Feb 2 2004, 03:56 PM
A short time ago I gave my runners a link to the Big D's will so they could
help me come up with runs for the group. One of them has hit upon finding Dunklezahn's lair in the Caucasus mountains, bequest number 150.
My question is what would you leave for your players in that lair, assuming they are stubborn enough to find it?
I realize most of the magical items that could be located therin will be hard to use by the PC's if the mana is even high enough for them to work at all.
Tom don't get any ideas about getting the party to post its wish list to this thread. Suggestions will be edited at my discretion when or if you ever find it.
Feb 2 2004, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (Quix) |
A short time ago I gave my runners a link to the Big D's will so they could help me come up with runs for the group. One of them has hit upon finding Dunklezahn's lair in the Caucasus mountains, bequest number 150.
My question is what would you leave for your players in that lair, assuming they are stubborn enough to find it?
I realize most of the magical items that could be located therin will be hard to use by the PC's if the mana is even high enough for them to work at all.
Tom don't get any ideas about getting the party to post its wish list to this thread. Suggestions will be edited at my discretion when or if you ever find it. |
Well, I can't say what I have planned for my group since they will be doing that one soon. But, aside from cash, gems, gold and jewelrey (what dragon hoard isn't complete without it?
) I'd suggest more esoteric things like precious works or art. Antique furniture. A years worth of talon clippings. A few dragon scales. Other stuff that will be really difficult to move.
Stocks and bonds. Maybe a few credsticks. Magical items no doubt, but as the whether some would be 4th world artifacts is up to the GM (although such items would make the players a big target which makes for good plot complications).
Tom Collins
Feb 2 2004, 04:44 PM
Meh, if I (or anyone else in the group) cant use it, Ill pass whatever is in there to either Brightlight or The Laughing Man. Wouldn't be the first time I've passed stuff their way.
As for being targets, I thought we already were? Of course, I don't think anyone other than The Laughing Man knows about the artifact we've got, so that helps some. But trashing those Leopard Guard goons a few weeks back is likely to get the Big A on my back (moeso than it was at least), so maybe a little trip would be in order. Although I was thinking doing #20 on the list would be fun. I've always liked the Windy City.
Feb 2 2004, 04:58 PM
A Force 20 (or higher) Power Focus. At 100+ Karma to bond, it's going to be worthless to pretty much everyone save a select few IEs and GDs, and if the player tries to bond it they'll pretty much be making instant focus addiction tests.
Feb 2 2004, 05:37 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
A Force 20 (or higher) Power Focus. At 100+ Karma to bond, it's going to be worthless to pretty much everyone save a select few IEs and GDs, and if the player tries to bond it they'll pretty much be making instant focus addiction tests.
~J |
Force TWENTY power focus. Focus addiction here I come!
Feb 2 2004, 05:40 PM
It'll let you be the most powerful mage on the planet... for a few days...
Edit: rereading the rules for focus addiction, more like for about 18 seconds (plus three seconds for each initiation), but it's more dramatic if you let it be a rapid but not-quite-that-obscenely-fast deterioration.
Feb 2 2004, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
It'll let you be the most powerful mage on the planet... for a few days...
Edit: rereading the rules for focus addiction, more like for about 18 seconds (plus three seconds for each initiation), but it's more dramatic if you let it be a rapid but not-quite-that-obscenely-fast deterioration. |
LOL. Of course, this is provided a group plays with that optional rule. It is required in mine.
Ancient History
Feb 2 2004, 06:41 PM
Focus Addiction roleplaying: my preciousss...
Feb 2 2004, 09:52 PM
Focus Addiction roleplaying: my preciousss... |
Wrong dragon involved here, AH
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