Oct 6 2009, 04:29 PM
I have a PC that just summoned some spirits and took Drain. He is going to do some astral overwatch and is wondering if while he is resting on the astral, will his body (also not doing anything) heal Stun Damage.
I can see yes, because both parts are at rest.
I can see No, because even though both parts are at rest, the Stun is inflicted on the meat body and there is no Essence there to tell it is alive and to heal itself.
Oct 6 2009, 05:28 PM
Healing section says that character must be "resting completely". Unfortunately this isn't as helpful as I'd hoped because the section on astral projection both says that it "requires no effort" and that it's a "magical activity", and it's not clear which is more important for determining if the character is resting completely.
Hm. I don't have time to do serious investigation into this, but based on what I've found in SR3, I'd say that there is no unique answer. I'm inclined to say that the answer should be no based on the description of the physical body progressively weakening; the description doesn't suggest to me a recuperation-friendly circumstance. That is, unfortunately, purely a personal interpretation.
Oct 6 2009, 08:15 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Oct 6 2009, 01:28 PM)
Healing section says that character must be "resting completely". Unfortunately this isn't as helpful as I'd hoped because the section on astral projection both says that it "requires no effort" and that it's a "magical activity", and it's not clear which is more important for determining if the character is resting completely.
Hm. I don't have time to do serious investigation into this, but based on what I've found in SR3, I'd say that there is no unique answer. I'm inclined to say that the answer should be no based on the description of the physical body progressively weakening; the description doesn't suggest to me a recuperation-friendly circumstance. That is, unfortunately, purely a personal interpretation.
Ah, so you agree with me.
Oct 7 2009, 12:36 PM
Rest is resting, not magical activity. Rest has always been treated as any non-strenuous activity. That includes mental activity as well as physical.
Don't really have a cite for it per se, but that's how any group I've ever played with has always run it.
Oct 7 2009, 06:21 PM
Mental rest sounds good to me. Tips th balance a bit and sounds reasonable.
Oct 7 2009, 10:16 PM
I am going to play devils advocate here, though I see this a situation ruling too.
You can while healing, program, enchant, repair /build or learn stuff.
The fact that willpower is an optional stat to recover stun damage on, does lend credence that you could at rest in the astral recover your mental/spiritual energies through time.
Gental projecting, akin to a gental stroll, perhapes waiting your unconscious form a float through the garden. Possible.
Tentative, remaining alert, checking those corners and on hay trigger to sling mojo or unleash the spirit hoard?
Astral combat projecting, that would be no.
Oct 8 2009, 12:27 AM
It came up when a PC took some stun damage while conjuring, then wanted to astrally project and keep an eye on another character from a stationary point.
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