Other than a few aborted attempts, I've never really been in the gm seat, so any general advice would be welcome. We're gonna be using sr4. The only book we'll be using to start is the BBB. I wanted to get a chance for all of us, including myself, to get a solid grasp of the basics before adding more stuff from the expansion books
Characterwise, so far the only definite character is essentially a Street Shaman with a bit of a Joker motif. He's the only other player with a copy of the core rules, so since he already has a completed character (complete with background) he can help me guide the others through character creation. It is going to be a fairly large group at eight players plus me, but i've been gaming with these people for years now, so i'm not too worried.
I know the others were a bit bewildered by the sheer possibilities. I didn't have any stuff with me, but it was just as well. I wanted to explain the history and a bit about the Sixth world, and I also gave a brief description of some of the archetypal character types. And then I wanted to let the info percolate for a week before our next session which is probably gonna be a chargen party. I've got one who seemed to be interested in a technomancer, i think as much to have a character different from any others she's played over the years. Another player is probably going to be a Troll,and he was asking a lot of questions about adepts.