TLE is particularly interesting to me. Yes, I'm weird. Its also one of my favorite negative Qualities that I've never gotten to use (you'll see why in a bit).
To answer some of your questions:
-- Your interpritation of the original Disease Resistance test is correct. Once he fails that test, he has TLE-X. There after, you (the GM) call for a Body + Willpower (3) test whenever he is in a stressful situation (Augmentation page 132). If he fails he has a seizure episode that causes "Stun Damage, Disorientation, Paralysis" per the rules in augmentation.
-- You can prevent or terminate the seizure with drugs. Augmentation lists "AEXD" (page 132) for this purpose. (
Sengir- in real life you would usually use benzodiazepines or dilantin to terminate a seizure. If you are really interested in a drug resource, you can check out
Epocrates, but it really won't be that interesting or relevant unless you have some idea of what you are looking for).
That covers the game mechanics, but if you are looking for a little more fluff (and to answer some more of Sengir's questions):
-- Yes you have it all the time. You aren't seizing at all times, but the condition is ongoing. You can have seizures all the time (a condition called
status epilepticus), but thats pretty rare and very bad (like fatal).
-- The disease is degenerative, which means it gets progressively worse (more frequent seizures which are longer and more intense).
But here's the interesting thing about TLE:
-- There is a common misconception that seizure = convulsions which is not the case. The results of a seizure have to do with the function of the region of the brain in which the seizure occurs. Convulsions happen when you have seizures in the motor cortex. But the temporal lobe (t if for temporal) has some very special functions- sensory perception, emotion, perception of time, memory, and others. So a temporal lobe seizure can manifest as hallucinations (usually auditory but can be visual or any other), memory distortions (check out
Capgras Syndrome), altered perception of time (deja vu or a sense of fore-knowledge), euphoria beyond anything a drug user can imagine and even a transcendental experience that people liken to
communion with God. This is because, it is theorized, that the temporal lobe contains the "God Module" or a part of our brain that is "hardwired" for religious experience. (Note: God Module would also make an awesome name for a hacker.) This experience does not occur in all people with TLE, in fact its pretty rare. Usually these people refuse medical treatment- why the hell would you want to get rid of the best feelings you could possibly imagine? If you have some time, check
THIS out.
But wait! There's more!
-- Many people who experience this transcendental experience undergo lasting personality changes. This is called
Geschwind Syndrome, and is characterized by hyper-religiosity, hyper-graphia (compulsive writing... image what that would look like in AR) and hypo-sexuality. There are theories that Saint Paul, for example, had TLE and his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus was his first seizure.
So the punch line is that your PC basically has a one-way ticket to Crazyville. Have fun with that.