That's feasible yes. I must have misunderstood your intent above. Then I'd get the same programs above but skip Exploit and buy Spoof. You might also want to get Biofeedback Filters (BFF) (or play a Technomancer since they have BFF equal to their Charisma). The BFF will help if you ever to jump in and your drone takes damage. You might not intend to, but just in case you ever do, the BFF will help you stay alive when doing so.
You also
NEED the Command program if you don't want to jump-in and ECCM would be nice if you don't want to jam yourself. Or just a signal rating higher than the rating of your jammer would do, too.
Your method of hacking will likely be something like this:
- Get an authorized Access ID (Analyze); you'll need to find an authorized user of what you're trying to hack, though. But that's more social engineering and detective work than hacking, so other skills may be necessary here.
- Send a single Spoofed command to the target device (Spoof); if you win the test, the device does what you want, if you lose it doesn't.
- Repeat #2 for each command you want the target device to execute.
The upside is that you don't set off alarms, the device just ignores what you asked it do to. The downside is that, during #1, you have to find someone to pretend to be when you send the command. Otherwise, the drone ignores you. The other problem is that you need to spoof each command, not just the first. Exploiting might be a little slower and more dangerous, but once you're a god in the machine, you're a freaking god in the machine!!!
If you're commanding your own drones, I'd definitely look at the back of Unwired and you'll find a table of common rigger and drone tests. That'll help you get a handle on what the different tests are made up of. In that case, you are the authorized user so #1 above is unnecessary and you'll use the Command program in lieu of the Spoof one for when you're hacking someone else's stuff.
Don't forget that you can try to spoof things like cyberware and gear, too. My players hates it when I have a spoof-monkey on my side of the table and I start spoofing their smartguns to eject clips and what not. This sort of hacker can have a lot of fun. Order your drones to kill on your phase in IP 1. They'll start doing so during their IP 2 and 3. Meanwhile, you can start telling the opposing team's stuff to turn off or act funny for your following IP's. Granted, you won't always win the roll, and if the GM gets wise to your tactic, you'll start facing teams with better matrix security (e.g., a dedicated spider in their network watching for stuff like this).
For active jamming, p. 105 in Unwired has a bit about active jamming on the fly. Otherwise, just buy a rating 6 area jammer and turn it on. Woot! you're jamming
Just make sure your team buys ECCM so they can still communicate, too.
Finally, if you're wanting to rig the security systems of a building (a) the building will need to be set up to handle that sort of feature which not all are and (b) you'd need to gain access to their security system. That involves and Exploit style hack (above) and not a spoof (in this post). But, if a teammate can let you into the system or if you can steal credentials from an authorized, legitimate user, that might be ways to gain access, too.