I think that would be a reasonable thing.
Handle: Machina
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Anna Rasmussen
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: other
Metatype: Human
Nationality: Renraku Correctional Facility McNeil Island
Date of Birth: January 15th, 2050
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 122lbs
Eyes: silver
Hair: fiber-optic white
--What is the character's name?
Anna, but she prefers Machina
--What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color/tone, and build?
Machina is a lithe 22 year old woman with silver circuit patterned varicose veined skin.
--Where did your character learn his/her skills?
She learned to kill at home, dad was a drug dealer, mom was a junkie, natural progression. Killed her parents and younger brother, but the real skills she has she learned in Renraku's McNeil Island correctional facility
--What did your character do before becoming a halloweener?
She was a low level drug user, mostly novacoke. She was a teen pregnancy waiting to happen, and then she took a hit of kamikaze and liked it. Got into enforcement and drug dealing in prison. Everyone belong to someone in prison. She liked the halloweeners.
--Does your character have any family?
Halloweeners are family. She has the blood to prove it.
--What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
Get bigger, faster, stronger. At some point her body is going to die, but that's like 3 years from now. Next week is already an eternity. IN the meantime watch the world burn.
--What is the characters general appearance?
Anna is a lithe 22 year old woman with silver circuit patterened vericose veined skin. She is a strong follower of the clockwork punk style and wants to have all her limbs replaced with mechanical limbs.
--Why did they choose to be a halloweener?
Like minded violent, anarchist psychopaths, is there a better reason?
--What is the characters personality?
Thrill seeking, violent character who would just as soon as kill you as look at you. Live now, consequences involve thinking about tomorrow or next week. Might as well plan for being world president.
--What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
Pain is destructive and hate-filled, two traits highly prized among a crew of thrillseeking violent psychopaths. She’s also menacing enough to make sure that no one messes with the smarter, more skilled members of the gang. Her speciality is running several of the corners for the halloweeners. She also likes whacking people. The messier, the better.
--What are some things your character cannot do?
Unless it involves snorting it, or killing it, she does not know about it. In some ways it could as well not exist. She has never left her neighbourhood and would not know how to be outside of it.
--What does your character hate and why?
People who are better than she is. Basicallly everyone who’s not a Halloweener.
--What does your character love?
Not one thing.
--What does your character respect?
--How was your character educated?
She survived the school of hard knocks.
--What is your characters moral code?
What's a moral?
--Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
What's that?
--What item(s) does your character treasure?
Augmentations. The shinier the better.
--Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
She burns like brilliant trash. Burns both sides of the candle so hard the middle melts away.
Character sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Age: 22
Metahuman: Human
Sex: yes please
Job: enforcer, drug dealer
Fibreoptic hair. Silver electrical tracework skin. Scars along her body from heavy agumentation upgrading. Her newest acquisition are the eyes with circle saw orbs. Spent 5 years in a Renraku supermax facility for killing her family. Likes taking Kamikaze/novacoke speedballs before measuring out Halloweener retribution.
Build PointsStats 150
Race 0
Edge 0
Skills 140
Know/Lang Skills 0 (-30)
Positive Qualities 25
Negative Qualities -35
Resources 18
Contacts 19
Total 315
Essence: 0.175/6
Initiative Passes: 2/4
Attributes Nat Mod
Body 2 2
Agility 4 6
Reaction 4 6
Strength 3 5
Charisma 2 2
Intuition 3 3
Logic 2 2
Willpower 3 3
Edge 2 2
Qualities BP CostHome Ground 10
Trust Fund (Medium) 10
School of Hard Knocks 5
Distinctive Style (1) -5
Augmentation Addict -10
Addiction (Mild) -5
SINner (Criminal) -10
Enemy (1) -5
SkillsFirearms (Group) 3
Chemistry 2
Intimidation 3
Perception 5
Athletics (Group) 3
Close Combat (Group) 3
Pilot Ground Craft 2
LanguageEnglish N
Knowledge SkillsCriminal (Seattle Gangs) 4
Criminal (BTL Dealers) 4
Hangouts (Criminal) 3
Tattooing 2
CyberwareCosmetic surgery
Muscle Replacement 2
Fiberoptic Hair
Internal Air Tank
Wired Reflexes I
Bone Lacing (Plastic)
Reaction Enhancer 1
Synthacardium (1-3) 2
Cybereye (used)Rating 2
Low-Light Vision
Flare Compensation
Eye Light System
Vision Enhancement (1-3) 3
Cyberears (used)Rating 1
Audio Enhancer (1-3) 3
Commlink/Operating SystemNovatech Airware
OS: Iris Orb
ProgramsAnalyze 3
Browse 3
Command 3
Edit 3
Scan 3
Encrypt 3
ArmorArmored Jacket 8/6
Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit 8/4
Forearm Guards
SecureTech Leg and Arm Casings
SecureTech Shin Guards
SecureTech Vitals Protector
GearAmt. Category Type
12 Ammunition per 10 Explosive Rounds
12 Ammunition per 10 Regular Ammo
3 Grenades Smoke Grenade
2 Grenades High Explosive Grenade
5000 nuyen worth of drugs (availability less than
2 ID/Credsticks Fake SIN (1-6) 3
WeaponsCeramic Knife
Monofilament Sword
Ares Predator IV
Ares Predator IV
Gas Vent 3 (Barrel), Gyro Stabilization, Smartgun System, Skinlink
LifestyleMedium - 2 month
ContactsZipperhead 2/4
Thimble 4/5
Erzats 2/2
Oct 28 2009, 11:01 PM
sounds good to me also
pix,just at tuskshandle: Matto
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Larenz Konrad Marazski
Race: Ork
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight:135 kg
Hair/eyes:short black mohawk/ neon green
Ethnicity: Rom/Slovak
Job: Hitter
--What is the character's name?
Larenz Konrad Marazki aka"Matto"
--What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color/tone, and build?
Race: Ork
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight:135 kg
Hair/eyes:short black mohawk/ neon green
Skin tone. olive complexion
Build: Small for an ork but well put together.
scars: Burn scars across face around eyes. bullet wound scar on abdomen , spur scar up left wrist.
Ethnicity: Rom/Slovak
--Where did your character learn his/her skills?
Matto learned his skill from his former gang,Jade Blades.
--What did your character do before becoming a halloweener?
He ran with the blades till they got wiped out by a group of ghouls. For the last year he has been security and custodian at a street docs clinic.
--Does your character have any family?
He doesnt know. His mother dropped him at a chip den and never came back. he never knew his dad. His mom always said that his dad was a merc but then she said a lot of things when she was chipping.
--What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
Survive and thrive...and get his piece of the pie
--What is the characters general appearance?
firsr impression of Matto would be small ork street trash. Second wouldn't be much better. A third look might notice the intelligence hiding in his eyes or the fact that he at least is trying to keep clean and presentable. He usually wears urban camo BDU pants, work boots,and his gang jacket over a tee shirt. He has his ears heavily pierced and a lot of piss poor tats on his forearms and back.
--Why did they choose to be a halloweener?
His former gang was his life and family. when they got wiped out he has been a lone wolf and is looking for a pack.
--What is the characters personality?
Violence is an end to a means. sometimes that means is just to blow off a little steam. Observe and then strike with no mercy. Trust must be earned. until its earned you are the enemy.
