Well, for the first time in one of my games, a player decided to play a full magician, a Cat shaman in this case. She chose some stealth/manipulation spells (Improved invis., Physical mask, control emotion, etc.), and got to work. Her first task was to scout out the second level of a Yakuza-contolled dance bar. She went into the bathroom, cast physical mask to look like a trusted patron, and headed out to the stairs (guarded by a low level soldier). The force of the spell was 5, his intelligence was 2. He got a 6, so he saw through the spell.
Is it just me, or is this a little underpowered? Did I misinterpet any rules?
I know it's a good roll, but still. Are there any canon modifiers I could add (will use house rules if I have to, but I'd rather stick to cannon)? Force 5 is pretty respectable, and har to resist for drain, yet anyone with an int or 3 has a sizable chance of pentrating the illusion.