Jan 9 2010, 12:57 AM
I was looking back through the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life and noticed the stats for the Flight Attendant (page 92) and have to wonder who came up with those numbers. Attributes of 5 except Strength and Charisma at 4, Firearms 6, Armed/Unarmed Combat at 5/6 make her the one to call when you need muscle. I think I'd choose her over any of the mundanes in the Lone Star book for combat skills.
Just noticed it and had to point it out. Especially with the topic about contacts. This one gives you some dual coverage as a transportation contact and possible muscle back-up.
Jan 9 2010, 02:56 AM
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jan 8 2010, 07:57 PM)

I was looking back through the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life and noticed the stats for the Flight Attendant (page 92) and have to wonder who came up with those numbers. Attributes of 5 except Strength and Charisma at 4, Firearms 6, Armed/Unarmed Combat at 5/6 make her the one to call when you need muscle. I think I'd choose her over any of the mundanes in the Lone Star book for combat skills.
Just noticed it and had to point it out. Especially with the topic about contacts. This one gives you some dual coverage as a transportation contact and possible muscle back-up.
she's an undercover air marshall?
Jan 9 2010, 04:32 AM
she's a former Souix Wildcat who was demoted because she couldn't follow orders?
Terrorist:"Who the Frag are you???"
Ms.Cassie Rybek:" I'm just the flight attendant."
Jan 9 2010, 04:38 AM
QUOTE (kanislatrans @ Jan 8 2010, 11:32 PM)

she's a former Souix Wildcat who was demoted because she couldn't follow orders?
Terrorist:"Who the Frag are you???"
Ms.Cassie Rybek:" I'm just the flight attendant."

didn't that happen recently?
Jan 9 2010, 05:18 AM
You could say that, not long after she completed her basic training courses, she was another victim of a hijacking, which she survived but came out slightly traumatised; the hijackers incapacitated the only security agent aboard, and after the airline's security team took out the criminals, she took it upon herself to be better equipped and trained in case such an event occured again.
Or, after you convert the stats to SR4, simply shift some of the points down to what you believe would make a more believeable contact.
Shinobi Killfist
Jan 9 2010, 05:20 AM
Yeah I remember that. The fluff reason was that hi jacking happened a lot more often in the dystopian future so flight attendants were trained to be bad assed. I think a more realistic flight attendant is in one of the adventures, I think where you go to Tir Egg Nog. They were still bad assed because they were specialized in the taser to a high level, but not as absurd. But I may totally be mixing up home brew stats.
Jan 9 2010, 06:36 AM
I always interpreted it as "Where Shadowrunners go, trouble appears. When they go on a plane, it helps to have someone who has a good chance of subduing said trouble along with you."
One of my favorite sessions ever involved a live grenade and its pin going toward opposite ends of the cabin of a suborbital in mid-flight. Never saw my guys scramble quite so enthusiastically.
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