Just thinking aloud here.
SR4(A) is a really good system.
But still, some things, I'm noticing over in the thread where I'm trying to start a game are missing.
Some of these are persnickety. Maybe they've commonly been solved already. None are showstoppers.
But that said, they just...feel like they could be useful.
First up, mass-combat rules.
SR, as it stands, basically gets slower the more entities you add to a combat. Past about 8-10 entities (entities being (meta)humans, critters, ships, aircraft, etc...Basically, individual combat units), it becomes impossible.
Always, so far as I know, been that way. Normally, with a straight shadowrunning campaign, that's not so big an issue.
But for a cyberpirates or merc campaign? Then, to my eyes, it becomes more of a noticable lack.
I'm not saying a way to deal with battalion-scale combat...But to deal with platoon or company-level combat (in ground terms) would be nice.
Is there a way to convert vehicles from R3R to SR4? It'd be helpful for a cyberpirates campaign.
Finally, is there a way to design new vehicles? Again, it'd be helpful.