Matto has a code. He has been reading alot of stuff over the last year and is integrating a lot of the stuff into his ethics. some of the books dealt with knights and drek. he thinks its great and is modeling himself after them. so he spouts alot of honor and valor. but he is still just a ganger and so its a kind of twisted ethics. don' t expect him be valiant.
--What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
Matto watches before he acts. He notices things others may miss. He's not bad in a fight but isn't a frontline fighter. He has a way with languages. He has common sense and may be able the keep things from going to hell in a handbasket.
--What are some things your character cannot do?
Matrix and Magic. Magic scares the drek out of him(although he would never show it) computer wise he can work a com or a chip reader and thats about it .
--What does your character hate and why?
Ghouls, cause they killed his last gang. Corporations cause they have the power and he wants it
--What does your character love?
Secretly, Reading...he loves to read. the magic of making sense of the words on a page is the only true happyness he has ever known.
--What does your character respect?
Those in power(at least to their faces)
--How was your character educated?
Streets and chip tutorials at the clinic where he worked?
--What is your characters moral code?
the strong survive the weak perish.
life sux but then so does your mother.
--Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
politics=latin poli(many) , tics=blood sucking insects.
Religion is for those who cant think for themselves.
--What item(s) does your character treasure?
a book. "the complete works of John Keats"
--Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
Matto knows life is short. He has plans to move up as soon as the opportunity arises. and he would really like to find out if his dad was a merc...and kick his fraggin hoop.
stats and gear
[ Spoiler ]
stats: (150 pts on attributes)
Bod: 6
11 box physical/ 10 stun
initative 6/1
Essence: 5.17
Resources: 30000( 6 pts) 33 left
skills: (76 pts)
Pistols: 3
Automatics,machinepistols: 3(2)
Perception,visual:3(2)(3-attention co-processor)
Pilot groundcraft:1
First aid,combat wounds:2(2)
Unarmed combat:2
knowledge skills:
Seattle streetgangs:4
Street drugs:2
Security procedures:2
Club music:2
Vory politics:2
security companies:1
Spanish: 1(3)
speretheil ;1(3)
contacts:(13 pts)
Fence:1/3, Tommy"the toad"Mason
joygirl:1/1 Cybel "Sable" Mendoza
Vory soldier: 1/2 Valek
street doc:2/2 Dr.Jonas Brothers.
Clerk,military surplus outlet 1/1.Cobra Malone
Qualities: (+20,-20)
Homeground, redmond
allergy,common,moderate: Cats
common sense
Eyes,lvl2,w flare comp and low-light(4 slots open)
Attention Co-Prossesor,lvl3
Data jack
sim module
Sleep regulator
Sony emporor running redcap nix OS
Fake SIN rating 3
stun baton
Rem. Roomsweeper 10rds SNS
Cheka Black Scorpion MP 50rds reg ammo
armored Jacket
Survival kit
stim patch r4(1)
trauma patch r4(1)
combat load vest
earbuds w/
audio enhancement
select sound filter
AR glove
goggles w/
thermographic vision
vision magnifcation
plastic restraints(10)
1 case MRE's
hard copy of “The complete works of John Keats” (His prize possesion)
Chip reader
Tag Squatter life style (1) month
went back to clubs and added stun baton
[ Spoiler ]
Pale yellow light tinted the eastern sky. Matto sat, steaming soycaf in hand, back to the faded steel HVAC housing that he called home. The suns rays trickled through the clouds,promising a beautiful day in the Emerald City.” Somewhere well dressed sararimen kissed their lovely wives good by and headed to their cubicles to earn their daily bread. Clean cut children played in yards filled with green grass and delicately scented flowers. “he thought. A ragged grin spread across his lips and he took a sip of the bitter brew. “ Not here, chummer,not here. This is hell and visions like that don't live long in hell.” he said aloud to no one.
Still, the suns warmth felt good and relaxed for a few more minutes before jumping up. He reached it the pocket of his warn and faded BDU's for his key chain. Pausing at the battered red door to the air conditioner housing, he checked both sides of the 2x 4meter shed and then opened the door and stepped inside. He clicked a switch and the room was bathed in light
The room held a pile of packing foam with an army blanket on it, a table made of plasti-board boxes and a make shift sink. Matto grabbed a MRE from the box by the bed and dropped on top of the pile. Popping the Insta heat wrapper, he waited a minute before ripping off the lid. Chewing the beanie-weenies ran through his options. It had been a month since he had quit Doc Brothers mission. Although he had enjoyed the time alone, his accounts was showing 33 newyen. He needed an influx of cash for certain but more importantly, he needed a gang.
Since the blades bought it he had avoided the subject. But he had run with a gang his whole life and really didn't know what to do with himself. Frustrated, he tossed the empty container across the room and kicking off the sleep regulator and dropped into a dreamless sleep
At 1800 hours, his regulator kicked back on. Matto got up and changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a Warmonger 23 tour hoodie. He washed up in the sink and filled the two water bottles attatched to his backpack. The holster for his room sweeper and black scorpion went on next, followed by his jacket.. he looked at the green Jade blades patch stuck on the back. Digging his fingernail under one corner he pulled the clean tac loose and stuck the gang patch on the wall over the sink. He stepped back and then turned and left the crashpad, turning of f the light and locking the door.
Looking north towards Halloweener turf he could almost feel Tristan, Axman, and Ivy watching him. Somehwere his comrades smiled as he dropped a clip into his smg and headed down the fire escape to see if the black and orange were recruiting..../spoiler]
Oct 29 2009, 12:57 AM
Handle: White Face.
[Image 1][Image 2]Statistics
[ Spoiler ]
Real Name: Elurien Evanara
Street Name:White Face
Age: 21
Metahuman: Elf
Sex: Male
Job: Organ Legger, Raven Shaman.
Build Points Breakdown
Stats: 140
Race: 30
Magic: 20
Spells: 24
Active Skills: 96
Know/Lang Skills: 0 (Int + Logic x 3 = 15 Free)
Positive Qualities 15
Negative Qualities -35
Resources: 3
Contacts: 2 (Free Charisma times 2 = 12 Free points)
Total 315
Race: Elf (30BP)
Attributes (140BP)
Body: 3
Agility: 2
Reaction: 3
Strength: 2
Charisma: 6
Intuition: 3
Logic: 2
Willpower: 4
Initiative: 6
Passes: 1
Essence: 6
Special Attributes (40BP)
Edge: 3
Magic: 3
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10
Karma: 0
Qualities (+25)
Positive Qualities (-15BP)
Negative Qualities (+35BP)
SIN, Criminal. (-10)
Records on File, Renraku (-10)
Gremlins (-5)
Signature (-10, Drawing sad faces on dead victims with nano-paint)
Active Skills (96 BP)
Pilot Ground Craft: 1 (3, Motrobikes)
Assensing: 3
Spellcasting: 4
Conjuring (Group): 3
Counterspelling: 3
Perception: 3
Etiquette: 2 (4, Gang Etiquette)
Knowledge Skills (15 free points)
Motorcycles: 3
Seattle bars: 3
Downtown Seattle: (Elven District): 3
Tir Tairngire Politics: 3
Language Skills
Spierthal - N
English - 3
Spells: (24 BP)
Manabolt (Combat,Direct)
Stunbolt (Combat, Direct)
Alter Memory (Manipulation. Page 171 SM)
Levitate (Physical)
Agony (Illusion, Single. Page 170 SM)
Heal (Health)
Improved Invisibility (Illusion)
Armor (Manipulation)
Raven Totem: Raven is a harbinger of trouble in cultures worldwide. He is a trickster and a transformer, dark and devious. Raven thrives off the bounty or carnage and chaos, but does no cause them—he merely knows an opportunity when he sees one. Raven loves to eat and rarely refuses an offer for food.
