Sep 23 2009, 03:19 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:49, Friday, 4 April 2070
Jairus leans back after Will addresses his concerns, or rather his lack of them. He makes a mental note to investigate the two clubs he recalled being shut down at approximately the same time. He lets the others voice their concerns as he turns over the problem in his head.
"Getting ourselves invited to this conference might not be all too difficult. It's not as if we're all going to pose as someone as qualified as Dr. Fischer, not even necessarily a colleague but perhaps from several other fields of interest."
"We need to start getting to know her, right away. Feel her out." Jairus says in support of Artisan. "I'm sure you have a dossier Will. Any thoughts on just how we accomplish this? Of particular interest would be any vices she may have. Getting in touch with our contacts might just trip all sorts of alarms, I'd prefer we do the initial legwork ourselves to keep the surprise at optimal levels."
Sep 23 2009, 10:28 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:50, Friday, 4 April 2070
Artisan, Jairus, Mataglap, Max, Tallon, The Suit
Will smiles, patiently, as the notes keep coming. "I believe we're talking to cross purposes here. Let me summarize the situation from my point of view, and tell you the tasks that I am thinking about.
First, let me be clear about these two longer term opportunities, the dam and the shipyard. These are very large public projects - on the order of a billion nuyen each. If the government - Seattle or UCAS, respectively - pays for them in bonds, then there is an additional level of profit to be made in derivative financial instruments. Strategically, we have very limited assets - both legitimate and otherwise - in Seattle. Getting one of these bids would 'put our foot in the door' to capitalize on other opportunities. In our specific point of view, generating a bid for projects this large costs millions of nuyen in man hours and planning. We pay our budget if we can determine whether such a commitment of resources is worthwhile."
The holo projector flickers to life again, and a number of icons come up. One, a manila folder, opens up, and a large list of blank forms spreads out. "I do not have a dossier on Dr. Fischer. This here is the blank sample I generally use - as you can see, aside from a public picture and some general publicly available information, we are blind. Someone in my organization probably has a more developed file, but I have not found who or what it was written for. Even if they do, the information contained will probably not match our needs."
The holo projector mutes itself a bit, and he gestures to each as he goes through the roll call. "Let us get into specifics. Mataglap, here, is an accomplished hacker. I would like you to review our communications between this meeting and next, and fill in as many of the blanks on this dossier that you can from the matrix.
Suit and Artisan are both known in society and have connections with the local government and shadowrunners. I would like the two of you to track down other parties that may be interested in these projects and begin assembling contact information for groups of runners who we may call upon if needed.
Max has some intricate knowledge of the financial and real estate markets. I would like you to pursue locations that we can use to meet with contacts, a location where we can privately interview Dr. Fischer, or others, if it becomes necessary, and venues we can safely work from.
Jairus is an accomplished infiltrator and investigator. You will be primarily responsible for tracking down Dr. Fischer in DC and determining whether or not she will cooperate with our inquiries.
Tallon is an importer and exporter. You, perhaps, have the most difficult job - making the contacts to get us access to and from Council Island, the Salish territories, and determining the transportation arrangements made by the conference.
Most of these things relate to each other very closely. I will provide most of my information, and I expect you to do the same. Hence the need to communicate and collaborate, and hence the urgency of your" - points to Mataglap - "task. Please, tell me if this has clarified my expectations and yours."
Sep 24 2009, 02:01 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:50, Friday, 4 April 2070
I can certainly get started on that as soon as you let me out of this cage. A dossier on the mark and specifics about the conference, in particularly I am anxious to find out which hotel the mark will be staying in and what travel arrangements have been made for her.
Perhaps, Artisan, you could organize a small soiree for the conference delegates in my suites at the Hilton? That would give you a perfect opportunity to speak with the mark in person.
Sep 25 2009, 02:28 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:53, Friday, 4 April 2070
Max made his way back to his seat, his hand finding the old Rolex in his pocket. he worried the face of it with his thumb as he considered his part in the plan. "I love the real estate game Will. Any preferences on locations? I imagine we'll need something near the Island.Yea, I think Mr Tallon and I will have some coordinating to do. In town , I have some friends that are good for finding throw away spots, but We'll probably want something more upscale, and more secure." Max was half thinking out loud as he finished talking. It was almost harder to focus on his part of the puzzle when his brain chased after the big picture.
Sep 25 2009, 12:17 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:53, Friday, 4 April 2070
Artisan smiled politely when Will began doling out assignments. He honestly didn't mind. At this point, Will was the only person in the room that Artisan felt was qualified to decide what their objectives should be. He still felt as though he was being kept in the dark, somewhat understandably. It helped to hear Will break down exactly why he invited each of the men to this meeting - and gave Artisan a chance to put a name with each face. He had arrived to this meeting last and so he had missed whatever Will might have made in way of introductions as they arrived.
