Feb 5 2004, 12:09 PM
I've gathered that SR has tried to distance itself from it's earlier ED links. While this is understandable, it does pose some questions that have been bothering me. Any input or answers'd be appreciated.
1. If ED and SR don't crossover, do Immortal Elves exist? If not, how do you explain the Tirs?
2. Where did Dragons come from? Did they just spring into existence from the Collective Subconscious when the mana was high enough, were they in caves deep underground-below human delvings, asleep-or were they cocooned in the Astral for a few millennia? (Actually, I wondered about this in SR solo, too.)
3. What drives Dragons? While I like some of the rationale behind the motives of free Spirits as given in the old Grimoire books, I'd like to think that Dragons would have slightly more complex goals. Simple greed, for a creature powerful enough to take what it wants (and let the consequences be damned) anyway seems...petty. At least the machievellian machinations and maneuverings based on the old ED interactions makes some sense, although an ultimate goal (aside from surviving the coming Horrors) seems obscure.
Any thoughts?
Feb 5 2004, 03:07 PM
i think the major goal for the majority of them is surviving the horrors. if that little obstacle gets overcome then it may be time to start thinking up more goals. actually, with how smart those overgrown lizards are i'd imagine they have a contingency plan for every possible outcome and most of em will make moves to take over larger chunks of the world while trying to keep the others in check. sorta like they're planning out an extremely elaborate chess game.
Austere Emancipator
Feb 5 2004, 03:17 PM
QUOTE (rlemansky) |
Simple greed, for a creature powerful enough to take what it wants (and let the consequences be damned) anyway seems...petty. |
Dragons certainly aren't powerful enough to take what they want. They can take a lot, for sure, but in a world chock full of things that kill (physically, psychically, politically or economically) anything they still got to use every bit of their machiavellian machinations and maneuverings just to keep their greed satisfied.
do Immortal Elves exist? |
Things like this make it nearly impossible for SR to ever completely distance itself from ED. Since IEs and other ED critters have shaped the SR world immensely, they'd have to go back and say that about half of SR history and metaplot never happened. Not likely.
And it seems to me that there is no attempt whatsoever to distance SR and ED too far. ED stuff still seems to make up the majority of the SR metaplot.
Feb 5 2004, 04:00 PM
Raptor1033 Posted on Feb 5 2004, 03:07 PM i think the major goal for the majority of them is surviving the horrors. if that little obstacle gets overcome then it may be time to start thinking up more goals. actually, with how smart those overgrown lizards are i'd imagine they have a contingency plan for every possible outcome and most of em will make moves to take over larger chunks of the world while trying to keep the others in check. sorta like they're planning out an extremely elaborate chess game. |
I'd say they have other things on thier plate besides surviving an event that three thousand years away....Granted some of the true Power Players probably have things in the works but surviving the Scourge wouldn't be the driving force behind day to day activites.
Feb 5 2004, 04:21 PM
My take on the whole Shadowrun-distancing-from-Earthdawn-crossover bit isn't so much that Shadowrun will cease to be Earthdawn's future, as that it will cease to be a focus in any but the very occasional sourcebook or reference. More adventures like Brainscan and less like Harlequin's Back. IEs/GDs/etc will still scheme how best to deal with the Horrors, but the shadows won't notice much.
I think the main reason the Shadowrun and Earthdawn connections are starting to become less imporant, is the main reason that the two games got bought up by two seperate companies. FanPro/WizKids admit as such in their FAQ.
As such they came to a decision to keep past links, but not really delevop them to much more.
Frag-o Delux
Feb 5 2004, 05:11 PM
I am sure Adam will be here soon to tell you that Wizkids owns both ED and SR, they just liscensed ED to living room games and Shadowrun to Fanpro.
At least I think he will, he usually does, he might want to write it up in Notepad then cut paste it. It might save him soem time when he writes it everytime.
I am just bored today and I figured I'll save him the trouble.
Feb 5 2004, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
My take on the whole Shadowrun-distancing-from-Earthdawn-crossover bit isn't so much that Shadowrun will cease to be Earthdawn's future, as that it will cease to be a focus in any but the very occasional sourcebook or reference. More adventures like Brainscan and less like Harlequin's Back. IEs/GDs/etc will still scheme how best to deal with the Horrors, but the shadows won't notice much.
~J |
Of course survival of the fittest fits right in with that plan, right
Feb 5 2004, 09:11 PM
Oh yes, completely.
it's less that SR is distancing itself from ED (though it is to an extent--you don't see any modules coming out that involve early Horrors, for instance) than it is the fact that ED and SR are no longer developed conjointly. that is, stuff that happens in ED will no longer necessarily be reflected in SR.
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