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Full Version: Other ways to look for players
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Anyone have any good ideas on how to look for more local players? Almost all the game stores around here are comic/card people only it seems and posting here looking for players hasn't done much frown.gif
You can try if you are in the US...
If there are any RPG conventions near you, you could always GM a shadowrun game or join a game that already exists. I actually met my current group that way.

Additionally, check your local game stores. There is often a bulletin board where you can post notes such as looking for a shadowrun group. Asking around at a game store also could make a difference as the owners/workers would tend to know who buys the products.

I will echo the last poster, Meetup is an awesome tool, try it out.

Lastly, you could join a group that is playing a different game and then see if anyone would be interested in your running a shadowrun game or two. Most gamers I know are willing to try whatever if you are willing to GM.

Hope this helps.
You can check out penandpPergMes (honestly the iPhone keyboard sucks with those of us with big fingers) The site has just about 10,000 members now and a pretty good locator service.

Mister Book
Access Denied is a good tool, I have been on it so long I am a double digit for my ID.
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