I thought 4th Ed was supposed to be new rules but a continuation of the world we've gamed in since 1989. Well some of us have gamedthere since 1sted. Over the weekend I picked up Running Wild and I liked it. silly as it seems the idea of rating for pets tickled me-though I can't realy see someone called Chuck-chuck Razool buying goldfish and I think Horses are not a luxery item in Seattle yes, in Colorado, no but there's room to maneuver.
What bothered my though was the chapter on the infected. While the deiffernet psecies and all was interesting what has me kind of torqued off are the names of the strains. All of a sudden these are the Ghilani with the strain 3 known as Ghilani Wichtiviridea. There is a brief explanaition that this was discovered by Dr Krieger but the book seems determeing to use the latin name. What annoys me is that for years the strain that causes ghouls has been known as the 'Krieger Strain' but that name seems to have been dropped for the new latin name. Why?