As far as his role in the mission, Artisan felt a little more confidant about contacting shadowrunners than local government officials. His social circle was fairly wide - and surprisingly eclectic - but anyone with government ties in Seattle would be a friend-of-a-friend at best. Still, he was sure he could put together something, and the guy called 'Suit' may be able to bridge any gaps that he, himself, could not. When Mataglap suggested a small soiree in a Hilton suite, Artisan's face lit up, and he bowed slightly towards the man to indicate that he would be honored to help coordinate the event.
Very quickly, the mission seemed to be coming together, with his role comfortably where he expected it to be from the outset. His pleasure was evident on his face.
Sep 25 2009, 08:38 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:50, Friday, 4 April 2070
Jairus pays careful attention as Will succinctly introduces everyone, and by habit he memorizes their names with their appearances. Not that he'll trust either one.
Nodding as Max and Mataglap speak, Jairus almost cinematically puts a hand to his chin. "Getting near her may be simple enough, if we had the proper contacts in DC. I'm afraid my reach doesn't extend quite as far. In fact, I'll be quite blind. Haven't left Seattle in years, I'm afraid."
"Since we are all in this together I would appreciate any contacts you wish to share that would make this social recon a little smoother. Unless of course, we mean to totally catch them by surprise and we go with only what we know and can know."
Sep 27 2009, 03:50 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:50, Friday, 4 April 2070
Artisan, Jairus, Mataglap, Max, Tallon, The Suit
"Well, I do have communications with the man who runs my employer's field office in DC. I will have to contact him first, before I share your information with him, but I'm sure he could expedite something. I do not prefer to run things blindly, but given what happened to our predecessors, most of those in this line of business within my organization are cautious of Seattle requests. Another unfortunate result of our previous compromise."
"Max, I have no specific preference for location. The mission, the plan, and the amount of time and money we can commit will determine that."
Will winks at Mataglap and smiles, in one of those vague conspiratorial gestures that seems to say "Of course, this meeting is a necessary inconvenience," but really says absolutely nothing.
Sep 29 2009, 01:02 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:54, Friday, 4 April 2070
"Hey this is off the cuff here, so feel free to chuck it in the bin. How about water access? We con some old lady in Belvue to take a trip somewhere and use her house in the interim. somewhere right on the lake. A boat could give us more access in and out of the Island. And we could use a Fancy, private house to talk to Dr. Fischer. Maybe we even send her to the Capital. might make a good cover to head in to D.C. with some old widow in tow. I mean, the Idea needs some hammering out but what do you think? Tallon, you got some boat savy folks in your business? I'm sure we could use a nice Belvue mansion to work out of for a few days. "
Sep 29 2009, 09:18 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:54, Friday, 4 April 2070
"I have no objection. It's been years since I've fished. I leave it to you gentlemen to work the details of that out, but I'm sure we have a shell company to rent a timeshare through, somewhere."
Sep 29 2009, 10:07 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
21:54, Friday, 4 April 2070
"I'd appreciate any hook-ups, Will. As I said I wouldn't want to feel out my contacts for anything they may have set up in DC. Not if we want this op to stay off everyone's radar. Specifically, I'd need a vehicle and two places to stay. Preferably not set up by the same people. The safehouse I'd prefer they not even know about. Nothing fancy. I'm not expecting to convince her single-handed. Recon work, am I right?"
"Hmm, I suppose a throwaway ID would also be nice to have. Again, I would prefer secondary channels. If there's... friction between the operations in these two cities it would be best to have them supply only a small amount of what we need."
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:00, Friday, 4 April 2070
Will looks at you for a moment, pauses as if thinking of a response, then begins. "I can introduce you to my colleague in DC, who handles this kind of business often, for numbers of situations. He can provide you with whatever information he has on hand, and can even introduce you to a number of people. Anything you get from him that requires his resources will be taken out of my operational budget - we are a business, after all.
Regarding 'friction,' let me clarify - our operation in Seattle was compromised, and no-one knows how thoroughly. He will be cautious, because he does not know whether this request is coming from a legitimate concern or from the people who compromised us. That is why I am providing him a method to contact you, not the other way around. This is not friction, this is common sense.
The other things - vehicles, plane tickets, etc., must be on your own initiative. I do not have the contacts or the infrastructure here to set this kind of thing up for you. I am sure some of us at this table do. That is the purpose of this meeting, to start such a field office with those abilities. I am sure you have your own throwaway identification, which you can use to arrange transportation, vehicles, hotels. If you have to burn it, we will take it out of an operational expense. You are in a salaried position now.
Once you get your reconnaissance together and come up with a plan for it, I can even set aside a budget for it. This sort of thing usually costs around three thousand nuyen."
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:18, Friday, 4 April 2070
Artisan, Jairus, Mataglap, Max, Tallon, The Suit
The meeting goes on for a little while more, covering mostly some operational security concerns, general background information on the various folks, and some simple coordination issues.
