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Full Version: Shadowrun public chat this Saturday, September 19
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
JM Hardy
We’ll be holding a Shadowrun public chat this Saturday, September 19th, at 10 AM PDT (Seattle time), which is 12 PM CDT (Developer time). It’ll be your chance to fire questions at the new developer! Learn how it is that the guy who wrote Battlerun is now in charge of the line! Find out what he wants to do with the line (besides more drop bears and elven porn)! Discover what’s in the pipeline! Influence his malleable little brain while it’s still fresh and full of hope!

Just meet us at the Shadowrun chat site on Battlecorps on Saturday for all the fun!
Do you know how expensive real wasabi is? I don't just mean the green paste colored horseradish they commonly pass off as the real deal?
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Sep 14 2009, 09:00 PM) *
Do you know how expensive real wasabi is? I don't just mean the green paste colored horseradish they commonly pass off as the real deal?

Whatever it is, I'm worth it!
We'll be the judge of that, good sir.

So wait, is that 8 am EST? On a saturday? Sir.
QUOTE (Marwynn @ Sep 14 2009, 10:21 PM) *
We'll be the judge of that, good sir.

So wait, is that 8 am EST? On a saturday? Sir.

No, it's 1PM EST. The pacific is to the west of the, um, east. smile.gif
Oh yeah. That seems more reasonable then. For some reason I had put Seattle somewhere in the Atlantic.
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Sep 15 2009, 02:58 AM) *
Find out what he wants to do with the line (besides more drop bears and elven porn)!

Oh, but that's troll pr0n I wanted. frown.gif
(surged trolls with cyberlimbs being my favorites, especially those lacking a leg)

Dev talk about Shadowrun, AND the potential to talk pr0n too?

I like the way you guys do business, oh and thanks for including the f*ck word a lot in the SR4 book, no offense to any fraggers.

QUOTE (Marwynn @ Sep 14 2009, 09:33 PM) *
Oh yeah. That seems more reasonable then. For some reason I had put Seattle somewhere in the Atlantic.

hey, just because they flooded the mountaintops in LA doesn't mean they're going to catapult seattle halfway around the globe, you know wink.gif
Tiger Eyes
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 04:41 PM) *
hey, just because they flooded the mountaintops in LA doesn't mean they're going to catapult seattle halfway around the globe, you know wink.gif

Yes, but we left the low-lying areas dry. wink.gif nyahnyah.gif It's never too late for Seattle!
That's assuming you can find a patch of dry land in Seattle to begin with
JM Hardy
I'm bumping this as a reminder. Come to chat on Saturday, dammit!
Mister Book
I'll do my best to be on, but that's right in the middle of my D&D game.

I so wish there was a Shadowrun GM here, I am so sick of d20.
Since I'll probably meet the two previous line dev in the afternoon I'd enjoy chatting with the new one, but I'll be on my way to my saturday night game.

So if someone can ask my question for me:
"If Shadowrun was your own game and you didn't have to care about pesky fans or meddling authors, what would you do with it?"
Prime Mover
Had my share of problems with this chat for months now. Thought I'd reinstall java today and see if that helped. Went to load chat page and now it won't load at all and getting error message? Am I really that cursed with this page or is it not working?
QUOTE (Prime Mover @ Sep 19 2009, 10:24 AM) *
Had my share of problems with this chat for months now. Thought I'd reinstall java today and see if that helped. Went to load chat page and now it won't load at all and getting error message? Am I really that cursed with this page or is it not working?

Not loading for me either so I'm assuming with 2.5 hours to go that it's just not up/open yet.
Oh yeah...

Will be there pestering. It'll probably go up just before the chat starts.
Someone is going to ask about capsule rounds, injection darts, etc., and how all that is supposed to work, right?
45 min to chat, and Java still throws up a long series of errors when I click on the link given. I copied them down, and can give them to people from Catalyst if needed.
Prime Mover
it usually comes right on
My problem is always once they lock the chat it stops refreshing for me.
In the hopes of solving this (maybe before the chat?), here's what I'm getting:

load: class ParaChat.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ParaChat.class
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: Connection refused: connect
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$ Source)
at Method)
... 7 more
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ParaChat.class
QUOTE (Penta @ Sep 19 2009, 12:41 PM) *
In the hopes of solving this (maybe before the chat?), here's what I'm getting:

Same here
QUOTE (Penta @ Sep 19 2009, 05:41 PM) *
In the hopes of solving this (maybe before the chat?), here's what I'm getting:


Likewise, that looks like what I'm getting as well.

load: class ParaChat.class not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ParaChat.class
Same here...
No bueno...
Well, my professional opinion is: fuck this broken shit!

Everyone, hop into for today's ad-hoc Shadowrun chat!
Dakhran the Dark
Oh, whew, I thought I was the only one, that my Java or firewall settings were screwed up...
Prime Mover
Bizzare tinychat doing the same thing as regular SR chat site I see a half dozen post or so then get diconnected and it freezes. What would cause this, two totally different programs?
It is the log of the chat. I hope it will work... It is 1st part.

[ Spoiler ]
That was a lot of fun! Hope I wasn't too annoying.

Klecko! Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Take care and happy hunting in all your games, Catalyst, Dumpshock, and fellow SR fans. smile.gif
It is 2nd part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 3rd part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 4th part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 5th part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 6th part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 7th part.

[ Spoiler ]

It is 8th and final part. There are much more emoticons than Dumpshock system allows, so I must chop apart the log. Sorry if there is some missing parts.

[ Spoiler ]

Misterbook has CP v 3? EEEEEEW!
Shadowrun is more realistic then that drek!
Heck! Eclipse Phase is more realistic!
Sorry, but any game where I just cannot
suspend my disbelief is way too unrealistic for my tastes.
Janus - Thank You very much for posting chat log! Somehow I tinychat didn't work for me, so I wasn't able to join the chat frown.gif .
So I hope that devs still be watching this thread, because I want ask about two things:
1) Will be any sort of data about Poland in 6th World Almanach? It's not because I'm stubborn, but we trying to make some fan-stuff about it, and we want to do it in line with canon.
2) Is it good idea to send CGL some minor ideas, which could be used just in shadowtalk?
Wish I could have made it. I'd have brought this up:

Okay, I knew re-releases of the other core books were inevitable after putting out SR4A. However, do you intend to be extremely careful to not change page references from SR4A out to the other books?

Because if you start a cycle of rotating revisions like

Print SR4A
Revise and reprint Arsenal, breaking page refs in SR4A
Revise and reprint SR4A
Revise and reprint Street Magic, breaking page refs in SR4A
Revise and reprint SR4A

I'm going to pile my 4th edition books up in the yard and set them on fire, and use the light given off to play something else.
QUOTE (eidolon @ Sep 20 2009, 11:13 AM) *
Okay, I knew re-releases of the other core books were inevitable after putting out SR4A. However, do you intend to be extremely careful to not change page references from SR4A out to the other books?

As we said during the chat ... yes. We paid enough for the compiled index that we wouldn't want to invalidate it. wink.gif
>jm_hardy: And if you like the art in SR4A, that's the level we're looking to continue.

Excellent. Like it or not, good art makes a huge difference in how people perceive an RPG line.
QUOTE (Adam @ Sep 20 2009, 10:24 AM) *
As we said during the chat ... yes. We paid enough for the compiled index that we wouldn't want to invalidate it. wink.gif

Good deal, must have missed it. I didn't want to spend the time reading every last random comment.
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