Evo Aquatic Anti-Intrusion Biodrone (AKA the Dr. Evil Special)
Cost: 225,000¥
Availability: 24F
Evo is proud to partner with Ares to produce the next step in the evolution of the world’s greatest predator, the Evo Aquatic Anti-Intrusion Biodrone. Based on the biological template of the Mako shark the already fined tuned underwater hunter has been augmented with state a state of the art CAST and SEIES biodrone systems. It also includes a Strip interface so your riggers can jump into the bodies of these technological terrors of the deep. With its upgraded it’s already fearsome teeth have been augmented with a Smartlinked Ares Heavy MP Laser; just the thing to deal with drones, subs or other underwater nuisances.
Evo Underwater Shark Biodrone
Body: 8
Reaction: 7
Strength: 7
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 4
Logic: 1
Willpower: 3
Edge: 0
Essence: 0.95
Init: 11
Movement: 20/50 (swimming)
Skills: Perception 2, Swimming 4, Unarmed Combat 4
Powers: Enhanced Senses (Smell), Gills, Natural Weapon (Bite: DV 4P, AP 0), Sharkskin
Cyberware: CAST, cybereyes1 (Thermo, Image Link) , SEIES, Smartlink, Stirrup Interface 2
Bioware: Metabolic Arrester, Bone Density Augmentation (1)
Autosofts: Dodge, Exotic Ranged Weapon: Laser Weapons
Weapons: Ares Heavy MP Laser (Battery pack good for 20 shots) with Smartlink (when used underwater use the following range DV modifiers [Medium –4, Long –8, Extreme –12])