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Actually they have a relationship with the Villiers faction of Fuchi, which no doubt carried over to Novatech. Check out the 'Black Operations' adventure on page thirty-two of Blood in the Boardroom.
The adventure is set during the Corp War and Fuchi's break-up, and revolves around the runners being hired by the Yamana faction to go into the Villiers controlled Delta clinic located in Pueblo Corporate Council lands and take over and hold the place until reinforcements arrive. Seems the Ordo Maximus has been teaching the resident mages there cybermancy since after the takeover a Vampiric Mage from the Ordo called Monty Livingston turns up and tries to stop the runners/Yamana forces from taking over since they only have a deal with the Villiers faction.
And the cybermany part of Man & Machine, page fifty-four, mentions that the independent Delta clinic rumoured to be located in London is the only one that's been proven to have the expert magical knowledge needed for cybermancy. Couple that with the Ordo and I figure you've got a likely match. Plus, considering how regulated some things are the UK and horrendously expensive those places are to run - aside from massive amounts of wonga - you have to wonder what sort of protection they enjoy that allows them to keep operating. Possible relationship with the government in exchange for access? Or just enough influence gained through the Ordo's exclusive club front image.
Edit: Damn, and Nath beats me to it.
And that's why you shouldn't wander off in the middle of a post for something to eat.