The next meeting gets scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon, 2:30 PM/late lunch, at a small bar in Bellevue. Will concludes the meeting by pulling a small bag from his coat, and spreading some 12 credsticks on the table, and sorting them into 6 pairs.
"Each of these pairs contains two devices. The first is a simple, certified credstick for one thousand nuyen. This will cover initial operating expenses, and will provide you with a cover story for the meeting. If you are pressed, deny, evade, do whatever, but if someone can pin you to your presence here, and name the other people present, tell them you were gambling, and this is your payment. It is a flimsy cover story, but it at least gives you time for denial before we can get you legal representation or move to cover the damage done.
"The second is a network passkey, which will give you access, through an anonymized server, to send me a message directly." Taps his temple. "Use it in case of a life, limb, eyesight, or potential compromise emergency. If you use it, do not bother to encyrpt it or use prowords, as we will be past that point. Also on it are 10 different commcodes that I use for anonymous business, and a small dump of files that I use for planning and storing information. Load these into your commlink, and they will erase from the module. If you call me on one of them, I will call you back via another commcode. Preferably to a different number. Feel free to contact me as you need, and I will be able to meet with you on up to six hours notice if necessary."
He replaces the bag in his suit pocket, and stands. "The agenda for the next meeting is set. Jairus, you and I will probably need to meet earlier to discuss your travel plans. I recommend you use a similar arrangement to coordinate with each other, at least until Max finds leads on more useful facilities. That is all I need to cover today. If you feel like staying longer, please do. I am not in a hurry, and it would not do to all leave at once. Breach will tell you where to go."
Oct 2 2009, 12:01 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:07, Friday, 4 April 2070
Jairus nods as Will elaborates, then glances to the others at the mention of infrastructure."Hate to begin what promises to be a long and fruitful relationship by asking for a favour, but since we are now all in this together... Well my services are at your disposal. I do have the contacts to get gear moving around, usually requiring a direct hand and my intervention at times. Personnel and information too.
But I have been strictly local in my dealings. Jairus stands taller in his seat, projecting openness and sincerity with his voice and movements.
I plan on going in as me. I do have a legal SIN. I plan on being someone else, however, upon arrival. As Will said, his contact will be helpful if wary and there will still be a fee. I'd rather that we limit what we owe, even if paid for by the budget, to other people. Favours... you understand.
I foresee a need for a nondescript rental vehicle, one hideout hole in the wall, and another that's suitably mediocre and presentable. If you can help in any of these little details it would be much appreciated.
As for my approach... This will require help from the office there. Her movements, her hangouts, where is she most vulnerable and what are her vices--if any. I intend to build a dossier, not recruit her then and there.
I welcome ideas, friends. He smiles, sounding like he really means it.
Oct 2 2009, 03:28 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:07, Friday, 4 April 2070
Jairus, if you plan on making a trip to DC I might be able to help out with difficult baggage. It usually doubles the cost of your seat but I can arrange for items you don't want to bring through security to be collected and re-delivered to you at your destination.
I occasionally find myself arranging events in other jurisdictions and exporting talent whose face's are unknown to expedite things. Funny how many of their personal effects might cause a stir at an airport check-in desk.
I'll start building a dossier on the woman and I might be able to spoof some sort of basic accommodation by the time you get to DC but it won't be the Watergate.
Oct 5 2009, 07:39 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:07, Friday, 4 April 2070
Artisan waits, still leaning against the back wall of the room, perfectly willing to be one of the last people to leave or pick up their thousand-nuyen. He is interested to see if the others will be sticking around to socialize, or whether they would plan to split up and not speak to one another until the next meeting Mataglap and Jarius catch his attention, as they begin discussing plans for a trip to DC. He listens, intently, and then adds, looking at both of them, "Depending on the specific plans you have for this meeting, I would suggest simply leaving anything you wouldn't want to go through security at home." He shrugged, "If there is something you need, by all means, take Mataglap up on his offer - but otherwise, it seems like an excessive expense for a short trip, which is unlikely to require any special restricted equipment."
Oct 5 2009, 11:08 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:08, Friday, 4 April 2070
Nodding at Mataglap and listening to Artisan's input, Jairus looks away for a moment before coming to a brief decision. "Perhaps going in under my own SIN isn't the smartest of moves, I do have several sufficient identities that are disposable. Thanks for the offer, Mataglap, though I believe Artisan is correct. If it comes to a point where I'll need a weapon, I'd have failed already."
He smirks at the two of them. "That said, I'm not planning on making it easy. Not really interested in any firearms Will's colleagues can provide there, and I don't want to spend time hunting down used Ares Predators. I'll carry something that won't be immediately identifiable, purely self-defense. I'll pick up a taser there too."
Jairus indicates the entire group, the entire affair, and nods towards them both. "So what do you two think of it all?
