QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

Love the building's design, especially the enclosed balconies.
Thank you.
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

Some issues to consider:[list]
[*]The font you used can be hard to read unless zoomed in. I would suggest using either bold, a thicker font, or a larger point size.
Really? I do tend to like dense text. They're intended for printing out and look okay to me, but I can increase the font size. It's a little a matter of taste. If a couple of others could comment and say what they'd like, that would be useful. If people do think the fonts I use need to be bigger, I'll update this and keep it in mind for future PDFs.
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

[*]The Pool/Bar being under a dome on the roof might go well with the design of the enclosed balconies.
That was the original plan, actually. I started drawing the bubble on the roof, found that I couldn't make it look right next to the VTOL platform and decided to just stick it in the basement. You are right that it would be better but this, like some of your other suggestions, are things for the hypothetical day when I can spend hours fiddling around re-doing images already done. The suggestions are welcome, however.
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

[*]The Pool/Gym/Bar level should have walls (even if glass) between those areas. The humidity, chlorine, and sweat smells would not be conducive to enjoying the bar.
Hmmm. You have a point about the chlorine smells. The idea for the bar was to be a big open area where people could move casually from swimming to looking good in their swimwear at the bar. I'm thinking 2070's decadence here. I'm willing to handwave the chlorine and humidity with fifty years of air conditioning technology. