Nov 22 2009, 04:50 PM
Recruitment and OOC thread for a new Pbp game entitled 'It's all about the Nuyen'
I'm looking for 4 good runners, well balanced in terms of skill mix, so the usual charismatic, hacking, gun toting, sneaky, magic casting, cyber'd character may apply.
The idea for the game is simple: the runners are relatively new to Manhatten but each know a fixer called Sammy. Sammy is a dwarf and for him Shadow running 'is all about the nuyen'. Now retired he's taken up the life of being the intermediary, sourcing runners for Johnsons across New York state. Which is where you all come in. You may be local, you maybe from Denver or elsewhere, however your not green but a fairly established runner.
400 BP's to start with
50 Karma once character is built to spend as you wish
Extra :nuyen:25,000 to spend on 'stuff'
Sammy - free contact : Loyalty 2, Connection 3
Any plot backstory elements worked into the character will be used.
Please provide a character build breakdown so i can see how its all put together, send over to me via email (zed@clanuk.co.uk)
looking forward to starting this gentle, with a mix of the NY missions and other ideas .
Nov 22 2009, 09:23 PM
Did you have any particular limitations on the books you would like people to use?
Nov 22 2009, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Nov 22 2009, 10:23 PM)
Did you have any particular limitations on the books you would like people to use?
same question here, what content from what books do/donīt you allow, been pondering on a human adept assassin runner, might add SURGE if you allow.
Nov 22 2009, 09:34 PM
I’d like to apply. Want to play a close combat specialist.
Have no experience of playing in English whatsoever, but do play pbp for approximately 3 years.
Have work tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I could provide my character sheet and PC story tomorrow, but I’ll try.
Nov 22 2009, 10:52 PM
I would like put my name in the hat for a face/combat adept that I have been wanting to play for awhile. I wrote him up for another game on here, but that didn't pan out all the way, so I will update him for this one and submit him to you in the next day or so.
Nov 23 2009, 02:53 PM
I don't have a particular character in mind yet, in part, which sourcebooks we can use would probably influence that (see previous question), but (so far) nobody has expressed interest in either a mage or a hacker, so it would probably be one of those two.
Nov 23 2009, 03:31 PM
I'd be willing to play a mage...
I don't have anything actually set right now though...
Nov 23 2009, 04:37 PM
I'm open to any of the SR4 books. Just point me to a page to reference 'odd stuff' such as the comment re surge. I probably wouldn't want the immersive lifestyle being used though. Mind you im likely to regret that comment in the future i bet (if the books mesh like other systems can mesh, allowing grossed out characters)
My one area of weakness would be the magic system. I'm Happy for people to play magic users but if i ask questions specifically its because I'm trying to get my head around things so having a magic user around is probably very useful
Backgrounds can be as creative as you like and yes that includes members of strange groups of magic users, hackers, etc etc. More details means more for me to pick at and hopefully use.
Nov 23 2009, 04:37 PM
Bah double post.
Nov 23 2009, 07:09 PM
I'll have something together this evening. Probably a technomancer, as I have an idea that I like that I've been bouncing around for a while (and it will help cover the hacking angle, and be helpful in a few others, hopefully).
Nov 23 2009, 10:00 PM
I'll try to limit myself, if you're spotty on magic. No possession, for instance.
Nov 24 2009, 01:15 AM
Hey Zed,
Sent you my character to your email.
To everyone else:
He is a face/combat adept named Vamp.
Nov 24 2009, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (Trigger @ Nov 23 2009, 09:15 PM)
Hey Zed,
Sent you my character to your email.
Ditto. Let me know if the bits got lost in the Matrix.
Its a Technomancer called "Scorch".
Nov 24 2009, 03:48 AM
Uh oh. I gotta hurry up and get this done, if we're already getting sheets in.
Can we buy Sammy's loyalty up if we have the points?
Do you consider Magic/Resonance and Edge to be included in the 200BP max spent on attributes?
Nov 24 2009, 07:49 AM
Sammy's loyalty can be bought up, just explain how in back story. Hes effectively a retired runner whos decided to keep his hands in the business (as well as his auto mechanic business) Hes one of the original runners i used to run with in my table top game, his persona (actually he was a Jewish Dwarf in our game) has always stuck with me as has his favourite saying "its all about the nuyen"
200BP doesnt include the Magic/resonance as far as i can tell in the books i have in front of me so so thats fine.
Id like to wrap things up by Fridayin terms of submissions so plenty of time yet.
Also im in the UK so time differences and seeming delays may occur. Friday in particular im going to be busy with work so its more likely we will kick off over the weekend.
Nov 24 2009, 08:35 AM
QUOTE (zed @ Nov 24 2009, 08:49 AM)
200BP doesnt include the Magic/resonance as far as i can tell in the books i have in front of me so so thats fine.
That is correct. The limit is only for Physical and Mental Attributes, but not for Special Attributes.
Nov 25 2009, 09:24 AM
I have a couple of characters in which im reviewing
Still space for more though. Close date i think will be Friday AM and ill aim to kick things off Sunday.
Nov 26 2009, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (zed @ Nov 25 2009, 02:24 AM)
I have a couple of characters in which im reviewing
Still space for more though. Close date i think will be Friday AM and ill aim to kick things off Sunday.
I'm still trying to find the time to sit down and take maybe two hours to finish this up. School has been devilish recently. Unfortunately, things start clearing up on Friday, when I finish my presentation.
Still going for a Magician, however. You
might get a sheet today, if I'm speedy.
Nov 28 2009, 09:06 AM
We have our team: Phill, Vamp, Thomas, Scorch and Crowley
An interesting mix, definately magic and matrix heavy so ill have to keep that in mind.
General stuff:
We will use invisible castle for rolls etc.
Im on UK time, and will try to respond to things as they happen, but expect to move the game on a couple of times a week at least, dependant on how people are for time. With holiday season approaching though i imagine we will slow down for a few days across Christmas. Just let us know if you are planning on taking a few days away, ill either act for you or put you on autopilot dependant on what you've been doing.
This thread will act as the OOC comments etc for the group.
In terms of speech colours:
Speech=cyan", <Subvocal=violet>, <Text Message=#A0522D>,Thoughts=#808000 , Memories=silver
Ol' Scratch
Nov 28 2009, 10:09 AM
I'll be playing
Crowley, a street warlock and aspected conjurer who follows a masculine version of the Hedge Witchcraft tradition. He's somewhere between a combat mage and an occult investigator and, while not a mage in the traditional sense, no one will hopefully notice if I pull him off properly.
Looking forward to the game!
Nov 28 2009, 09:07 PM
Working on an introductory post for Scorch.
Figure I should also roll starting cash while I am thinking about it.
4d6x500 = 8500 nuyen
Nov 28 2009, 09:45 PM
I'll be playing Tom, a cajun mage with a seductress mentor spirit. Oh no.
Good choice on IC for rolls.
4d6=11x100+1200 or 2300 nuyen is Toms starting nuyen.
Nov 28 2009, 11:01 PM
I will be playing Vamp, an elf Social/Combat Adept, with known ties to the Ancients.
Starting nuyen:
4d6+12=21 x 100 = 2100
Nov 29 2009, 01:34 AM
Agent rolls for information on the Renraku Office we are headed to and Sombra Negro.
(Will make rolls when Invisible Castle comes back online. Until then, consider this space reserved.)
Nov 29 2009, 04:02 AM
As usual, my intro-posts are way longer than they probably should be.
Spent 600 on software (availability --, so I assumed you can just buy it and download it pretty easily). I might also drop another 500 or so on a new outfit for the meet.
Nov 29 2009, 06:10 AM
Mine are really short. I find it hard to introduce characters without any talking...
Or at least, they look really short compared to everyone elses...
Nov 29 2009, 10:05 PM
Waiting on 1 more to post, and invisible castle to come back up....
Expect an update tomorrow.
Nov 30 2009, 04:50 PM
For anyone waiting on invisible castle - you can use
http://rpgp.org/dice/#use Xd6e5 and quote successes. Im not sure how good it is but itll do as a temporary measure.
Nov 30 2009, 05:13 PM
I don't see a way to link the rolls to anyone else, though. Would we be on the honor system while using that site?
Ol' Scratch
Nov 30 2009, 05:18 PM
I think that was his point, yes. Hence the "quote the successes" part of his post.
Nov 30 2009, 05:45 PM
Yeah its either do that or just roll your own and list em. Hopefully IC will come up later though.
Nov 30 2009, 05:45 PM
Grr double post. Probably use it for something
Nov 30 2009, 06:18 PM
Sorry about the delay, I'm a dopey git and didn't realise the threads were even up yet.
I'm playing Phill the AI, he used to hawk knockoff viagra as a piece of adware and now he's a face.
Starting nuyen 4D6 => 9. 9x500= 4500.
Nov 30 2009, 07:11 PM
Welcome aboard.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 30 2009, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (malachite333 @ Nov 30 2009, 12:18 PM)
I'm playing Phill the AI, he used to hawk knockoff viagra as a piece of adware and now he's a face.
Bwahaha! That's awesome. It's funny, too, as I've been working on an AI Fixer as a contact for another character and was thinking along a similar line, though he was a piece of accounting software for a Bunraku parlor.
Nov 30 2009, 10:56 PM
Ok then, if we are using the other system for dice rolling:
Agent Data Searching for info on the Renraku Building the meet is at:
Agent Data Searching for info on the Sombra Negro:
Nov 30 2009, 11:00 PM
Arrival at the offices:
Entry is protected by a Rating 2 MAD. Bear that in mind for those of you taking in weapons. If you fail you are expected to check the firearm with the guard in the booth.
There is a booth near the Mad with a single rent a guard. Another Rent a guard walks the floor between the MAD and the check in counter. Standard Ares Predator IV's holstered but very much on display.
Check in normally requires you to identify the company you are with/visiting and then provide you're personal SIN. The woman at the desk will not push you for identification when you announce the company name but merely point you to the elevators and tell you your looking for 18-05 (18th floor, 5th room clockwise from the elevator hubs)
Those in more casual clothing wont feel out of place too much. There is a definate mix of suited corporate types and more relaxed 'start up' types.
Dec 1 2009, 03:03 PM
Assuming Vamp accepts the connection, Scorch will thread a rating 3 encryption CF (buying 3 successes on both the threading and fading tests, which as I understand it, is sufficient - so I won't bother posting rolls) and encrypt the communication-link, so they can talk in relative privacy.
Dec 1 2009, 08:45 PM
Scorch will thread up a basic (rating 1) scan CF, but I apparantly forgot to take Electronic warfare (I know where my next karma is going) - so he will be unable to find anything other than non-hidden nodes - but i would be curious about people's public wifi devices (particularly those broadcasting the usual SIN information, and those who are not). Or if there is any kind of jamming going on in the room, or if the walls cut off wifi access to nodes outside of the room.
Dec 2 2009, 01:18 AM
Do we want character sheets here, where everyone can see them?
Just a thought. I've got a post up.
Dec 2 2009, 01:42 AM
I have no objections, but at the same time, it does add a little mystery to learning about one another during the meet.
It might save some time, though, if I could - for example - look up what other people are wearing by the items on their character sheet, or comment on someone's apparent strength, or charisma, or something like that.
I can see arguments for it both ways, but we'll see what Zed thinks.
Ol' Scratch
Dec 2 2009, 01:45 AM
It's up to everyone else. Mine has some private information on it, but I have no problem sharing it if no one has a problem keeping it separate from their IC knowledge. :) That said, here's a few relevant rolls for my next post:
Summoning a Plant Spirit (Force 4)[ Spoiler ]
Dice Pool: 18 (Summoning + Magic + Summoning Focus + Aspected Conjurer)
Dice Roll (18D6): 7 Hits (20D6E5 => 8)
Opposed Roll (Force 4, 4D6): 1 Hit (4D6E5 => 1)
Result: Successful summoning with 6 services available. Resist 2S Drain. Optional power is Movement.
Drain Pool: 16 (Willpower + Intuition + Focused Concentration + Centering)
Dice Roll: No roll; buying 4 successes
Result: No Drain.
Summoned Plant Spirit (Force 4)
B 7, A 3, R 6, S 8, C 4, I 4, L 4, W 4, EDG 4, ESS 4, M 4, INIT 8, IP 2
Astral INIT/IP: 8/3
Movement: 5/15
Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Counterspelling 4, Dodge 4, Perception 4, Unarmed Combat 4
Powers: Astral Form, Concealment, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Magical Guard, Movement, Possession, Sapience, Silence
Note: 2 services remaining. Current services include Possession (telescopic staff), Concealment (self), Magical Guard (self and Crowley), and Assensing.
