Aug 21 2003, 04:09 PM
Xtanbantun (sp?) is according to Aztlan SB an azzie wine that Tir elves seem to like a lot, because it is like their wine (Taerngele, or whatver), which I've been told it actually comes from the good ol' ED times.
Straight from Aztlan SB, a book by Nigel D. Findley. I don't have the book here right now, read it again at home yesterday.
Or maybe I'm just too paranoid...
Talia Invierno
Aug 21 2003, 05:21 PM
The close comparison between the two drinks is reinforced in both the Aztlan and Tir Tairngire books, as well as in Denver (Aztlan section, of course). I'd always found it tantalising.
Ancient History
Aug 21 2003, 10:07 PM
I always liked the description they gave of it. I had to copy it into my Sperethiel dictionary.
No idea why, though <shrug>. Some dragons have shown a fondness for Elven brandy, maybe Dunkie or the mythical Great Feathered Serpent or Domingo Ramos wanted a cracka t the stuff again.
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