northern lights
Feb 7 2004, 03:46 AM
okay, so my happy little character got waxed by the lovely toxic shaman and now i am wanting to create a new totem. so here's what i was thinking of, discussion is highly encouraged, especially from the earthdawn people.
well, i can't really have a questor of garlen in the SR world so i need to put it in game mechanic terms and a totem fits best, i think.
totem of garlen
earthdawn passion of home, and healing
+2 dice to healing, +2 dice to hearth spirits
-1 die to combat spells
cannot refuse someone in need of aid
okay take over from here guys
Feb 7 2004, 04:55 AM
By "cannot refuse", I assume you mean something like Willpower(6) test to resist?
Feb 7 2004, 05:39 AM
Not necessarily. Bear shamans cannot refuse to heal someone in need of it without good reason. No Will test to avoid this criteria applies.
Feb 7 2004, 06:04 AM
My first question would be about back-story. To my knowledge, after the end of the Fourth Age, the Passions more or less disappear. How does your character learn about them? What have they been doing all these years? And while the same could be asked about a number of IEs and dragons, but why is an Eastern European Passion showing up in Seattle?
One possible option is that after the end of the Fourth Age, there were small sect/cults that continued to worship the Passions, maintaining the old ways and rituals in secret. Your character could simply have learned about Garlen from his/her parents or teacher.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 7 2004, 06:43 AM
*The following has not been confirmed, so actual details may vary*
Harly comments about some shamen who follow passions, I think it was about Tir Na nOg.
Also, Harly is bothered by Vestrial before he goes to try to save the world...
On that note:
+2 to control manipulations, +2 to illusions
-2 to health
Followers of Vestrial are all parts of a large, complicated plan. None of them actually know what the plan means to accomplish, if there are multiple plans, or even if they are merely a distraction so something can happen unopposed.
Feb 7 2004, 06:43 PM
Speaking of Vestrial, another important thing to decide before using the Passions is if the Mad Passions are still mad. Now, I have only recently gotten into SR, so one of you who’s more well read one this side of things will know if that’s been mentioned.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 7 2004, 07:14 PM
Vestrial sounded quite sane as he spoke with Harley, but that isn't a strong indicator either way.
northern lights
Feb 8 2004, 10:35 PM
yeah, the "passions" were discussed in tir tairngire, where harly state's he'll send flowers to the poster.
voices from the past is the talk with he and vestrial, very good and can be found on AH's site.
the character is learning of it, because she used hand of god, and as god is a generic term for a higher power, i chose garlen to be the entity who intervened and let her live.
so garlen is going to say "as i have done for you, so shall you do for others" and hence garlen's will is bieng done in seattle.
i'm not that concerned about the story as the mechanics, as i have to have something to give to my GM.
Feb 10 2004, 10:29 PM
But the story is the most important part of an undertaking like this! You want to take something from Earthdawn (ancient story) and create a new story with it. Did your character meet the Passiion in Seattle, or did he travel first? How active is the Passion in the first place? These kind of details are crucial for the relationship between the Passion and the character. If the character has a certain understanding of the Passion from a modern viewpoint, his modifiers might be different than if the Passion is only going by the ancient ideals.
In this case (wanting to do something this unusual and unprecedented) I'd personally say that the backstory is the most important part. Like I've said other places--the how isn't as important as <i>why</i>. If I were your GM, I wouldn't say "yes" unless the story is at least two pages long and well-thought out--but then I would in a heartbeat.
sable twilight
Feb 10 2004, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (durthang) |
Speaking of Vestrial, another important thing to decide before using the Passions is if the Mad Passions are still mad. Now, I have only recently gotten into SR, so one of you who’s more well read one this side of things will know if that’s been mentioned. |
Well, it's been a long time. I'm sure they are only a little miffed or only slightly upset by now.
Feb 10 2004, 11:37 PM
So the Mad Passions and Ristul have kissed and made up, at this point?
sable twilight
Feb 11 2004, 01:21 AM
Oh, I don't know about that. I think it's likely the Passions have made up their mind that it's time they spent some time on their own for a while. Trying to find themselves and all. It's not Ristul, it's them. They need a little "Me" time. But, they told Ristul, they can still be friends.