EDIT: Due to a misunderstanding of the foci rules, I removed the Power Focus (+2) bonus from the equation. Instead of rerolling, I just subtracted one hit on the Summoning Test.
Dec 2 2009, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Dec 1 2009, 09:45 PM)
It's up to everyone else. Mine has some private information on it, but I have no problem sharing it if no one has a problem keeping it separate from their IC knowledge.
That said, here's a few relevant rolls for my next post:
Summoning a Plant Spirit (Force 4)[ Spoiler ]
Dice Pool: 20 (Summoning + Magic + Power Focus + Summoning Focus + Aspected Conjurer)
Dice Roll (20D6): 8 Hits (20D6E5 =>
Opposed Roll (Force 4, 4D6): 1 Hit (4D6E5 => 1)
Result: Successful summoning with 7 services available. Resist 2S Drain. Optional power is Movement.
Drain Pool: 16 (Willpower + Intuition + Focused Concentration + Centering)
Dice Roll: No roll; buying 4 successes
Result: No Drain.
Summoned Plant Spirit (Force 4)B 7, A 3, R 6, S 8, C 4, I 4, L 4, W 4, EDG 4, ESS 4, M 4, INIT 8, IP 2Astral INIT/IP: 8/3
Movement: 5/15
Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Counterspelling 4, Dodge 4, Perception 4, Unarmed Combat 4
Powers: Astral Form, Concealment, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Magical Guard, Movement, Possession, Sapience, Silence
Note: 3 services remaining. Current services include Possession (telescopic staff), Concealment (self), Magical Guard (self and Crowley), and Assensing.
Umm, Funk, you can only use the extra from one focus at a time on any particular test:
Pg 199 SR4A
No magician may bind more foci than her Magic attribute.
Regardless of the number of foci a magician may possess, only one
focus may add its Force to any single dice pool. The total Force of all
bonded foci is capped at the character’s Magic x 5
Ol' Scratch
Dec 2 2009, 02:13 AM
What. God damn SR4.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll go fix that. (I wonder if I can get a refund on that stupid Power Focus then... kinda becomes useless for me now.)
Dec 2 2009, 02:15 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Dec 1 2009, 09:13 PM)
What. God damn SR4.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll go fix that.
Yeah, it sucks... I miss SR3 sometimes.... I also miss specific Spell Foci...
Ol' Scratch
Dec 2 2009, 02:28 AM
I miss Expendable Foci.
They were so much fun.
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Dec 2 2009, 02:13 AM)
What. God damn SR4.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll go fix that. (I wonder if I can get a refund on that stupid Power Focus then... kinda becomes useless for me now.)
Not a problem on the refund if its of no value and bought 'in error'
This goes for anyone else. you can have a final round of Gear tweaks, but once Mr Johnson offers you the job your'e fixed with what you have.
In terms of character sheets:
I personally like the mystery, but if you want to post details of your character and omit specific things feel free. I'd prefer we played as though we are all brand new runners just meeting each other though. (keeps everyone on their toes)
Dec 2 2009, 08:29 PM
I had posted slightly more, about Tom knocking at the door, then noticed that Tom was due to arrive late, and that Crowley, in all likelihood, arrives before him - and Phil could arrive just about anytime in there too.
I didn't want to jump the gun, so I edited it down, and figured I would wait for people to all get through the door on their own, first.
Im going to move things along. Given Phill is AI Im not sure if he 'walks' via the matrix to the location but since everyone else has arrived and Mr Johnson is fairly impatient ill get it moving.
From now, once the majority has posted on something ill move things along, if people want a bit more time let me know, last thing i want though is to loose momentum on what is looking to be interesting.
Dec 3 2009, 10:41 AM
Edit: All figured out.
[ Spoiler ]
Charisma 6 + Negotiation 4 + Bargaining Spec. 2 + Kinesics 2 + Empathy Program 3 = 17 dice
17d6E5=>7 : 7 Hits for Negotiation.
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