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For the life of me, I thought the negative quality was Adrenaline Junkie...

In any case, our local crew is starting a new campaign set in Denver & I'm planning to play a runner loosely based on Xander Cage (of XX fame).

He'll possibly be a Phys Ad, or maybe Type O w/ a whole slew of bioware.

Must-have skills as I see them are the Athletics group, Diving, Parachuting, Dodge & Pilot: (various vehicles)

Looking at the gear, I'm seeing plenty of tech for skiing, skydiving, & Scuba.
I'd really like him to have a snowboard - any ideas at a cost range?


sr3 or sr4?
QUOTE (Pendaric @ Dec 22 2009, 02:17 PM) *
sr3 or sr4?

My bad - SR4
Decent rating in skills like athletics, parachute and the like and a high edge as well as the typical "athletics" bioware of a suprathyroid, synthacardium and muscle toners, maybe a synaptic booster too.
Runners Companion p107:

Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker), 5BP
QUOTE (Moonhawk @ Dec 23 2009, 01:21 AM) *
For the life of me, I thought the negative quality was Adrenaline Junkie...

In any case, our local crew is starting a new campaign set in Denver & I'm planning to play a runner loosely based on Xander Cage (of XX fame).

He'll possibly be a Phys Ad, or maybe Type O w/ a whole slew of bioware.

Must-have skills as I see them are the Athletics group, Diving, Parachuting, Dodge & Pilot: (various vehicles)

Looking at the gear, I'm seeing plenty of tech for skiing, skydiving, & Scuba.
I'd really like him to have a snowboard - any ideas at a cost range?



I'd say concentrate on the Attributes and have a jack of all trades approach to skills. He does not need a high rating in any of them, instead have high Edge. Also remember to give him high Perception too.
Survival skill, perhaps? Since he spends a lot of time out in XTREME places doing XTREME things? biggrin.gif Maybe even the Outdoorsman skill group.

If I were to make this character, I'd do it without Magic and probably have a lot more fun with it, but that's me.
Thanks for the advice & suggestions - hadn't considered the emphasis on Edge, nor the addition of Survival/Outdoorsman.

And thoughts on the snowboard issue?
QUOTE (Moonhawk @ Dec 23 2009, 01:21 PM) *
Thanks for the advice & suggestions - hadn't considered the emphasis on Edge, nor the addition of Survival/Outdoorsman.

And thoughts on the snowboard issue?

Randomly off the top of my head:

Snowboard R1-3. Cost 50Y, 150Y, 500Y.
R1 is a learner's board, net hits capped at 2, cracks/breaks on a glitch.
R2 is a standard board, net hits capped at 4.
R3 is a trick board, +1 die (superior tool), no net hit cap.
Use the Skis in Arsenal's Polar gear section just rename them as snowboard.
QUOTE (ravensoracle @ Dec 24 2009, 05:01 PM) *
Use the Skis in Arsenal's Polar gear section just rename them as snowboard.

That's what I planned to do if no other sources presented themselves.


Turns out I just needed to play the right Denver Missions mod.

Snowboard: 300Y to 1500Y
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