so we had character creation/campaign start this week. the setting of my SR4 campaign arc is going to be seattle circa 2072 (note to self - find hard copy of the latest book/buy same). I covered the basics of the rules, character creation and some generic details of the changes to the setting. I've got some players new to the setting, and two who've played SR1 all the way up to and including SR4. So it's a good mix of players. However....oy the concepts they came up with!
1. Bitter ex-cop. former Lone Star detective who lost his job in the Knight Errant takeover of the seattle PD. moderately cybered. troll metavariant (formori). light cosmetic surgery as well.
2. dwarf physical adept. largely amoral, recruited by the ex-cop as muscle.
3. combat mage. the dwarf's roomie. he's along for the money.
4. coyote shifter (used the fox shifter stat line/rules and fudged a bit) who is...also a coyote shaman. He finds indoor plumbing hilarious and believes the spirits have told him to help the bitter ex-cop 'walk the path'.
5. Vampire hermetic mage. She had the (mis?)fortune to be the ex-cop's last collar. He said 'hell with it', didn't turn her in and was one of the first recruited into the new team. she has almost no memory of her life prior to infection.
so they're a magically heavy team to say the least. Even the one who isn't magical has the formori thing going for him (arcane arrestor talent). they're also fairly light on cyberware and electronics, so I'm going to create a hacker/decker NPC type for them to hire out on an as needed basis. The ex-cop also loaded up on all sorts of contacts all over town (underworld, cops, lawyers, gangers...all sorts of stuff). oddly enough, I think most of them won't have any problems blending in with society at large. well...except for the shifter. He tooks a number of spells largely based on their prank value so we'll see how that goes.
i'm looking forward to this campaign. their first run is going to get them mixed up in the lone star/KE change over in a moderately big way. where we go from there depends on the choices they make.