Oct 6 2009, 02:28 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:10, Friday, 4 April 2070
Timing his trip to retrieve the credsticks to put him close to Tallon, Max put on his AR gloves and dropped the sunglasses over his eys. He begen talking to the Ork as he loaded Credsticks into his comm,"So I'v got some real estate to aquire, and you seem like a guy who'd want some input on what and where. Am I right? I can't make any promises, but I'll try to get what you need. I'm thinking about Tacoma. there's good access, I know the local crime families pretty good, and the security is a happy medium. not as savage as Redmond, and not as locked down as Belvue. We'll need something downtown too, but to get started, I figured Tacoma as a safer bet. Without getting too personal, where do you like to operate from? and what kind of facilities do you think we need?"
Oct 9 2009, 07:27 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:10, Friday, 4 April 2070
After waiting a few minutes for the others to talk themselves out, start collecting their credsticks and making preparations to leave, Mataglap rose, collected his pair of credsticks and left the room with a jaunty two fingered salute to Will.
I expect you guys are skilled enough to get a message to me if you need me. Otherwise I'll see you on Tuesday.
As he left the room and the familiar wash of the Matrix began to break over him again he let out a sigh of relief. It was almost as if his heart started beating again.
By the time he exited the building Aouda and Mr Fix were waiting for him at the kerb. He hopped cheerfully aboard and instructed the auto-pilot to head for Club Penumbra. He would spend a few hours reinforcing the alibi Will had suggested before slipping off into the bowels of the Underground to get started
There was much to do before Tuesday...
Oct 10 2009, 03:01 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:11, Friday, 4 April 2070
With Matglap announcing his departure, Max throws out a comm number to anyone in the room who's interested. To Tallon he mentions quietly,"Looks like the party is over. Schools out and its time to play"
Then, gesturing to the group" Well gentlemen, you can call me on this number if you want to talk shop, It should be good for a day or two. otherwise, it's been real "
Max gave Matglap some time before slipping out himself. He hopped a taxi and headed for the Gold Lion Inn downtown. He never went home after a meet.
Oct 11 2009, 02:29 AM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:10, Friday, 4 April 2070
Slowly standing up, signalling with his body language that he was ready to leave but in no rush, Jairus slowly circulates amongst his new team and exchanges communication info. Briefly it accepts the input of new contact information and exchanges his own info before being shut off again.
"Truly a pleasure. I look forward to working with you all. G'night."
He stays behind long enough to answer any questions and entertain any thoughts before the next meet. But after a few minutes he makes his way past the guard with a friendly, nodding smile, and walks out into the night. Setting his decoy commlink on, broadcasting "Manuel Morris", to any one curious enough to look, Jairus waits a few moments before turning on his main contact link again.
His bike is just where he left it, underneath a canopy, only slightly moistened. Setting trodes then the helmet over his head, he wakens Malachi. A gift from Bamba, an old friend and teammate, Jairus suspected it was Bamba's subtle way of saying he needed help with his Matrix affairs. And that he did. "Malachi. Wake up!" The AR overlay flickers on as Jairus starts his sleek racing bike and enters the streets.
The agent was in one of its moods. It acknowledged him with a brief nod, as if offended at being shut off an hour ago without prior warning. If he expected an apology, Jairus wouldn't give him one. "Do whatever it is you do to hide the contact info I just plugged in. No other traces anywhere, delete, bury it, wipe it I don't care. Once you're done, go find Your Maker and tell him I'm going to need his help. You have an hour, leave the Analyze program running." The figure in the billowing robes bowed almost mockingly then faded away leaving the contact link empty.
Jairus rode on as the night glinted off the slippery streets.
He longed to return to her bed. Instead he took an exit, winding his way to meet with a fat ork and his guns.
Oct 11 2009, 08:50 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:11, Friday, 4 April 2070AllThe meeting breaks up haphazardly. Since nobody wants to leave at the same time, some stay around to chat, all exchange various sets of semi-legitimate numbers that will eventually end up in contact being made, and people trickle out of the room.
The troll outside moved into the foyer, and is sitting casually on one of the desks. He points to various exit staircases from the building as you approach, a couple through the
Bennigan's, according to some pattern in his head.
As you leave, you review the paperwork
Will gave you. There is a neatly organized folder entitled "Asset recovery packet", a few other folders with different information, and a neatly concealed script that writes the information the packet needs into other seemingly innocuous files along the datachip. Enough to deter a casual inspection.
[ Spoiler ]
The "Asset Recovery Packet" seems to be a planning checklist for extraction missions. It includes a standardized, fill-in-the-blank target dossier, a number of facility dossiers, a checklist of things that need to be accounted for, and some harmless looking but significant-seeming 'source and contact cards.' Those of you with corporate experience suspect that this is a redacted portion of some internal document.
The dossier includes:
1. Identifying data for the target
2. Assessment of business address
3. Assessment of residence
4. Assessment cards for other locations of interest
5. Financial assessment form
6. Business contract cards (a place to fill out what kind of outstanding contractual or financial arrangements the target has - one for mortgage, another for 'frequent flyer accounts', one for DocWagon or CrashCart contracts, etc.)