Advantages: +2 for Manipulation Spells, +2 dice for air spirits.
Disadvantages: A Raven magician must make a Willpower + Charisma (3) test to avoid exploiting someone else’s misfortune to her own advantage.
Resources :15,000 nuyen (3BP)
Hyundai Elvenstar (Indian Pathfinder): 6000 nuyen (Page 106 Arsenal)
Sony Emperor with Red Cap Nix (OP): 1,100 nuyen
AR Gloves: 250 nuyen
Lined Coat (6/4): 700 nuyen
Leather Jacker (2/2): 200 nuyen
Fake Sin (Rating 2): 2,000 nuyen
Contact Lens Rating (Rating 3) with vision enhancements (Rating 3) [This item is availibility 10]: 450 nuyen
Gas Mask: 200 nuyen
Low Lifestyle: 2,000 nuyen (Two months. Small studio in Downtown)
Misc Clothing: 100 nuyen
Contacts (14BP. 12BP are free points. 2BP spent from character creation)
Garrok: Dwarf, Tamonous Organ Legger (L2/C:4)
Rodney Roadkill: Human, Bartender at Jack O' Lanterns (L1/C3)
Zhade: Human, Talsimonger, (L2/C1)
Dr. Mason: Human, Renraku Researcher, (L1/C1)
[ Spoiler ]
Handle: White Face
Name: Elurien Evanara
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Elven (Caucasian)
Metatype: Elf
Nationality: McNeil Island Correctional Center
Date of Birth: September 19th, 2049
Height: 6’0"
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: White
Age: 21
Demeanor: Serious. But during a party he is relaxed and loose.
--What is the character's name?
Elurien Evanara aka White Face.
--What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color,
and skin color/tone, and build?
White Face is tall and lanky. He has some developed muscle, all of it natural. He has long blond hair and very pale skin. He has green eyes and is an elf.
--Where did your character learn his/her skills?
White Face was tested at an early age for his magical ability. Since the age of 15 he began to take advance classes in his high school for ‘special’ children with magical ability. He spent two years for in jail for organ legging from ages 18-20 where he languished with his talent. During this time a few Renraku corporate employees had visited the prison and identified him as a person with magical talent. He spent some time learning from them, in return for future benefits.
--Does your character have any family?
None. His parents were political activists who died. He was the only child. He may have family, but he does not know about them.
--What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
To survive, and to have a good time doing it.
--What is the characters general appearance?
White Face wears white makeup in the form of a Clown or of the Crow on his face. He can be seen wearing tight fitting cloths. He enjoys wearing a long pointed scarecrow type hat, and orange fitting clothing. He has a shirt with black and orange spots on it representing the Halloweeners.
--Why did they choose to be a ganger?
White Face was became friends with other members of the Halloweeners while in prison. He liked their care free attitude and rebellious nature. They represent freedom, the ability to not be held back by any rules. When he told the leaders that he has magical ability, they welcomed him to the gang.
--What is the characters personality?
Very serious. White Face is morbid, stern, and appears detached at times. He is a team player and is cooperative. He is an observer and likes to play LT. or second fiddle. During a party or a rave, he relaxes. He enjoys having fun and a good time.
--What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
White Face is a Shaman. He brings rare magical ability to the table. Representing 2% of the world’s population, the gang values his talents. He can ride a motorcycle and is okay with people.
--What are some things your character cannot do?
White Face is terrible at physical activity. He abhors sweating and physical labor.
--What does your character hate and why?
Rival gangs of the Halloweeners, because he has the ‘gang’ mentality of hating your rivals. He dislikes people who do not live up to their words, liars, and cheats because of what he has observed over his 21 years of life.
--What does your character love?
--What does your character respect?
White Face respects certain members of the Halloweeners. He respects tough minded individuals who are not afraid to speak their mind and stand up for what they believe in.
--How was your character educated?
Through work problems while in prison and he spent time in Salem’s public school. He is a high school graduate.
--What is your characters moral code?
Yes. At heart he is not an evil person per say. He views the Halloweeners as a family and has accepted their lifestyle and beliefs. He is willing to throw out the concept of right and wrong in favor of running with the gang.
--Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
White Face has never been religious, but he is beginning to accept the belief that there is something ‘more’ in the world then what he knows and sees. His totem has been talking to him a lot about playing Tricks
--What item(s) does your character treasure?
His motorcycle and the study of magic.
--Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
White Face is beginning to study arcane magic through his totem the Raven. Over the past year, his powers have increased greatly. If he is not careful he maybe consumed with the magic.
Contacts and Fake SiN
[ Spoiler ]
Fake Sin - Devin Conner. A college student who attends Seattle University majoring in magical research. The Sin states he is a registered as Awakened.
Garrok: Dwarf, Tamonous Organ Legger - Garrok is White Face's primary contact and fixer for selling organs and cyberware for the Halloweeners. White Face is unsure of what syndicate or gang Garrok is working for. He does know the dwarf pays well and is fair with prices.
Rodney Roadkill: Human, Bartender at Jack O' Lanterns - Rodney. Good old Rodney. Bartender at the Jack O' Lanterns bar and pub. Rodney serves drinks, listens to sorrows, and keeps ears open for the latest gossip going around Seattle's gang community.
Zhade: Human, Talsimonger - Zhade is a small time talismonger operating out of Renton. White Face goes to him for magical supplies.
Dr. Mason: Human, Renraku Researcher - A young researcher White Face met while in McNeil Prison. Mason took a interest in White Face, confirming that the elf had magical talent. Mason then set up monitored courses in magic for White Face to study while in jail. Mason is an young up and coming researcher in Renraku, and is investing in White Face to help him in the future.
Edited QUOTE
Guess I'm not the only one who kept thinking of Batman Beyond while this game was being set up. - Karoline
No you weren't. Using Ghoul as a physical portrait of White Face seemed like a good fit, and when I finally decided on using him, I thought about your random quote early in the recruitment thread, Karoline.
Oct 29 2009, 02:05 AM
QUOTE (SincereAgape @ Oct 28 2009, 08:57 PM)
Handle: White Face.
[Image 1][Image 2]Guess I'm not the only one who kept thinking of Batman Beyond while this game was being set up.
