepool.
Aug 21 2009, 10:06 AM
officially, you cannot have more than one weapon active on a vehicle at a time, iirc.
yes, that is a ridiculous rule, and no, i don't agree with it.
as for "how would i handle fire-linking multiple weapons" as a houserule, i would probably just use the rules for bursts to determine the effects of multiple shots from the fire-linked weapons, let them all fire at once, and leave it at that.
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