The checklist includes:
1. Asset surveillance plan
2. Asset recovery plan
3. Asset transfer point
4. Disposition point
5. Dead asset disposal
6. Emergency coordination
The source and contact card seems to be a standard way of recording the information about people you meet, and linking them to the various files, etc. in case somebody else has to take up the contact.
JairusAfter a few seconds on the roll, you see the buzzing little light of an incoming comcall from
Bamba flickering in the corner of your vision. Strikes you a little by surprise, but with him it's either boredom, he needs something, or both. When you flick it on, his face appears in the corner, somewhere near an automated hot dog kiosk.
"Hola, amigo, como se vas?"
Oct 12 2009, 03:43 PM
Meeting Room, Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:11, Friday, 4 April 2070
"Bien gracias, Bamba, y tu?" Jairus allows himself a little smile as he swerves to a different lane. That was as much Spanish as he knew, and a simple enough code. A change in the reply, or the question would mean either one was being observed, followed, or being coerced. No matrix tricks, nothing to decipher, just innocent and broken spanish.
"Hotdogs man? Thought you were cutting down. Do me a favour? Tune-up Malachi, he's getting a bit grumpy. So what's going on?"
Oct 13 2009, 11:59 AM
Puget Sound Maritime Credit Union Building, 4th and Evergreen, Snohomish, Seattle
22:11, Friday, 4 April 2070
As Artisan exits the meeting room, and his Matrix connection re-establishes itself, he is immediately bombarded with an hour's worth of neglected media, messages, and news - but he manages to push his way past it all to find a message from his security-team checking in. He informs them of his safety, and directs the limousine driver around to the back of the building to pick him up. The night's meeting was filled with interesting possibilities and personalities, and Artisan had a lot to think about before Tuesday. He also had a lot to look into, and he hoped that he found some inspiration over the weekend.
As the limo turned onto the first main-road, leading towards the International District, Artisan commed the driver, and redirected it slightly, to an upscale nightclub, which was also downtown. Artisan needed to clear his head, listen to some music, and sift through the piles of matrix-data fighting for his attention before he called it a night.
Oct 13 2009, 12:19 PM
[b]I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:27, Friday, 4 April 2070
"Nada, vato. Big pile of nothing. 'Cept hotdogs! I got stuck in my house for a couple weeks, because of a little this and that, you know? Ya, tho, I dig it with Malachi, but you bought the personality software, man, it's doing what you bought it for. That'll run you like 50 nuyen. You know, 'cause this guy down the block keeps on saying I owe him a little something something for having to watch the house more while I was home, know what I mean? But, yo, you know my shit is real. What you been up to these days? Kickin' real with the pocket protector posse, yo?"
Oct 13 2009, 07:37 PM
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:27, Friday, 4 April 2070
"Bamba, Bamba, you gotta eat something real once in a while. And fix Malachi then, but if he starts pouting I'm making him clean out some used KidLinks." Jairus keeps an eye on the road, opting to go slower than to risk an accident. "I'm working on something right now. Tell you what, you free tomorrow morning hombre? Remember that diner with the breakfast seafood burritos? Meet me there about 10, I'm buying. Fill you in then."
Taking an exit and entering the upscale part of the Barrens, if it could be called 'upscale', Jairus flips his decoy link's broadcasts. It wouldn't be appreciated in this neighbourhood. After a few more minutes of friendly banter, Jairus says goodnight to Bamba with a smile. Texting Tim's current commcode about his arrival, he circles the 'hood in unpredictable patterns until he gets the signal to proceed.
Oct 14 2009, 06:52 PM
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:27, Friday, 4 April 2070JairusBamba confirms the appointment, in between various complaints and excuses about life in general, and asks if you could advance him (i.e., give him, since he won't pay it back) 50
on top of his fee for fixing Malachi (which is BS, but that's what you get for being friends with this otherwise useful fellow).
The barrens look like the barrens. A burnt out hulk, long stripped of anything potentially valuable except the stamped aluminium that makes up the frame, blocks the short route to
Tim's place. It seems to have run into a tin-roofed shack and partially collapsed the thing, and there's debris strewn through the road behind it (bits of pavement, a couple rotting devil rats, etc.). The locals sit under overhangs, in corners, even occasionally out in the street, looking at your bike with the guarded expressions that poor people wear when they're trying to parse whether this is a threat, an opportunity, or simply something new and more curious than the trid broadcasts that they don't get.
You take the other roads, and the scene remains the same. The herds of filthy and half-starved children running around show less caution than their elders, running near your bike as much possible screaming "yo, mister! give me some food! give me your shoes!"
Tim's text comes back -
<<@Franco's Body Shop (Jairus) - Hoi. I'm walking down to the shed, now. Unless you want to help me move some crates, though, you'll have to park out front.>>
Oct 14 2009, 10:56 PM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:51, Friday, 4 April 2070Max"Thank you mr. Williams" The desk clerk said with a tired smile. Her body language screamed exhaustion, but she hid it well.