Holder spot for 'Lash'
Oct 29 2009, 02:55 AM
Handle: WiresCharacter Sheet[ Spoiler ]
Build Points
Stats 150
Race 20
Edge 20
Skills 120
Know/Lang Skills
Positive Qualities 10
Negative Qualities -35
Resources 20
Contacts 8
Total 315
Essence: 2.45/6
Initiative Passes: 2/4
Body 4
Agility 5
Reaction 4
Strength 3
Charisma 3
Intuition 2
Logic 4
Willpower 3
Edge 3
Qualities BP Cost
SINner(Criminal) -10
Records on File (Renraku)-10
Media Junky Mild -5
Addiction(Mild)(BTLs) -5
Allergy(Uncommon Mild) -5
...(Cayenne Pepper)
Codeslinger (Hacking on the Fly)10
Electronics Group 4
Infiltration(Urban) 2
Hacking(Exploit) 5
Cyber Combat 4
Electronic Warfare 3
Blades(Knives) 2
Perception (Visual) 1
Dodge(Melee Combat) 1
English N
Or'Zet 3
Knowlwdge Skills
Seattle Street Gangs 3
Street Drugs 3
Security Procedures 2
Matrix Warez Sites 3
Matrix Clubs 2
Gang Hangouts 2
Police Procedure 3
Wired Reflexes 1
Obvious Cyberarm (Optimized)
...Large Smuggling Compartment
...Flare compensation
...Low-light vision
...Spatial Recognizer
Transys Avalon
Firewall/System 4/4
Sim Module (Hot-sim)
Satelite Link
CMT Clip
Vector Xim
Pro User Common Use Suite
(Analyze 4, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4)
Scan 4
Encrypt 4
Reality Filter (Ergonomic) 3
Command 4
Armor (Ergonomic) 3
Biofeedback Filter (Ergonomic) 3
Black Hammer 4
Exploit 5
Attack 4
Decrypt 4
Medic 4
Sniffer 3
Spoof 4
Stealth (Ergonomic) 3
Track 3
BTL Stock[b]
4X 20Y BTL (
10X 50Y BTL (5 Torture Dual Channel)(5 S&M Dual Channel)
20X 100Y BTL (5 Snuffs, Channel for Killer and Victim)(10 Tortures,Dual Channel)(5 S&M Dual Channel)
Armor Jacket
FFBA Half-Suit
Survival Knife
Defiance Ex Shocker
AK-97 (32c) Skinlinked
10 clips Ex Rds
5 clips Stick-n-Shock Rds
Low- 1 month
Thunderclood Contrail
Misc Gear
Medkit R4
Gecko Tape Gloves
Tag Eraser
Hardware Tool Kit
Fake SIN R2
Warezhouse 24 1/2
...Membership +1, Active MAtrix Presence +1
Jarek (fixer) 1/2
Ripper (BTL Manufacturer/Producer) 3/3
Contacts Expanded
[ Spoiler ]
[b]Warezhouse 24- Wires has been a suscriber of the group for a few months. He has shared some of his rather tame Simsense recordings and is working to garner a reputation within the group to both feed his media habit and get the latest hacked proggies.
Jarek Jarek is a fixer within the Halloweeners. He used to be an enforcer for the gang but has semi-retired and now uses his network of contacts to get equipment, information, and jobs to help the gang out.
Ripper Ripper runs a BTL manufacturing operation somewhere in Seattle. He is a supplier of BTLs for teh Halloweeners and for a price lets Wires use his simsynth studio to produce a variety of snuff BTLs under the Black Jack label. A label used only be Wires himself. Ripper manufactures the BTLs and uses the Halloweeners for distribution of the Black Jack BTL's. All for a cut of the profits of course.
A short Vignette
[ Spoiler ]
"Jarek, I need a new simrig."
"What happened to the one I gave you a month ago"
"It got mangled"
"I put it on my last actor. And well, it got hit by a bus."
"It got hit by a bus?...Why did it get hit by a bus?"
"Because I hit the guy with the bus."
"Whhhyyy did you hit the guy with a bus?"
"Uh, hello, snuff scene." Relishing in the memory."And the capture was just beautiful. I hit the horn just before the impact so the guy juuust had enough time to realize it was coming. Oh, the feelings I captured are just amazing. I think it will be one of our top sellers."
"But you hit the guy wearing the simrig with a bus!"
"Yeah, I hit him with a bus. Can I have the new rig or not?
Background Questions
[ Spoiler ]
Handle: Wires.
Name: Jon Embers
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: ½ Caucasian, ½ Sioux
Metatype: Ork
Nationality: Criminal SIN (Lone Star Correctional Facility)
Date of Birth: June 13th, 2047
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190lbs
Eyes: All Black
Hair: Orange
--What is the character's name?
Everyone calls him Wires, His given name is Jon Embers but that is only listed on his Criminal Record. He tells no one.
--What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color/tone, and build?
Wires is small for an Ork. His build is more akin to a muscular human. His only nationality comes from his stint in prison when he was given a criminal SIN/
--Where did your character learn his/her skills?
Wires weas educated on the streets, from an early age he taught himself how to hack. Primarliy, so he could steal from the vendiong machines or con a room at a coffin motel.
--What did your character do before becoming a runner?
Wires never really got the chance to do anything but survive until the Halloweeners took him in.
--Does your character have any family?
Wires never really had a family, as a kid he pretty much grew up on the streets or in any household willing to take him in. He doesn't plan on starting a family ever.
--What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
To become a leader in teh gang.
--What is the characters general appearance?
Wires normally wears his armored leather biker's jacket with jeans and combat boots. His appearance is normally rough, with a three day old beard. He likes to wear his skull mask when out scaring the neighborhood.
--Why did they choose to be a ganger?
A Halloweener discovered Wires hacking ability during an intitation of one of their new recruits. Wires was the target and was appraoched for membership after he killed the recruit by running over him with two different stolen cars.
--What is the characters personality?
Wires is a pure unadulterated sociopath. He takes joy in killing his victims in creative ways and prefers to record the experience though his simrig and one placed on the victim. Wires has a twisted macabre sense of humor, he is often seen laughing to himself at some unknown joke. It tends to creep people out. More often than not it is from Wires watchin some slasher flick in AR and enjoying the horror.
--What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
Wires is a somewhat accomplished hacker for one that taught himself on the streets. He loves to tinker with any computer hardware. He also is working to produce snuff BTLs under the 'Black Jack' label.
--What are some things your character cannot do?
Wires is not very good with people. He tends to come off as a bit creepy.
--What does your character hate and why?
Wires hates cops, wage-slaves and corps. He can't stand people that live life like lambs to the slaughter..
--What does your character love?
He loves anything bloody and gore.
--What does your character respect?
Wires has a deep respect for the leaders of the Halloweeners, someday he wishes to become one himself.
--How was your character educated?
Wires never really got the chance to do anything but survive until the Halloweeners took him in.
--What is your characters moral code?
Wires is loyal to the Halloweeners. They help take him off the streets and gave him a life. He could kill at the drop of a hat and takes great pleasure in replaying the sims he records of himself while he kills. He loves to kill using snuff BTLs of his previous victims. He turns of the the overides and watche as his victims flee in terror.
--Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
Religion is BS and the State can Kiss his A$$
--What item(s) does your character treasure?
Nothing in particular.
--Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
Wires does not suffer fomr a concious. He revels in the thrill of the kill and reliving the victims terror through BTLs.
Oct 29 2009, 05:04 PM
Sorry I was away, I had hours to make up and a paper I missed when I was sick
Looking good yall, first post will be up by tommorrow evening. Now, down to the brass tacks. Those of you that are dealers of sorts, I need a few blurbs on how and where you do business, and feel free to create NPC's if you feel it appropriate to do so.
Oct 29 2009, 05:27 PM
I have a stock of BTLs but I really don't see Wires as being a dealer. He keeps a few on hand for requests but I don't see him standing on a street corner. If anyone else is interested in dealing his BTLs I'd be happy to split the profits with you.
It wouldn't be a whole lot. 50% goes to replenishing stock, 25% goes to the gang, and the other 25% to us.
Oct 29 2009, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (ravensoracle @ Oct 29 2009, 01:27 PM)
I have a stock of BTLs but I really don't see Wires as being a dealer. He keeps a few on hand for requests but I don't see him standing on a street corner. If anyone else is interested in dealing his BTLs I'd be happy to split the profits with you.
It wouldn't be a whole lot. 50% goes to replenishing stock, 25% goes to the gang, and the other 25% to us.
