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Full Version: Designing Autosofts
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So let's say you were looking to design your own autosofts. There's obvious ones-Targeting, Defense, "Clearsight", Maneuver, Electronic Warfare, etc...And as I understand it a few other in some other books. But what else is out there? What angles are being missed?
You could in theory make one for virtually any skill/profession you want that doesn't require a great deal of personal touch. You could make a chemistry autosoft, but an artistry one would be hard to manage because the autosoft couldn't replicate that "personal touch" that artwork tends to need.
Another angle could get specific to a bonus on specific things during vehicle chase combat. They aren't going to be used a lot, but things like adding reach (i.e. range is one less/one more), some sort of speed boost (only affects the initial opposed test, perhaps), maybe even one that allows for an additional maneuver...stuff like that, I can see being a huge benefit once you are in the chase combat...
QUOTE (Karoline @ Oct 14 2009, 03:38 PM) *
You could in theory make one for virtually any skill/profession you want that doesn't require a great deal of personal touch. You could make a chemistry autosoft, but an artistry one would be hard to manage because the autosoft couldn't replicate that "personal touch" that artwork tends to need.

Hello everyone, first post on this board!
Indeed, a full artistry autosoft would be too much, but a forgery autosoft could be possible IMHO, to copy already existing paintings. Also, an autosoft that could take any picture and instruct a droid to tranform it in a painting using a certain style (for example, Pointillism) could be possible, even though it would be lacking in "personal touch."
Autosofts for:
-Setting the clock on your trideo recorder so it stops blinking 12:00 in AR all the time
-Cooking a professional level dinner
-Properly changing the tire on your car
-Swimming Lessons
QUOTE (Khyron @ Oct 14 2009, 01:02 PM) *
Autosofts for:
-Setting the clock on your trideo recorder so it stops blinking 12:00 in AR all the time
-Cooking a professional level dinner
-Properly changing the tire on your car
-Swimming Lessons

yeah, I'd like my Nissan Roto drone to give me swimming lessons please
Hey don't knock it! My gnome character got the empathy program with a virtual person (girlfriend) for his SMG that has a commlink installed in it. So when I say "I love my gun" and people ask, "Does it love you back?" I can honestly say, "YES!" (Screw you Dr. Phil!)

But I install tutorial autosofts on it to basically add to the RP effect with him interacting with it.

QUOTE (Khyron @ Oct 14 2009, 02:02 PM) *
Autosofts for:
-Setting the clock on your trideo recorder so it stops blinking 12:00 in AR all the time
-Cooking a professional level dinner
-Properly changing the tire on your car
-Swimming Lessons

The first one would be a computer autosoft
The second one would be a cooking autosoft
The third one would be a mechanic autosoft
The fourth one would be a tutorsoft.
QUOTE (Karoline @ Oct 15 2009, 05:16 AM) *
The first one would be a computer autosoft
The second one would be a cooking autosoft
The third one would be a mechanic autosoft
The fourth one would be a tutorsoft.

The fourth one would need a buoyant drone - good luck.
QUOTE (Vittek @ Oct 15 2009, 06:24 AM) *
The fourth one would need a buoyant drone - good luck.

A bust-a-move with waterwings.
QUOTE (Khyron @ Oct 15 2009, 01:58 PM) *
A bust-a-move with waterwings.

i'm not sure i would trust someone wearing waterwings to be my swimming instructor nyahnyah.gif
Especially if it looks like a drowning Furby...god thats a disturbing image.

Speaking of skill programs would you allow someone to pay extra to get a spec in a skillsoft? Me and my last GM were talking about it just as a conversation starter and we still never came to a conclusion other then it could get pretty OP without some hike in price or something. Maybe it has to be specialized first and then be modified to have a spec? I haven't read Unwired from cover to cover so I don't know if this has been covered or not.
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