"Thank you Shelly," Max said softly, gleaning her name from her tag. He pockets the passkey and makes his way to his room. He mixed himself a Vodka tonic from the mini bar and plopped on the bed. He put in a call to the current number he had for the Black Star. He wanted some input on good real estate, and this was their schtick. At the same time, he began poking around the matrix for Bellvue's well to do in the "old widow" category, or any other oportunity that would present itself.
[ Spoiler ]
data search 3 + Logic 5=
[3,1,3,5,5,3,3,2] = (2) His commcall seemed to take a while. probably got bounced around a little first. The woman on the other end said simply
"Black Star""Hello M'Lady, Max Broman here. long time supporter, Big time fan. No emergency here babe, but I do need a favor. I'm looking for a place to call my own in Tacoma, someplace discreet, with a good deal of space. Water access a plus."
Oct 15 2009, 06:17 AM
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:31, Friday, 4 April 2070JairusJairus nods the transaction before closing the call to Bamba, forwarding him the 50
. Not like he could ever say no to the guy. Hearing the pack of children and knowing just how desperate they can be, Jairus smoothly accelerates away while praying none are stupid enough to get near the wheels.
Tim's message was typical, always the double sided approach.
<<You know what, Tim? I think I'll help you move those crates. I still haven't upgraded the security on this puppy. I'm on my way now.>> Jairus grins as he makes his way to the rear of Franco's Body Shop, hoping the kids who did follow at least know enough to stay away from this place.
"No spare scrips, kids. Sorry, wasn't planning on coming here..." He mumbles to his AR overlay as he makes his way to the shed.
Oct 17 2009, 09:30 PM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:51, Friday, 4 April 2070MaxThere's a pause, then the light contralto voice on the other end responds with:
"Sure, Max. We know a couple people in Tacoma, might be able to hook you up with something. Send over 500
or volunteer a couple hours of your time and I'll arrange a meeting for you with one of our trusted folks."[ Spoiler ]
Dude! Spelling! Suite ~= suit, Gold loin hotel is hilarious, discrete DEFINITELY doesn't equal discreet. Forgive the rant.
The Black Star lady means "give us the location of a safehouse or agree provide a couple services (volunteer a safehouse, stuff like that) when she says "a couple hours of your time)."
As far as old widows in Bellevue, a discreet data search of the obituary columns lits 214 ladies over the age of 70 with dead husbands. You could either spam them, or just look for a timeshare or something.
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:33, Friday, 4 April 2070JairusYou hear a huge voice shout
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" from your right, as you pull up to the boarded up awning that passes for the garage at Franco's.
Tim walks around the corner, looking slightly ridiculous in an oil-stained jumpsuit and wide-brimmed, floppy, chemical-rain resistant hat. Some troll boy, probably about 7 years old (you can't tell through the filth) and on the top-side of 5' tall, throws a rock at him before scampering away and shouting profanities.
Tim motions you to a corner, under the awning, and pulls a heavily used cigar from some filthy fold of his jumpsuit.
"So what are you doing coming down to the cradle of civilization on this fine night?
Oct 19 2009, 02:11 AM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:55, Friday, 4 April 2070
"You're beautiful babe! and mi casa es su casa alright?! Have your people hit me on this number, it should be good for a day or so.Oh, and if you want the cred and the hospitality, I could use anything you have on the upcoming election,the skinny on the candidates in particular."
Max was elbows deep in Belvue listings. Timeshares seemed the safest bet. He kept sifting through for the best choice as he logged on to his personal comm and started forging some background info for his secondary Sin. A home in Ohio, and a matching bank account.
Oct 19 2009, 03:52 PM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:55, Friday, 4 April 2070Max"Well, you want the skinny on the candidates, you can talk to the League of Women Voters. You want Black Star's take on the elections, well, they're a capital-imperialist propaganda drive to present us with three functionally identical oppressors, and we refuse to back down and support the machine that propagates them." Voice giggles.
"But aside from that, Strouthers hasn't been too hard on us for the past couple years; but Dzugasvilli has the closest thing to a platform we would care about."[ Spoiler ]
Roll etiquette or con if you want to press the lady for more info than you get - somebody in Black Star will know stuff about the candidates, it may or may not be her.
As far as renting a timeshare, you're going on the right direction. The hard part will be coming up with an appropriately legitimate (and false) pretext for getting in on the timeshare; actually getting it once you've got that is easy.
Oct 19 2009, 05:58 PM
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:33, Friday, 4 April 2070
Jairus looks at the kid scampering off and turns to Tim with a grin as he removes his helmet. He had shut off his commlink just before pulling in, leaving his contactlink in hidden mode. "Oh I was in the 'hood. Thought how my good friend Tim was doing and that I should go see him."
"Can I leave this here? Let's catch up inside, eh?"
(Once inside.)