I don't think he means standing on a street corner dealer, but the dealer that provides the guys who do stand on street corners, or perhaps the guy who supplies that guy.
Oct 29 2009, 05:46 PM
that's the stuff i need to know, if you're a street dealer or higher up the chain.
Oct 29 2009, 07:25 PM
I figured Matto as a new recruit... the troubles with the Ancients and drek Im sure the HW need replacement hitters and muscle.
Oct 29 2009, 10:20 PM
Machina checked the package and did a re-count. Her crew headed by Zipperhead was working out of a house near downtown. It was a rundown neighbourhood and this place was no different. The first floor had been boarded up with iron grills over the windows. The brownstown may have looked shabby, but was built to last. Shame the insides looked about as appealing as the outside, all water damaged and all its furniture discarded. She would be getting a new shipment by the ends week. She knew a wholesaler, Thimble who was not only close from her neighbourhood days, but well connected.
In another age, the crew would be moving around a bit more, but in 2070, you no longer had to worry about the police. Only public opinion so you didnät move into expensive neighbourhoods. But then equally you had to make sure other gangs did not rip you off. Now, Knights Errant whenever they would come by would also like their piece of action. There was a lot of money moving around, but most of it was not hers. Gang leadership wanted its share.
An expansion of her operation from one house to an old brownstown which had been sitting vacant was needed. There was the thought of taking it over, and then start using the bottom floor for a whore house and the back for dealing drugs and BTLs. It would be nothing fancy, chip heads could buy a bit of paradise while the Johns would buy a piece of ass.
Machina has been a Halloweener for a while now, she earned her stripes in McNeil and was now a drug dealer and enforcer. She had ambition and energy, which meant she was twofold dangerous.
Oct 29 2009, 11:54 PM
Every night White Face and a few other Halloweeners go out to scour Seattle for bodies contaning cyberware of fresh organs. Each night is broken down into sections of the city.
Monday: Renton
Tuesday: Downtown
Wednesday: Tacoma
Thursday: The Barrens
Friday: Pullyup.
Saturday and Sunday: Wherever the action is.
If they hear about a possible large payday or big battle they will deviate from the schedule and head there.
Each night he checks in with Rodney Roadkill, the bartender of Jack O' Lanterns to see if there have been any major scuffles in the sprawl, and every once in awhile Dr. Mason, the Renraku researacher notifies White Face of any potential big runs that went down through Renraku's networks.
Competition is fierce in the ogran legging business. Often times, they might come into contact with another gang or another group for the rights to the salvages. Some nights, White Face's group likes to start encounters, and others they simply do their research and pick a target.
On Wednesdays and Sundays, White Face and the other Halloweeners who are in the trade meet Garrok the organ legger, in Halloweener turf, by the docks in downtown to conduct business. In between that time they keep all of the organs and cyberware in a meat house somewhere in southern downtown.
Oct 30 2009, 12:07 AM
Red N Drippin's new song "Stomp,Stomp,Bleed" pounded in Matto's earbuds as he clung to the roof of the delivery van. The wind picked up more salt and less stink as the van got closer to Downtown Seattle. He watched the tags on the overpasses and buildings till he started seeing orange and black and rolled off the van at the next light.
The vans human drive gave the ork ganger a startled look. Matto twisted the mirror on his way down and was rewarded with curses from behind the 4 cm glass. Laughing, he flipped the driver the bird and sauntered down the street, looking for anyone who might point him to the gang.
Matto didn't miss much. His old gang boss, Tristan always sent him to scout things out because of that. It didn't take more than ten minutes for him to pick up on the flow of the neighborhood. There were always patterns. For instance the brownstone up the block had chip house written all over it. In the next 15 minutes as he stood on the corner 6 scraggly ill fed people of various metatypes wandered in and back out. They all looked much happier as they scurried off, clutching thier pockets. For the first time in years he thought of his mother. No fond memories there. just a thought as to where she might be.
The brownstone had the Circle and black triangles that marked it as Halloweeners turf on the side walk as did the street sign hanging cock-eyed across the street.
Matto settled in down the block to wait till someone noticed him. He tied the white hankerchief on his leg to show his intentions. and lit a smoke as the sun made its way across the sky...
(I realize this is the OOC thread but Chrysalis started it....(grin)
Oct 30 2009, 12:15 AM
[Oh sure. Blame me.]
It did not take long for a black SUV to drive up to the side of the road. The passenger side window rolled down. The Halloweener grinned behind surgically implanted black lenses. His long black unkept hair made the SURGEd goblin features look even more grotesque. He held the INgram Smartgun X on its side against the door casually pointed at Matto.
It used to be that there were rules, there were rules never broken, but those days had long died out. So now everyone had the wary politeness that comes from an armed, combat drugged out society.
"Whatchoo want?" He sneered at Matto.
Oct 30 2009, 12:19 AM
Lash is a new arrival into the fold that is the Halloweeners. But she has made a name for herself very quickly. Despite her extremely slight build, she is recognized within the gang is someone you don't ever want to offend when within about 2m of her, unless death has always been a fond wish of yours. With her long silver hair and golden eyes, she often stands out, even among people with cyber eyes, because there is always that moment of realization that her actual eyes are that color.
Even though she entered the gang as a grunt enforcer, she has risen rather quickly. While not yet leadership, she certainly has a number of people under her sway, and it is hard to argue a point with her, as she seems to be able to make anything an inviting prospect.
Only a few days ago, she did something else that sparked more talk about her. She brought with her a girl, only about 16 years of age to one of the hangouts. The girl did anything ordered of her by Lash, seemingly subservient to a fault. The girl wasn't treated as a lover, or sibling, or anything else that would suggest why the girl did what she was told, and so eagerly too. No one has asked what the deal with the girl was, though rumors have spread around. With the only weapon she has ever been seen using being whips, the biggest rumor is that the girl was a slave, likely trained by Lash's own hand. There are plenty of other rumors, some saying that Lash is a vampire who had the girl enthralled, some say she can control minds, and some think it was just some play put on by Lash and some hooker to try and win favor and respect.
Oct 30 2009, 12:48 AM
Still leaning on the post, Matto smiles " No offense meant, Omae." He lets the smoke roll out his nostrils. " Just wondering if the orange and black might be looking for an extra shooter. I used to run with the Jblades and Tristan always said if we got lost out this way to look ya up."
Oct 30 2009, 01:27 PM
The goblinoid nods, noting the torn off patch on his jacket. "Heard yeh got hit hard. If yeh hard, talk to the boss. Come to the old dock, tonight 1800. Its a party so get some more white."
There was a snicker from the driver with the last comment. The black glass rolls up and and the goblnoid takes the bead off Matto. The car stays there for a while before the heavy bass of Soulcrusher's Fuck'em Till They Bleed starts blasting out. With a squeal of tires the car drives off down the block and turns left.
Oct 30 2009, 01:27 PM
It was to friggin early to be bothered. White Face glanced into the corner of his retinal display, it read 23:00 hours. He was one of the few residents of this brownhouse on the corner of Eliot and Vine. Drinking a bottle of BudRiser, the pale skin elf lounged on a sofa with as many bullet holes as swiss cheese, watching a remake of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. The premise of the movie centered around a village of orks, trolls, and dwarfs being oppressed by a bandit of elven ronin. When a overweight member of the Halloweeners strolled into the room. The fat ganger, was wearing a jean jacket, and warm up pants.
