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Xahn Borealis
I'm brand new to SR and I was a fan of the Genesis and 360 games so I looked it up. Nearly a year later I've got PDFs of SR4, SR4a, Arsenal, Augmentation, Unwired and OTR. I've also got a hardcopy of SR4 off ebay. I have no FLGS. I've never played a game. Could someone give some advice for finding players or a GM? I'd maybe like to get into a Pbp if that's the right term. I've got 4 characters already made.
  • Street Sam/Hacker/Covert Ops
  • Ex-Triad Paracritter-Hunter Mage
  • Ork Physad (needs history)
  • Technomancer Rigger

Any pbp games I could get involved in? Also, please tell me if I'm posting in the wrong forum, I've only been lurking dumpshock a couple of months now.
What does "PBP game" mean? Play By Play?

Also, welcome to Dumpshock! I am a newbie to Shadowrun as well, though I only have the SR4 and the much improved newer SR4A books.

Hmm, how to find a GM/Players, that has been a challenge for me, it might depend entirely on your location in the world. Check out the GM/Players Registry part of the forum here in Dumpshock: and pin yourself on the map in the top sticky and then see if anyone else has started a thread for your area - if not, start one. Then there was this: which I signed up on based on the advice of one of the Devs, sent out some messages to players nearby using that, no reply as of yet. And lets see, I think there was a thread started with a bunch of ideas somewhere around here ... ahh, here it is:

Hope that helps some. smile.gif
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (CanadianWolverine @ Oct 19 2009, 03:14 PM) *
What does "PBP game" mean? Play By Play?

Yeah, I think so.
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Oct 19 2009, 07:19 AM) *

Hmm, then is this section of the forum what you are looking for? Welcome To The Shadows: - I think they might have Play By Post games in there, though I haven't been in one myself.
Without a FLGS, it may be hard to find players and GMs in your area. Even if there are no dedicated gaming shops though, geeks will tend to congregate at similar places. Barnes & Noble for instance, sells SR books. Go there on occasion, peruse the titles, see if anyone else does the same. If they do, ask them if they know of any local gaming groups or circles, and go from there.

I don't know much about you, age or demographic wise, so not sure how else to help. If you're in school (high school or college), just ask around. Start with the obvious nerds and geeks (Hey, I take pride in those terms myself), and see where it gets you. Eventually you'll find someone who knows someone who knows something.

To put it in a distinctly Shadowrun way: "Do your legwork, omae, and you'll find yourself a crew." cyber.gif
Lok1 :)
PBP means play by post guys.
As for looking for a game check out the top one of the registry, we play every sunday but I'm not sure if you'll get a spot. Another place to look would be the "Welcome to the Shadows section" its specificaly tooled for play by posts. If all else fails I think theirs one starting on a webcomics forums called but being a player their I'm pritty sure its in the middle of a story arc right now.
Other than that I guese its time to break out your data search rolls.
Me, personally? I have been trying to find a program that does both dice rolls and voice chat (w/ or w/o webcam)....
I like the idea of everything being in one window..makes it easier for me to keep track of things..
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Oct 19 2009, 05:21 PM) *
Barnes & Noble for instance, sells SR books. Go there on occasion, peruse the titles, see if anyone else does the same. I don't know much about you, age or demographic wise, so not sure how else to help. To put it in a distinctly Shadowrun way: "Do your legwork, omae, and you'll find yourself a crew." cyber.gif

I'm in the UK, we don't have Barnes & Noble.
You could advertise. See how much a small ad would cost in one of the local advertising papers. Alternatively see if your corner shop(s) will let you put up a flyer. If you print a page with some nice SR artwork and your contact details you might get a few takers.
Universities are often good places to find RPG players. smile.gif

QUOTE (Cardul @ Oct 20 2009, 04:19 AM) *
Me, personally? I have been trying to find a program that does both dice rolls and voice chat (w/ or w/o webcam)....
I like the idea of everything being in one window..makes it easier for me to keep track of things..

Skype does a good job of this there is a dicerolling addon you can use that is activated through the conversation chat so its pretty simple and does the voice chat aswell a group of players im in use it for an exalted game right now
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Oct 20 2009, 05:30 AM) *
I'm in the UK, we don't have Barnes & Noble.

Apologies. What would be the UK equivalent. Stateside it's a multi-genre bookstore of doom.
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ Oct 20 2009, 05:30 AM) *
I'm in the UK, we don't have Barnes & Noble.

Not sure how SR is doing in the UK. Germany seemed to love it.
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (Ayeohx @ Oct 21 2009, 04:59 AM) *
Not sure how SR is doing in the UK. Germany seemed to love it.

I don't know if there's as much support for it over here as in the US. I've heard of a few players here and there and after starting a thread on my local college's forum, someone's got in touch with me about a gaming group they know who plays shadowrun, but only 3rd. Obviously, I only play 4th. Wish there was Shadowrun Core Rules Knowsoft.
as for Playing by post I can sugest two pages


however both sadly donīt host any shadowrun games at the moment, but at least you can check in from time to time.
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