I've designed a simple matrix network for a small company. Their topology consists of three nodes. Node 1 is a chokepoint...designed for public access (web of trust) - for ordering products direct, company info, yadda yadda. Node 2 is for employee use - current project data, internal documents, etc. Node 3 is building services - security cameras, locks, alarms. Node 2 and 3 is connected to 1 via fiber optic and has no wireless presence. If a hacker wanted to gain access to, let's say, Node 3 to edit the stream from a security camera and unlock a door, would they first have to subscribe to Node 1 using a security account, then they get a free ride into node 3? Or could they subscribe to Node 1 using a public account and then hack into Node 3 using a security account. This gets confusing. Is this even an efficient system?