"Yo Whitey. There is a tusker outside, who wants to join our gang. Frankie and some of the others just pulled up and are chatting with him now. Wanna take a look see?"
Fuck. He hated getting being interrupted during his nightly ritual of catching up on Anime and Japanese cinema. But he hated Frankie even more. Maybe something full would happen..
"Sure. Why not."
Whitey and the fat man, we'll just call him Marvin, made their way out of the brownstone just in time to see the Ork blowing smoke out of nose. The ork was sporting a short mohawk and light brown jacket with fringes on it [Going off an earlier picture of Matto, kanislatrans].
There was Frankie, already leaning outside of SUV side of the window, sizing up this tusker.
Still leaning on the post, Matto smiles "No offense meant, Omae." He lets the smoke roll out his nostrils. "Just wondering if the orange and black might be looking for an extra shooter. I used to run with the Jblades and Tristan always said if we got lost out this way to look ya-up."
The goblinoid nods, noting the torn off patch on his jacket. "Heard yeh got hit hard. If yeh hard, talk to the boss. Come to the old dock, tonight 1800. Its a party so get some more white."
The SUV then took off.
White Face scoffed. He was hoping Frankie would get scragged. The elf shrugged before making his way back up the steps into the old Brownstone.
Oct 30 2009, 01:27 PM
It was to friggin early to be bothered. White Face glanced into the corner of his retinal display, it read 23:00 hours. He was one of the few residents of this brownhouse on the corner of Eliot and Vine. Drinking a bottle of BudRiser, the pale skin elf lounged on a sofa with as many bullet holes as swiss cheese, watching a remake of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. The premise of the movie centered around a village of orks, trolls, and dwarfs being oppressed by a bandit of elven ronin. When a overweight member of the Halloweeners strolled into the room. The fat ganger, was wearing a jean jacket, and warm up pants.
"Yo Whitey. There is a tusker outside, who wants to join our gang. Frankie and some of the others just pulled up and are chatting with him now. Wanna take a look see?"
Fuck. He hated getting being interrupted during his nightly ritual of catching up on Anime and Japanese cinema. But he hated Frankie even more. Maybe something full would happen..
"Sure. Why not."
Whitey and the fat man, we'll just call him Marvin, made their way out of the brownstone just in time to see the Ork blowing smoke out of nose. The ork was sporting a short mohawk and light brown jacket with fringes on it [Going off an earlier picture of Matto, kanislatrans].
There was Frankie, already leaning outside of SUV side of the window, sizing up this tusker.
Still leaning on the post, Matto smiles "No offense meant, Omae." He lets the smoke roll out his nostrils. "Just wondering if the orange and black might be looking for an extra shooter. I used to run with the Jblades and Tristan always said if we got lost out this way to look ya-up."
Jblades and Tristan. He had heard of those two before. The question was, did this ork really know those two or was he merely dropping their names?
The goblinoid nods, noting the torn off patch on his jacket. "Heard yeh got hit hard. If yeh hard, talk to the boss. Come to the old dock, tonight 1800. Its a party so get some more white."
The SUV then took off.
White Face scoffed. He was hoping Frankie would get scragged. The elf shrugged before making his way back up the steps into the old Brownstone.
Oct 30 2009, 02:34 PM
((Ignore my previous post, I figure I'll join up at the same time as Matto, so I'm not imposing so much as to Lash's abilities or anything.))
1800 has arrived, and so has Lash. She hangs on the arm of one of the numerous gangers. She wears tight leather clothing that covers little and doesn't leave what it does cover to the imagination. The leather mini-skirt is barely long enough to be decent, and the tight corset only rises just high enough to cover what is required to be covered of her breasts. She wears a pendent which comes to rest on the valley of her breasts, the blood red gem set in it providing even more contrast to the already striking contrast of her pale skin and black leather outfit. It seems fairly certain that she isn't wearing armor of any kind, and most likely is just here as arm candy for the guy, except that as she hangs onto his arm, she seems to be the one leading the way most of the time, pulling on his arm, and him following.
Strapped to each otherwise bare leg is what appears to be a holster for a gun, except that the shape is all wrong, and couldn't possibly hold any conventional sort of gun, or any gun with a handle. They could perhaps hold a small bar of some kind, but that is about it.
Edit: ((I suppose we can count this as our vignettes
Oct 30 2009, 03:20 PM
[Man. I really want to play this campaign.
Walking back to his couch, White Face had the urge for something to exhilarating to get himself ready for tonight's run through the Barrens, and then the party by the docks. He was tired of Novacoke, Kamikaze re-wired his brain to much. You know what he needed? A good fragging BTL. Something to put him in a violent mood set. White Face always had a problem with being to violent for the 'Weeners. Something new, A BTL with a cutting edge. He made a mental note to ask Machina if she had anything new the next time they ran into each other. He hated dealing with Zipperhead. He just realized he hated a lot of things. Funny how life in 2070 puts it that way.
White Face had just laid down on his couch, about to hit up Vampire Hunter D 2070 when Marvin interrupted him again. Marvin meant well, but he always had the worst timing.
"Hey Whitey, what do you think about the Sea Dogs making it.."
"I don't care."
"Hey Whitey what's with Rimzar the Balrog almost killing Neal in the latest Barbarian.."
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All of his movies are the same,""Hey Whitey....look at the Chica, Pauly the Purple is bringing in..." "Probably another street slitch..""No. I mean...look." White Face rolled his eyes and turned his neck to see what Marvin was staring at. But Marvin wasn't staring, he was drooling. Down the hallway, Pauly had a new girl dangling on his arm. Short skirt, tight leather, a nice pendant dangling from her neck.
"Not bad...Pauly is moving up in the world..." Marvin stated.
Yeah. But was it Pauly moving up in the world, or was he a play thing for this new chick? White Face noticed the weapon holders on each leg. Hmm. It looked like Slash was bringing up some new talent to fortify his defenses within the gang...or was it Nightmare recruiting new members to finally stage the coup?
Oct 30 2009, 03:36 PM
It was 1800 and the party was starting to wind-up TriChrist was on the decks pumping out Get Your Meat Beat.
Machina showed up in a tight leather outfit, her skin prominently on display. It was garish mottled splotched of gray and blue, with an underlying tracery of silver wirework. Her hair in a top knot changed and shifted colours from bright red to purple and violet before going white again. She wore a sword scabbard on her hips, the sword itself in her hand.
She looked around the crowd in a sneering manner. There were several hopefuls in white, that had been pushed towards the front of the dancefloor. When she smiled she revealed to have enlarged incisors, either she was a vampire or then had some cosmetic surgery for that. All those new recruits. All that fresh blood.
[I think we should start a thread before the OOC thread becomes the IC thread]
Oct 30 2009, 03:54 PM
Be up tonight, and a spoiler....the Ancients hit in the opening chapter.
Oct 30 2009, 04:54 PM
"No prob, see ya there" Matto answered.
"Initiation time again" He thought as he walked a few blocks over to the Military surplus store he had passed on his way here. "Drek, I figured when I hooked up with the blades that would be the last. funny how life changes"
Matto let his mind wander back to the day he had joined the blades. Tristan had called all members in for the good old traditional beat down. There had been 6 other wanna-bees all older than him. At only 12 some of the gang had said he wasn't ready, but Tristan said yes and that was all that mattered.
