QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Sep 25 2009, 04:16 PM)

Weither it is light or heavy, the amount of force pushed against it does not change. A troll throwing a child and a troll throwing a boulder may still exert the same force. The kenetic energy of the flight would be greater with heavier objects, but as the Trolls maximum lift is reached, there are diminishing returns for the effort.
Either way, throwing a car and dropping the spell would not work, because the car would only have kenetic energy equal to its mass when thrown (light) x the force of the throw. When it gets greater weight, it would drop instantly towards the ground because the force of its flight would be insufficient to maintain its trajectory. It would be useful if you drop the spell just as the object is above the target, as Gravity would do all the work. By the way, you can do this with levitate if you like. Cast a force 5 levitate and you can lift 1000kg... thats 2200 pounds... the weight of many cars. You could levitate it above a person at a speed near to that of a thrown object, and drop the spell.
Well, normally I don't argue physics in the context of a game (much) but this is pure physics your talking about.
Object A of mass y is thrown at a speed of x.
Object A's mass suddenly doubles.
The laws of motion apply: An object in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by a force.
No force was applied to Object A, and thus the fact that its mass suddenly changed would not affect its trajectory any (Mass is not a force)
Because all objects fall at the same speed regardless of mass (Ignoring air resistance which is negligible at low speeds) Object A would not fall any faster after gaining mass than it would have if its mass had remained constant.
Because Object A gained mass but kept the same size and shape, it would actually decelerate less as far as forward moment goes due to wind resistance, meaning it will go farther (Slightly) than it would have had mass remained constant.
So yes, you could make an object very light, have a troll throw it, and then make it heavy again and it would travel at a speed and distance similar to as if the object hadn't been made heavy again, but would still hit with the force of the heavy object being thrown at the speed of the light object.
Edit: It should be noted that changing the mass of an object as would be required in this example is physically impossible, but that has never stopped magic before

Edit2: The main problem with your reasoning DK is that KE relies on Mass, not the other way around. You can change KE without changing Mass, but if you change Mass, you change KE.
Edit3: Oh, forgot to respond to the OP. I like the idea, but why not just use the rules for levitate, lower the drain by one, and just have it so the object can be made weightless, but can't be controlled via the spell like it can be through levitate?