Shanshu Freeman
Feb 11 2004, 03:59 AM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
Followers of Vestrial are all parts of a large, complicated plan. None of them actually know what the plan means to accomplish, if there are multiple plans, or even if they are merely a distraction so something can happen unopposed. |
Foundation, anyone?
Feb 11 2004, 07:09 AM
While this may be going down a different path than Northern Lights wants to take this, but by the old Earthdawn rules, Passions didn’t grant spell abilities. Anyone (mage, adept, or mundane) could become a questor of a Passion. The Passion then granted the person three abilities. The strength of these abilities was then based on how closely the questor followed the ideals of their Passion.
To more closely mirror that, I would propose that Passions would not operate as totems in the 6th world, but stay closer to the way they worked in the fourth. For example: A follower would receive the abilities of heal, seal home, and comfort, just like their 4th world counter part.
This way the wage slave could follow the strictures of Dis (bureaucracy), the streetsam could follow Thystonius (physical conflict), and the daisy eater could Jaspree (nature) equally well.
Feb 11 2004, 04:48 PM
QUOTE (sable twilight) |
Oh, I don't know about that. I think it's likely the Passions have made up their mind that it's time they spent some time on their own for a while. Trying to find themselves and all. It's not Ristul, it's them. They need a little "Me" time. But, they told Ristul, they can still be friends. |
...and Ristul took a long, long vacation in the metaplanes to find himself. Soon he'll be back to rekindle old flames, look up his exes and see if they're still interested...
Feb 11 2004, 07:37 PM
QUOTE (Req) |
...and Ristul took a long, long vacation in the metaplanes to find himself. |
During which he had a torrid affair with Ghostwalker?
Feb 11 2004, 07:39 PM
QUOTE (Senchae @ Feb 11 2004, 11:37 AM) |
QUOTE (Req) | ...and Ristul took a long, long vacation in the metaplanes to find himself. |
During which he had a torrid affair with Ghostwalker? |
...and spawned Damien Knight and the Century Ferret.
Err. Wait. No.
Feb 11 2004, 07:47 PM
I thought they were Deus's love children.
Feb 11 2004, 07:48 PM
Yeah, they are. Ghostwalker and Ristul are jealous; they've been trying for years and it just doesn't work. Each blames the other, that's why they're breaking up and Ristul is going back to the Passions.
Ah yes. Shadowrun Metaplot, the Daytime Soap Opera. Tuesdays at 3, 2 Central.
Feb 11 2004, 08:08 PM
OK. What is this Century Ferret BS? I've references to it before, but I have no idea what it is.
Also, you're all wrong about Deus's lovechild: that's Predator Omega you're talking about, by way of Harlequin.
Feb 11 2004, 08:51 PM
The Century Ferret was a wild ferret that underwent a minor goblinization just around the turn of the century (2000), well before the general Awakening. It was detailed in Paranormal Animals of North America.
northern lights
Feb 11 2004, 10:20 PM
oh, sorry to confuse people. the story is several pages long and quite detailed, but i meant that it wasn't important as to the information i needed from the people here. i need what would be commonly accepted as appropriate game statistics for a garlen totem in shadowrun's rule system
northern lights
Feb 12 2004, 02:55 AM
well, it doesn't matter now. her crew just blew up the character's car with her in it.
Feb 12 2004, 03:20 AM
I found that to be a good issue resolver.
Feb 12 2004, 02:55 PM
To quote northern lights:
that is why i have serious issues with people who cannot keep player knowledge and character knowledge seperate .... i'm a bit pissed, but whatever, it's just a game. it really pisses me off cause they knew i just used hand of god so that i couldn't stop it. they would never have dared if i could have come back for them. |
You seem to be taking this alot better than i would. Granted, this is just a game, but I'd be having a long talk with your gaming buds and GM.
Or, just talk to your GM about it. After all, I doubt Garlen is going to be too happy with them. Imagine, she goes through the trouble of coming over to Seattle (or where ever you guys were) saves your character from near death, and they kill her anyway.
I don't know about them, put pissing off deities is never on my list of things to do today.
Feb 12 2004, 06:46 PM
Why on earrh was her own crew trying to kill her?
Feb 12 2004, 07:44 PM
The long story was explained
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