He takes a quick glance around, eying any new merchandise. He looks Tim in the eye. "I need to secure protection. It'll be picked up in another city. And I could use any connections you may have there. Nothing more till I have your word about being discreet. And I don't mean you won't run to the cops discreet, I mean, null-noise."
Oct 20 2009, 02:43 AM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:56, Friday, 4 April 2070
"You my dear, are sassy. I'm diggin it. You gotta know I'm not asking as a concerned voter. I'm looking to hedge my bets for when the chips fall,and I know you guys are ahead of the curve. Am I right? I can feel it. I can feel the stacks of data you got in three big old piles. And somebody's asking" we got three shades of ugly,How are we gonna come out ahead here? " and that's where uncle Max can help. I've been looking out for you guys. My mother is at Temple every week, praying for you guys. I see the Seattle Black Star growing like a sun, But we're gonna need a little fission to get there am I right? This is beyond the money now, this is real. And if you can't handle it, I need to talk to someone who can."
Max Decides to keep the forgeries in a template stage for now, He realizes he might need a better Fake Sin to work with. He encrypts the files and loads in his data bomb while he waits for the women to respond.
Oct 20 2009, 06:50 PM
I-5 north to Redmond/Bellevue, Seattle
22:35, Friday, 4 April 2070
Tim replies with a snort of smoke through his jowls, and a puff of his belly that looks like it took some serious lower-back muscle and a heft on the waistline with his free hand. "Run to the cops? Discreet? Look around you and think about that for a little bit. Remember what I used to do for a living." After the laughter, mock indignation, and copious puff from the cigar, he says: "What kind are you talking about? Need a guard, or a gun?"
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:56, Friday, 4 April 2070
"Now that's not first date talk. You serious about that sort of thing, we'll have to check on you a bit and call you back. Wouldn't want any misunderstandings."
Oct 22 2009, 10:42 AM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:59, Friday, 4 April 2070
"You do what you think is right m'lady, but time is of the essence."
Oct 24 2009, 02:42 PM
Artisan's Gallery, International District, Downtown
11:50, Saturday, 5 April 2070
Artisan rolled from one side of his luxurious bed to the other, as he slowly went through the motions of waking himself, sometime before noon. The majority of the previous night was a blur - at least, everything that had happened after the meeting with Will. This wasn't because Artisan had gone on some insane drinking binge, or anything. Rather, it was because the night was so utterly usual that very little of it had bothered to stick to his memory. He had hit up a few new clubs, in an effort to find novelty and inspiration, but ended up running into the same crowd of people he tended to run into at those sort of places - all of whom had evidently had a similar idea to see and be seen at these new clubs, for a change of scenery.
It had not been a complete waste of time, however. Artisan had spotted Kym Tschoepe at one point, entertaining a group of young out-of-place looking "clients", and had not wanted to bother her while she was working. After catching her eye (which wasn't hard since he stood out fairly prominently, even among the glitzy partygoers), he made a gesture to indicate that she should call him, and had a round of drinks sent over to her table before moving on and continuing making his rounds of that particular scene.
Evidently, someone had noticed that he was getting up - probably the security rigger - because his commlink blinked to life, and after putting his trode-band on and accepting the link, he received a rather usual status report of the security going-ons around his home. There were no important messages for him - not any from Kym, at least - but at this point, he might as well start his day - he had a lot of planning to do, over the weekend, and punctuality was not one of his virtues. While he waited for Kym to get back in touch with him, he would spend the afternoon making arrangements for the Hilton soiree.
Oct 27 2009, 08:17 PM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
22:59, Friday, 4 April 2070
The voice on the other end of the line says: "We'll get back to you on the one thing. For the Tacoma stuff, my man will call you tomorrow, probably set up a meeting on Sunday."
A silvery snake of information twines into the corner of your vision while you trade subtle criticisms with the Hilton's concierge, who is trying valiantly not to express displeasure at the notion of reserving a suite of rooms on a Friday night without a prearranged and somewhat locked in guest list.
The silvery snake twines into and around a vanilla ARO indicating an incoming call from Kym's marketing company, and her affected accent states: "I'm glad you were able to find that nice lebanese blonde at Cyrenaeca, the rest of their wine list is so pedestrian. I'm afraid it wasted on my friends."
Oct 29 2009, 01:19 AM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
23:00, Friday, 4 April 2070Max"Keep the faith my dear, and keep in touch" He kills the call while he ticks off a message to "Sam":
<<I know you're a busy man,I'll keep this short. I'm looking for a SIN of the highest calibur. Making some big purchases. If you could help, I'd owe you--Max>>Then one to The Bushers gang:
<< [in Salish] Hey my friends. I would like to find a place on your side of the border. something I could operate from in a pinch, Or at least hide out when the heat is on. Water access would be a great help. Our future cooperation could be very lucrative [Salish]>>Max is feeling a little couped up in the hotel room. Its time for a little diversion. He shuts off his com and slides it under a chair. He plops in the chair for a minute and concentrates. He fills his mind with a wall of fire, mentally asking for a spirit to step forward. the heat grows more real. the astral space around him is breathing heavy.