He had been the first to walk the line. Head up he took everything that came at him. A few of the punches and kickes rocked him but he held fast and one foot at a time took it all. Untill the end of the line where Ivy, the Troll master at arms waited for her shot. He had heard snickers as he aproached, batttered and blooded. He looked up into Ivys eyes and nodded. She pulled back and the world exploded. When his vision cleared, he realized that he wasn't breathing and the only reason he hadn't gone down was that he was now 10 meters back and leaning on the wall. His vision got dark again and then his lungs kicked back in. Tristan smiled and said something to him. but he didn't hear it as he fell forward into oblivion. Four broken ribs and a shattered collar bone, but he was in.
The security bell rang as he entered the Surplus shop and he wandered around looking for something white. He found a T shirt and a navy officers dress shirt. He transfered the 20
and headed for the party....
Oct 30 2009, 10:21 PM
((Warning: Likely not work appropriate (No nudity, along the lines of Victoria's Secret.). Lash's
top and
skirt (I know I said corset originally, but I think that top is more appropriate)))
Lash guides Pauly towards the initiates in white, her eyes moving over them appraiseingly. She whispers something to Pauly, and he looks nervous, shaking his head. Lash gives him a stern look. He tries to resist for several seconds, but then gives a bit of a sigh and nods. She releases his arm, and he makes his way through the crowd towards Machina, still looking a bit sheepish, especially at the sight of those incisors.
Machina gets the impression that he feels himself between a rock and a hard place. "Machina?" he says, his voice low "My... uh, my girl wants to join too, but she uh.. she doesn't have white like she is supposed to, and uh.. but she wants to join anyway." He points out Lash, and 'his' girl is already talking to another guy, though her eyes move over towards Pauly and Machina fairly often, making sure that Pauly is doing as he was told.
When Machina looks over towards Lash, she catches her eye, giving an almost seductive style and a small wink, seemingly pointedly allowing her eyes to wander over Machina's body.
Oct 30 2009, 10:59 PM
Before we continue can we have a bit of a talk about what is everyone's limits. I really don't want this to get out of hand and start weirding out process with other players. Halloweeners can be as extreme as our imaginations can go and my imagination can be very extreme.
How far are you willing to go? Is there any topic you would feel uncomfortable dealing with in an RP?
For me I would have to say that explicit torture scenes, especially explicit sexual torture is something I would not like to see in an RP.
Oct 30 2009, 11:07 PM
Tossing his jacket and backpack in the pile by the door, matto walks into the warehouse. He pauses feeling naked with out the tactical holster on his hip, but figured that it would be safer in the bottom of the pack. The weight of the stun baton in his right boot gave him a little confidence. he had cut the bottom out of the pocket of his pants so he could get to it if things got freaky.
His white shirt glowed in the black light, making him stand out like a stiff pecker at a sewing bee. It didn't take long before he started getting bumped and jostled. Heckling and catcalls followed and he soon found himself pushed to the front of the crowd.
Matto took a second to size up the Chica with the pigsticker. Confident, cocky, and a little bit scary. "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" He thought to him self.
He was impressed. Dropping into a relaxed parade rest, he waited for what ever she had in store...with HW, he'd been told , you never know what to expect...
Oct 30 2009, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Oct 30 2009, 05:59 PM)
Before we continue can we have a bit of a talk about what is everyone's limits. I really don't want this to get out of hand and start weirding out process with other players. Halloweeners can be as extreme as our imaginations can go and my imagination can be very extreme.
How far are you willing to go? Is there any topic you would feel uncomfortable dealing with in an RP?
For me I would have to say that explicit torture scenes, especially explicit sexual torture is something I would not like to see in an RP.
For the most part I'm a no holds barred as far as what I mind seeing, but I'll certainly keep other people's preferences in mind with my own posts.
Oct 30 2009, 11:17 PM
[Music in the background
Combichrist: Get your bodybeat ]
The crowd had gotten thicker. The music also had gotten thicker and more aggressive. She looked at Pauly. He had always been a weak one, if she could kill him, she would but that would involve an excuse. One day Pauly would slip up and he would then find himself ghoul food.
"Hi Pauly. If she doesn't have the right clothes, you should ask her to strip for you." She turned to the rest of the crowd. She toggles the AR switch causing her voice to preternaturally project across the room through the loudspeakers.
"She wants to join, but she's not wearing her colors. Should she strip!? yeah? I can't fucking hear you?!" The crowd roars for Lash to strip. Machine grins evilly and turns the music back to full blast.
Oct 30 2009, 11:19 PM
QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Oct 30 2009, 05:59 PM)
Before we continue can we have a bit of a talk about what is everyone's limits. I really don't want this to get out of hand and start weirding out process with other players. Halloweeners can be as extreme as our imaginations can go and my imagination can be very extreme.
How far are you willing to go? Is there any topic you would feel uncomfortable dealing with in an RP?
For me I would have to say that explicit torture scenes, especially explicit sexual torture is something I would not like to see in an RP.
I agree.
Although there isn't much that shocks or makes me uncomfortable these days,a benefit of getting old I guess. ( or maybe its the wages of a life of sin and debachery.)
Oct 30 2009, 11:33 PM
Thread is up, I will be editting in the prison scene for DWC shortly.
Oct 30 2009, 11:43 PM
Oct 30 2009, 11:44 PM
Will there be more to the thread?
Oct 30 2009, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Oct 30 2009, 06:44 PM)
Will there be more to the thread?
As in? I also stated it'd be editted to include the prison scene for DWC. You've just been hit, and not all of you run in the same circles, some of you dont really hang at the S&M bars like others....so begin your story.
Oct 30 2009, 11:58 PM
I would suggest we continue from the OOC thread. The setting is prime for a drive by..
Oct 31 2009, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (kanislatrans @ Oct 30 2009, 07:58 PM)
I would suggest we continue from the OOC thread. The setting is prime for a drive by..
That does sound like a good idea. My OOC post up in a minute
Oct 31 2009, 12:48 AM
Lash looked hesitant at the call to strip from her scanty clothing in order to join the initiation. Some might think she was embarrassed by the idea, but those who know what you look for notice that she isn't blushing at the idea, instead she seems to be considering. While stripping would certainly draw her plenty of attention, it was also obviously intended to keep her down, and wouldn't make the best impression for moving up in the gang. Still, she didn't have any power in the gang yet, and so didn't have much of a choice. She didn't like being ordered around by machina, but she'd have to swallow her pride until she could get on better terms with her.
She would say something, but the music would drown anything she said out, so instead she moves in front of the crowd with the rest of the group, and makes no attempt to hide herself as she unlaces her top, slowly allowing it to open wider and wider, until finally she allows it to drop, and it slides down her body to be caught on her hips. She hadn't bothered to wear anything under the top, as a bra would have ruined the look, and it was plenty tight enough to provide support anyway. And so her chest is on full display for anyone who can see her front, her hands moving to her hips, rubbing the line of the belt keeping her skirt up.
She glances back at the crowd, seeing what their reaction is. Perhaps surprise at her having actually gone through with it... to some extent at least, but also likely excitement. She looks back to Machina and gives her another wink, doing her best to appear like she is the one in control. "Want more?" she mouths to Machina, grinning, seemingly quite ready to remove more if requested.
Oct 31 2009, 12:58 AM
Machina is not impressed. Any slower and this strip would be going in reverse. Besides it's not like they had not seen all of this before. "Pauly strip her and have her kneel on all fours on the ground."
She started up a chant "DogdogdogdogdogdogdoGDOGDOGDOGDOGDOG!DOGDOG!!DOGDOG!!!" "DOGGGG!!" The crowd of halloweeners screamed in unison the a silence following afterwards. Machina looked at the vicious creature, patted it gently on the head. "Fuck her Dog, Fuck her doggie style."
