northern lights
Jan 29 2004, 07:03 AM
need a bit of help.
can a physad with sorcery have spell defense? if i have a sorcery at 3 do i get 3 dice for spell defense?
Jan 29 2004, 07:11 AM
The only type of Physad with Spell Defense is a "Magician's Way" Adept (Priority A). See Magic in the Shadows p. 22. Sometimes called a Physical Magician.
The only active use of Sorcery for other Physical Adepts is for combat on the Astral Plane while Astrally Perceiving. Generally not worth it.
/Edit: from SR3 p. 168: "adepts do not use magical skills to perform magic in the same way as magicians (though they can use Sorcery in astral combat)"