QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Sep 24 2009, 12:26 PM)
If small, malnourished African youth can fire an AK, bust-a-moves can have machine pistols and smaller SMGs
Your game your call, but.... when you look at it... No way.
I think if you compared the weight of the child soldier to the AK to the weight of the Bust A Move to any thing larger than a hold out and you would see why they would have trouble.
A human is going to be much more sturdy than a fluffy toy drone.
Say child soldier is 80 points (13 year old).
Bust a move has a body of one is a minidrone.
From Arsenal
Minidrones (Body 1): The size of a large insect or mouse,
minidrones range from 10 to 25 centimeters in length and fit in
the palm of one’s hand (or a pocket). They receive a Concealability
modifier of –2 (see pp. 301–302, SR4).
Say 2 to 4 pounds for a minidrone.
Figure Bust A Move may be over twice that at 10 ten pounds of soft and fluffy toy drone (anything larger would be too heavy for a child to pick up).
Now consider this an AK47 is 8 pounds. That is a ratio of 10 to 1 to our child soldier.
M1911 Colt 45 pistol empty is 2 1/2 pounds. That is a ratio of 4 to 1 to our toy.
Really the closest I could come is a M60 light machinegun. The M60 is 23 pounds which would be about the same weight ratio to an 80 pound child soldier of 4 to 1.
There is no way an 80 pound child soldier could fire an M60 on the move when an average size infantry soldier running 200 pounds or two and half times the weight of a child soldier (Or a ratio of 10 to 1 to the M60) would not find it easy to fire an M60 on the move. That would be like our infantry man trying to fire a 50 cal machine gun on the move.
Certainly I could see child soldiers having to treat an AK47 as a heavy weapon (uncompensated recoil is doubled).
Add the fact that the Bust A Move servos are designed to allow the drone to walk, dance, and maybe fetch a commlink. What more I doubt that a Bust A Moves hands are designed to hold a firearm (if any thing they would be designed to not be able to pull the trigger on a gun or even to hold a knife). Bust A Move is also one fifth the price of any other minidrone meaning it likely lacks some of the sensor and other stuff found standard in minidrones.
Now the idea of a taser or a dart pistol with little to no recoil has some interesting possibilities .
But really why go to all that trouble to convert a walker toy in to a weapon when you could take a remote control nerf glider, put a small rocket engine in the back, a grenade in the front, and then upgrade autopilot and then use it as a smart weapon. Dirt cheap. Bring a lot of them with a variety of payloads.
You could get it aloft like a kite, use a floater drone, or have a flying drone pull a string of them. Get them near the battle perhaps riding the thermal currents. A rigger could pull three out at a times, and each IP aim one at a target and ignite the rocket. Close counts with grenades. If they were high enough up, you might even avoid any jamming.
Same goes for a remote control car.
You would have to treat anything as a heavy weapon for recoil purposes.