So, taking some of the advice from folk here these are my game notes for the session:
AegisChains (troll fixer) contacts the PC’s and wants to meet with them at a nice restaurant in the Underground called Ivory. He tells them to come “dressed for success.�
When the PC’s get there they find Chains having dinner with a well-dressed ork wearing glasses and an expensive, if understated, suit. The PC’s notice that he has a small gold O.R.C. pin in his lapel. - Chains introduces the team to Janus Kraal, the executive director of the Ork Rights Commission.
Janus explains that with the surge of race based hate crimes in the last few months that he and the leaders of some other racial and religious groups have decided to meet and to discuss what can be done to try and decrease the level of animosity throughout the city.
He would like them to act as his bodyguards for the three days of the meetings. He usually doesn’t have bodyguards because of the image it presents but feels that with the large number of potential targets in one spot it is wiser to be prudent in this case. – He wants independents since he can’t be sure that some of the “competition� hasn’t made bribes to some of the local security companies to send him substandard help.
He is willing to pay them 2000¥ a day for their work. He’s allotted a fund to make sure they have the appropriate clothing and armor for the job (each PC gets an Actioneer Business Suit – armor 5/3). He tells them that personal bladed weaponry is fine since it is currently “in vogue� with the businessmen to have their bodyguards visually armed in the Japanese style.
He also uploads to them his itinerary for the duration of the meetings, which is as follows.
- Day 1 – A meeting with the leaders of the Underground to discuss their goals.
- Day 2 – Meeting with racial leaders of various factions in Seattle Center.
- Day 3 – Holding a speech at a public rally to announce what the council discussed.
Day 1: This day starts off with Janus meeting with several prominent members of the Ork Underground to hash out their goals for the talks the next day - The PC's see Ms. Wilson, the watch leader from their earlier job in the underground as well as Rakard, Hawk's MA instructor. - Their goals are things like trying to be recognized as a formal district of the city, which breaks down in to who would be mayor...but Janus brings them back to task.
During the meeting a group from the Suns of Sauron try to attend - But the council won't recognize the group since they are terrorists. - Janus messages the PC's and asks them to remove them from the premises, "nicely, if possible."
Day 2: The schedule for this day has Janus attending meetings at the Seattle Center with leaders from various racial, religious, and civil groups to discus the racial tensions that have been growing around the city and come up with a plan of action to try and reduce the violence and promote good will. Attending the conference will be: Janus, Juliana Corma - director of the empowerment coalition, Amanda Goldwing - leader of the Seattle chapter of the Church of the Dragon, Governor Struthers, Rabbi Bran ben Ysaac - from the People of the Book, as well as representatives of the Humanis Policlub and Lone Star.
The meetings have garnered so much attention that the streets around Seattle center are packed with cars and pedestrians. - The driver of the car will have to make a Reaction + Pilot + Handling (4) test to make the assembly on time.
If the PC's make the driving test then they get there with a few minutes to spare. If they fail the test then they arrive one minute late for each success they failed by, which also affects Janus' position during the meetings.
At the Seattle Center the mob outside is huge and populated by protestors and fans of every stripe. LS has a barricaded area for attendees to unload but the crowd is too thick to get there with a vehicle (not without running over pedestrians). The PC's will have to escort Janus through the throng on foot to get him inside.
There are lots of Media personnel and camera drones around so anything the PC's do will be caught on camera.
- Encounter 1 - When they get into the crowd an Intuition + Visual Perception (4) test makes out a large bald headed human moving towards Janus very quickly. It will take a separate Intuition + Visual Perception (5) test to notice the autograph book he has in his hand. - See what the PC's do.
- Encounter 2 - Once the PC's get onto the walkway secured by LS they will have some freedom of movement and be able to head straight towards the entrance to the Seattle Center. However, a shouting match between some Humanis supporters and some elven activists has developed into a brawl and will spill over the barricade and into the PC's group. - The fists are fast and furious - see what the PC's do.
- Encounter 3 - Some ork hating cybered assassin jumps the barricade with a gun behind the group and takes out the nearby LS cops with spur before taking a shot at Janus. PC's must make an Intuition + Visual Perception (4) test to spot the guy before he gets his shot off. - See what the PC's do.
Before this happens the assassin jams the comlinks of the LS officers in the area so if they want to inform anyone of the event will have to hack through the jamming.
The rest of the day is uneventful and the talks end for the day.
Day 3: The PC's escort Janus to the rally where he gives his speech to the gathered crowd and media. The event is tense, but uneventful.
On their way back from the rally however they notice a dump truck in the other lane of the road suddenly go out of control and crash into the car in front of them. This slows down traffic and three black cars move into position to block escape. PC's can get an Intuition + Visual Perception (3) test to notice the cars move into place and the guys getting out and heading towards them.
The PC's can either get out and try to fight off the guys - In which case they run the risk of getting sniped. - The sniper can be detected via his comlink.
If they decide to stay in the car they can crash through one of the parked sedans with a Reaction + Pilot + Handling (5) test. If they do that then the other two cars will give chase with a Hacker trying to get into their system and stop the car, with guys shoot at them out the windows and the drivers trying to force the PC's car off the road. Once they can get rid of both cars chasing them they can get away clean.
When the day is over Janus thanks them and pays them their 6000Â¥ for their days work with an extra 2000Â¥ each if he didn't get injured during the ordeal.