[ Spoiler ]
Summoning F3 Fire Elemental(overcasting/Spending edge) Summoning 3 + Magic 2 + edge 2:
[[6, 6, 5],3,4,5,1,3,4] = (4) Spirit F3:
[5,4,2] = (1) resisting 2P drain:
[1,6,1,6,6,5,1,5] = (5) optional power: Fear
A flaming homunculus strides foreward and nods a slight bow
."Fuckin A!" Max yells as he leaps to his feet atop the chair looking down on his Fiery servent. He is so excited to pull this off he almost forgets why he summoned him in the first place.He remembers reading about the mental link, so he orders the spirit in his mind
,"Watch over this device" he says, pulling the commlink from beneath the chair to show him.
"Let no one touch this but me, If anything comes in this room other than me, tell them to leave. And if they don't, attack them" With that he takes the other comm, Flips the rooms node to do not disturb, and heads to the hotel bar for some excitement.
Nov 1 2009, 01:45 PM
Gold Lion Hotel,4760 Pacific Highway, Seattle
13:20, Saturday, 5 April 2070
In an effort to bring his current conversation to a close, Artisan makes some hurried remarks to the concierge, hoping to conceal just enough of his frustration, to let it be understood that a great deal of money was about to disappear if the Hilton was not willing to bend on some of its policies, fairly quickly. The concierge agreed to call Artisan back after looking into a few things, which freed the man up to accept the call from Kym. "Les petites choses, my dear." The two of them made idle conversation for a few minutes, discussing wine, the club's choice of music last night, as well as a few of the other new locations that Artisan had been to, which Kym simply must experience for herself. As mundane as the night before had felt, earlier, talking about his evening to someone else made the evening seem to come alive - due, in no small part, to Artisan's own skill at weaving together a narrative. He had no doubt that his description had planted a small seed of curiosity in his friend - an itch, he hoped, which she would be willing to scratch.
"... so, if your schedule allows, I've got a few places in mind I would like to show you, this weekend, and may have a business opportunity, which I would prefer to elaborate on, in person."
Nov 10 2009, 11:58 PM
Assorted Locations, Seattle, 0900 Sunday 6 April 2070MaxHangover, headache, and a clogged nose. Grumble up, make for the toilet, vomit. Blow the nose, wipe the blood of the sink. Not much, nothing to worry about, right? The girl in the bedroom is sprawled across the bed, and in no danger of waking up for a while. The little spirit, who looks disturbingly like the monopoly man, perched over the bedpost keeps an eye on her anyway.
As you sit, you note two things pinging in your commcode - a message from the
Black Star girl, telling you that "Fatso" Cignarelli is willing to give you a tour around Tacoma this afternoon after lunch, and another code from the
<<@Max (Eagle's Foot) - Sure, we got some things. I got five places with water access to Seattle. You can either come see them, or reserve one of them at short notice from my man Little Dog. Give him a call.>>ArtisanLong headaches with the maitre'D aside, you and Kym set up a date for Sunday evening at L' Fin du Monde; car to pick you up a half hour early, drinks afterward at Hagakure.
The hotel wants
5,000 for the evening;
200 per head, and
75 per non-invited staff member (to be entertained comfortably in another room. The concierge repeatedly reassures you with the urgency of one who thinks repetition will make it true that this is no inconvenience whatsoever and everyone will be treated well, with the status they desire.
Jairus: Waiting in the
Chicago airport for the next puddle-jumper to DC; suborbital is too classy for a standard business trip, but the early morning today and the slight heartache of waiting in the airport with a Morrisey Elan tucked into the bottom of your underwear makes you wish you'd got it. You have the tickets, a reservation at a cheap bed-and-breakfast; and the instructions on how to get to the EPA facility sitting in your head. Sunday to scope it out; monday to make the move; red-eye back home Tuesday morning at oh-dark-thirty.
Such is the life.
Nov 11 2009, 03:09 AM
Gold Lion Hotel, Seattle, 0900 Sunday 6 April 2070
The effort to drag his body around the room seems crippling. He watched the woman in the bed, trying not to disturb her as he retrieved his comm. I totally meant to go back to her room.He reviewed the messages numbly and decided to deal with it when he was alone and less nauseated. Grabbing his things, he snaps a picture of his unconscious conquest in case she turns out to be anyone useful, although at the moment, he can't even remember her name. Max grabs a soy-kaf in the lobby while he "hails a cab" over the comm. This was a mistake, the coffee hit his stomach like a brick on fire. ducking into the restroom, he hurled into the sink and ran water over his face until the cab had arrived.Once he was back in his condo, he collapsed onto the couch, barely setting the house node to wake him at 11:30. The last thing he thought before drifting back off was that his mother was going to call before then anyway.