Feb 11 2010, 07:36 PM
Is anyone interested in creating a Magical group (for initiation) as part of the New York missions?
I play a combat shaman, mentor spirit Dark Goddess.
Feb 11 2010, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Sep 24 2009, 01:07 AM)
There are several possibilities for magical groups. While players are encouraged to join other groups made up of Missions players, to build community ties, it is not mandatory to do so.
LINK A Combat focused group for Adepts.
LINK A Stealth focused group for Adepts.
LINK A Zoroastrian group
LINK A collection of groups.
If you have affiliations with certain corporations, membership to an initiatory group may be available for successful completion of a project. The Illuminates of the New Dawn are always accepting new citizen-candidates for the SINners amongst you, and the Rat Pack may be available to certain runners who have made the Neo-A's watch-list of talent.
I hope that helps give you a feeling for some of the groups and flavors out there at the moment. If you want to start a group and don't know how, Aaron or I can help walk you through the process. You can also post here, the DemoTeam player's registry, or on other forums if you are looking for other Missions players from conventions or local events to team up with and initiate.
If you have other questions, you can also check the Missions FAQ
LINK. (I point this out last since the Magic Groups question wasn't in there explicitly.)
Feb 12 2010, 10:21 AM
Casazil Starts looking into who told this DireRadiant guy about Fight Club ......Looks like some heads might need knockin.
Feb 12 2010, 01:08 PM
QUOTE (Axl @ Feb 11 2010, 02:36 PM)
Is anyone interested in creating a Magical group (for initiation) as part of the New York missions?
I play a combat shaman, mentor spirit Dark Goddess.
What's your Arcana skill (and Logic) at? You need at least 1 in Arcana to join a Magic group.
Feb 13 2010, 01:00 AM
Thanks for the replies. From the groups that you helpfully linked to, those appropriate for my character are Diversity Organization and possibly Oasis of Soul.
Regarding Arcana, I don't have that skill yet, but I'm certainly willing to learn it (i.e. spend the karma).
So how do I go about joining Diversity Organization?
Black Jack Rackham
Feb 13 2010, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (Casazil @ Feb 12 2010, 05:21 AM)
Casazil Starts looking into who told this DireRadiant guy about Fight Club ......Looks like some heads might need knockin.
I believe you meant...
I look around. I look around. I see a lot of new faces. [laughter] Shut up! Which means a lot of you have been breakin' the first two rules of Fight Club.
Feb 13 2010, 06:44 AM
QUOTE (SaintHax @ Feb 12 2010, 08:08 AM)
What's your Arcana skill (and Logic) at? You need at least 1 in Arcana to join a Magic group.
No you do not need arcana to join the test says roll arcana + logic no arcana you roll just logic you only need 1 success not really that hard.
Feb 13 2010, 01:51 PM
Arcana is listed as 'Default: No'
I never knew Arcana was required to join a magical group. Thanks for the heads up, SaintHax!
[And thanks to the spurious 4:1 downtime dicepool rule you need a pool of 4 then its automatic.]
Feb 13 2010, 07:51 PM
Ok then no one I can think of right now nor myself has ever joined a group due to the fact that others as well as myself find arcana a useless skill and would never take.
Feb 13 2010, 07:57 PM
I agree, Arcana is a useless skill. Its only value is as a karma requirement to join a group.
Feb 13 2010, 10:42 PM
The rules for joining a magic group are very simple and can be found on page 69 of Street Magic.
The magical group must then perform a ritual that bonds the applicant with the group. During the ritual the applicant must make an Arcana + Logic Success Test to bond with the group. The test has a threshold of 1 (+1 for every five members in the group). Note that large magical groups (such as the Illuminates of the New Dawn) are in fact associations of smaller groups, so only the local membership counts towards this threshold. If the character is already an initiate, she may add her initiate grade to the dice pool. Most magical groups frown upon applicants too dependent on geasa or suffering from focus addiction. Both are seen as signs of weakness and inability to control one’s Talent. Characters with either Negative quality apply a –3 modifier to the dice pool.
Re: The Value of Arcana--While opinions may vary, the use of arcana depends on the character. Besides joining a magical group, Arcana is used for:
Ally Spirit creation
Custom Spell fomulae
Focus Design
Crafting the formula for a Free Spirit
Calling (Running Wild)
There are a lot of things it can be used for.
Feb 14 2010, 07:31 AM
The vast majority of shadowrunning magicians are not interested in developing any of those techniques.
Ally spirits are potentially very useful, but require too much karma.
Feb 15 2010, 08:54 PM
I always take Arcana.
But then I'm not the vast majority.
Feb 16 2010, 10:25 AM
DireRadiant, what do your characters use the skill for?
Feb 16 2010, 02:46 PM
Divination - Who needs mind probe!
Ally Spirit creation - Dikoted even!
Custom Spell formulae - Your Sammie will love that special Improved Invisibility version that works against MAD and cyberscanners.
Focus Design - More POWAH! and a greate side business, and excuses for runs into the Dreaming or Death Valley
Crafting the formula for a Free Spirit - Need to get past Buttercups army of administrative assistants and get an appointment? Here's a way to get Buttercup to listen.
Calling (Running Wild) - Nope...
Got to spend the karma you save on initiation on something
And getting a magical group is like getting a free Contact Group!
Feb 17 2010, 04:51 AM
Divination - maybe but if it takes alot time that is a no as far as Missions go we're already on a 4 hour clock we don't need more things to eat time.
Ally Spirit creation - WAY to much karma that could be better spent in other areas.
Custom Spell formulae - As far as I know not allowed in Missions.
Focus Design - As far as I know not allowed in Missions.
Crafting the formula for a Free Spirit - As far as I know not allowed in Missions.
Calling (Running Wild) - No clue haven't read running.
Feb 17 2010, 04:51 PM
Divination - I've had several characters with this meatmagic at tables that I've run. The Divination takes about as much time as calling a contact or doing a Data Search - it's one die roll, and some information based on how specific. If you are allowing legwork, I don't think that Divination would be precluded.
Ally Spirit creation - YMMV, so I can't refute your belief that it is too much karma.
Custom Spell formulae - This is a standard rule, and thus is allowed in Missions. Due to the time crafting takes, it will fall under the rules for activities between Missions. (SM, p. 158)
Focus Design - This is a standard rule, and thus is allowed in Missions. Due to the time crafting takes, it will fall under the rules for activities between Missions. (SR4A, p. 190)
Crafting the formula for a Free Spirit - This is a standard rule, and thus is allowed in Missions. The second option of a metaplanar quest is unavailable, but the first and third options are valid if your character meets a Free Spirit or finds its physical representation in game. Such should be noted on the debriefing log, and then crafting the formula will fall under the rules for activities between Missions. (SM, p. 107)
Calling (Running Wild) - This is a standard rule, and thus is allowed in Missions. Due to the time learing the Occult Knowledge and crafting the Paraphernalia take, they will fall under the rules for activities between Missions. The actual Offering and Bargaining are similar to summoning a spirit and negotiating with a contact, and do not take an over long time if the GM is familiar with the spirit being Called. (Running Wild, p. 174-175)
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