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Full Version: Shadowrun meet-up
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I finally put in my holiday notice last week and I am fully set for the European life again. I will be heading off to Amsterdam to meet the rest of the clan of family members (mother and brother) on the 21st of March and heading back on the 27th of March. The plan is to at least spend some time in Paris in-between.

Anyone willing to hookup for a meet? I will be spending at least some quality time in a goth club there.
Sadly, I'm trapped State-side, otherwise I'd be all about it. Meeting new people is always an interesting experience.
ahh to be european... smile.gif
If you're in Paris a Friday evening, there's the regular Paris Shadowrun players meet in a bar:
La Bodega
12 rue Descartes
75004 Paris
Usually, people start to show up at 19h30.
Last year, you could tell the bartender you were looking for Mr Johnson and be shown our table (you could even order a "Shadowrun" or a "Renraku"), but the barmen who did that have left the bar so it'll be better if you tell me if you expect to meet us there.

Of course, we can also meet another day if you're not available on Friday.
Friday evening I should be back in Amsetrdam as my flight leaves in the morning. During the week it should be fine. I still need to hear from my mom and brother about times and dates.


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