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Full Version: SINless in Sin City
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Shadowrun game that has been going for 6 months looking to add some more players.
400 bp with an added 60 karma.
We meet Biweekly on saturday nights at my home in Southern Las vegas. If you are interested please send me an email and we can discuss your entry.
Game is set in 2072 Las Vegas. and currently the runners have a Elven Herm mage, Human Street Sam, Human unarmed fighter and Human Tech/demo guy (Jack of all Trades).

If interested please email me
Still looking for a fifth wheel for the campaign. Any of you Vegas Gamers looking for a game?
C'mon Vegas Gamers, (I play in this game) could use another meatbag or two for ghoul fodder!

GM has been working on an Obsidian Portal site for the game and already have a Yahoo group as well... and a great bunch of people to boot.

Give it a try.

Me! Me! I really want to get into a game. Also looking to GM one down the road. I only have a PDF of the main book currently, so it might be nice to see some options in other books to make a character.

Still looking? I live in Henderson. PM me and let me know!

Also, does the playing area have cats?
Being that we just lost one of our players to some crazy JOB .... am pretty sure we are now looking for more new blood.


Speak up if you are in Las Vegas and looking for a game!
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