Oct 31 2009, 01:33 AM
"Wicked Slitch" thought the young ork as he watched the humiliation taking place. She definitely knew how to put on a show and the mob was sucking it up.
Still standing he scanned the crowd. Something kept nagging him, as if he had missed something on his way in. The problem with being so good at noticing details is he sometimes missed the obvious. This seemed to be one of those time.
He shook his head and turned back to the center of the chanting howling Halloweeners. His turn would come soon enough.....
Mister Juan
Oct 31 2009, 01:34 AM
The sole of his worn out boots dangled over some sixty feet of absolutely nothing. Down there, people didn't quite look like ants, but they didn't quite look like people either. They were big and small at the same time. Dog liked to look at people. Especially when they didn't know he was there. They would go on about their business. It was amazing what people did when they thought they were alone. It really did amaze Dog. It digusted Mother though. Most of the time, he would look and listen for a long time, and then Mother would find him. She would scold him. She would punish him. He didn't mind anymore. Sometimes, Mother wouldn't find him for days. It made him sad. And so, even if she was punishing him, he was at least happy for her to be there.
A mess of ragtagged patched up clothes, scrounged from half a dozen of places, and a full dozen of people, Dog pushed himself slowly up. Perched up on the very edge of the roof, he started to walk slowly. His long chromed tail flicked in the air, swinging up and balance every single of his step. The hood of his sewed up poncho stuck to his head. He hadn't taken a shower in a few weeks. His clothes stank of a strange mix of stingy chemicals and body odour. His boots and pants were caked with mud, all the way over his knees. A fresh and nasty cut ran on the inside of his palms. He pulled at the fresh scab until it started to bleed again. Holding his hand high above the street, walking along the edge of the roof, Dog's blood dripped down. Dog imagined himself to be God, making rain. Rain was good. People would love him. He didn't really care about the others. Only Mother's love was true. Only Mother's love was needed.
He missed the touch of Mother's loving hands. Dog was a very good son. He had taken good care of Mother, when she had started to sleep. She was very tired, and she needed him to be quiet. Dog had made sure no one woke her up. When the neighbours German Sheperd had started to bark one night, Dog had gone out into the yard. It had taken a few tries before he could hit him with the rocks, over the fence. Once he had knocked him out, bashing his brains in with a wrench had been easy. He had been very quiet. So quiet Mother hadn't even woken up. After a few days, Mother had started to smell strange. So, each morning and night, Dog would wash her, and hang up some more pine air fresheners.
Bringing his hand to his mouth, he ran a long grayish tongue over it. Peering down into the street, he saw Frankie talking to some tusker. Crouching low, leaning out into 6 stories of nothing, his balance tail the only thing preventing the fall, Dog's head leaned to the side. He licked his lips a few times. He ran his tongue over his theeth. Back and forth. Back and forth. His right eye twitched a bit.
The tusker pushed himself off the post he was leaning on. Dog pushed himself up.The tusker began to casually walk down the side walk. Dog jogged a bit, leaping over the alleyway and on the roof of the next building.
He didn't know the tusker. He had never seen him. And he was too far to be smelled. Or tasted.
Dog wasn't about to get near him. Unless Mother wanted him to. Then he'd do it. For the time being, Dog simply shadowed him until he was out Halloweeners' turf. He didn't know why he was doing it. It was just in his nature. Dogs don't know why they fetch. They just do.
Later, at the warehouse
Dog held his two rough hands towards the fire. In the corner of the warehouse, someone had lit some junk filled drum on aflame. Dog liked fire. It was a nice color. He liked the smell of burning things. His knuckles were scabby and raw. Earlier in the day, he had found a very nice blanket down an alley. It was soft. It was brown. It made him think of Mother's skin. He had been rubbing it against his cheek when some squatter, his smell of urine making him known before he had spoken, had yelled out. But Dog wasn't listening. He really liked this blanket. Dog thought the man looked old when he had started to pull on the blanket, yelling some rubbish about how it was is. But Dog knew it must have been Mother's. It was so close to her likeness. It had to be Mother's. Maybe she had lost it. The man pulled on it more. He even pushed Dog once. Dog made his mind up. This man... this horrible man probably had stolen Mother's blanket from her. With a feral sneer, Dog bare his fangs at the man. He spat in his face in anger.
In an instant, Dog leaped over on the man, wrapping his powerful legs around him and throwing him to the ground. He grabbed a handful of the man's gray hair, and started pounding his head on the pavement. He pounded it, and pounded it. By the time Dog stopped screaming his rage at the theif, the man's skull had mostly emptied itself. He had then bashed his face in until no recognizeable features were left.
Smiling at the fire, Dog pulled the blanket tighter around his broad shoulders.
He thought about Mother. Thought he could smell her. Thought he could hear her. And he did hear her. She was calling his name. Throught the throat of many, she called him, beckoned him.
He snapped his head around, sniffing the air, his tongue running along his lower lip. Back and forth. Over and over. He saw Machina, and for a moment, he wanted to have her. But Mother wouldn't allow it. She wanted him to have something else. A smaller thing. And she was ready for him.
Walking away from the burning oil drum, Dog started to shed his clothes.
Show her the meaning of love, my boy. Show her.
Mister Juan
Oct 31 2009, 01:36 AM
Alright, that was my little vignette.
I'll try to have an actual post, up in the IC, tonight.
Mister Juan
Oct 31 2009, 01:56 AM
Dog will make his way to the rendezvous. Whenever he gets there, he'll just collapse somewhere.
I'll leave the extend of Dog's wounds to you. I thought it would be strange if all the survivors were totaly unharmed. So, right now, Dog as a dislocated shoulder, a few broken ribs, and has probably been shot a few times
Mister Juan
Oct 31 2009, 01:59 AM
And for future references; when the gang is out and about raising hell,
this is what Dog wears
Oct 31 2009, 02:12 AM
Lash moves a hand to one of her thigh holsters in a flash, and that causes Pauly to come to a stop. He looks quite frightened, and it is likely that he knows what is in the holsters, and it is obvious he is frightened to approach any closer. After a moment though, she moves her hand from the holster, grinning a bit. She'll put on a show for everyone. Pauly looks relieved and approaches closer, his hands moving to undo her belt, and drag the skirt and top, along with her black panties down her legs. She gives him a pointed look though, and he takes care to not dislodge her holsters before letting her clothing drop the rest of the way.
Except for the two weapon holsters she now stands naked in front of the crowd. She doesn't stand for long though as Pauly forces her to the ground. She moves to all fours, Pauly's hands on her shoulders keeping her down, her ass on display for the crowd which has by now taken up the "DOG!" chant. She isn't sure what it is about until she sees the man coming towards her, shedding his clothing. Far from any sort of pick that she'd make, she shivers a bit. She -could- still stop this. Pauly would make a fine example, but that might blow her chances, and since she is naked, a few good shots would put her down plenty quick. So for now she continues to kneel on all fours as 'Dog' comes closer.
Mister Juan
Oct 31 2009, 02:15 AM
Well... anything more will probably break Dumpshock's rules.... so yea.... we might want to move forward to IC thread.
Oct 31 2009, 02:17 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Oct 30 2009, 09:15 PM)
Well... anything more will probably break Dumpshock's rules.... so yea.... we might want to move forward to IC thread.
Party pooper