Thanks for the exhaustive response
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 05:35 PM)

in the cracking skill group, you have cybercombat, electronic warfare, and hacking. do you really need to be good at cybercombat and electronic warfare that badly? if not, i'd invest fully in hacking, and rely on other sources for electronic warfare... and hopefully avoid cybercombat as well (with the crazy stealth possible, shouldn't be too hard). if cybercombat can't be avoided, hopefully you've got access to sprites that are as good or better than this in cybercombat. at the very least, i would suggest breaking the skillgroup, and only keeping cybercombat and electronic warfare at lower levels
Okay so Hacking to 6, dropping the others and rely on sprites for cybercombat.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 05:35 PM)

the extra skill points should go to improving your electronics group skill (but not necessarily the group, see below), hacking, compiling, registering, and maybe one or more of the meatworld skills (i'm a big fan of having decent ability at telling lies, for example). or the CFs. more on that in a bit.
The player likes the idea of his character being able to 'mess around with electronics', hence wanting the whole electronics group. One of the concepts, and hence the media junkie, is someone who's a news/information addict, finding out about everything.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 05:35 PM)

you haven't mentioned what type of technomancer this is: personally, i'm going to suggest you only keep his fading stat particularly high of the regular attributes. yes, your other mental attributes have uses, but they're also expensive. at the very least, drop something by 1 point, and beef up the CFs to 5s across the board. in the end, your CFs are going to be the thing that costs you the most to improve. crazy as it may sound, if you boost your resonance to 6 at chargen as compared to 5, it only takes something like 7-8 CFs going from 5-6 to *more* than offset the increased BP cost as compared to karma cost. your complex forms are really inexpensive in chargen; they are going to get hideously expensive the second you start getting karma. as i recall, the only thing with a better ratio in terms of BP:karma is binding a power focus. i'm not saying you need 6 resonance or anything... i'm just saying buy them while they're cheap. (note: i am also not saying you shouldn't get resonance 6, by the way... it's much more important for a technomancer than magic is for a magician)
Obviously not a drone-technomancer and nor is he conceived to be a phys-adept-by-any-other-name technomancer once biowires and multiple init passes become available. As for other types, if you mean for pure hacker-style technomancers do you have any examples of 'types' I can show to the player?
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 05:35 PM)

qualities: he's a vindictive pacifist? also, i'm not convinced codeslinger is worth it. +2 to one action? you can buy +1 to an entire skill group for 10 BPs. +1 to almost every action you'll ever make sounds like a much better deal to me.
His original concept had both sensitive system and nano intolerance. I kicked those around with him for being far too min-maxing given he had no intention of ever using cyberware or nanites so we rejigged it a bunch. The vindictive-pacifist idea is someone who never forgets a grudge, goes out of his way to get back at people who have 'wronged' him, but is a bit of a coward as far as physical combat goes.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Sep 15 2009, 05:35 PM)

now then, to the CFs specifically:
1) ditch armor, get shield. (or, if cybercombat is intended to be a focus of the character, just add shield)
2) boost them all as high as they can go, whether that be 5 or 6.
3) you can probably lose scan. i would suggest command instead; it's one of the forms where rating *really* makes a difference. if you could see this guy threading browse every time he wants to do a data search, i could see ditching that too, for something else... possibly black hammer or blackout. psychotropic threading ftw! (in fact, if you do choose to lose the cybercombat skill, i would suggest losing attack; black IC will let you control people's brains, and is therefore useful vs helpless targets. attack hopefully won't be used much. either way, it's up to you)
Switched armor to shield, dropped scan for command
Isn't attack more useful all around given black hammer and blackout don't work on progs, agents, sprites, IC or anyone running in AR?
Once again, many thanks for the advice. Some tweaks below:
Intuition 5->4
Complex Forms all to 5
Dropped Codeslinger
Active Skills
Computer : 4
Data Search : 4
Hardware : 4
Software : 4
Compiling : 2
Registering : 4
Dodge : 1
Pistols : 1
Perception : 1
Etiquette : 1
Hacking : 5
Con : 1
First Aid : 1
Forgery : 2
122 BP in skills now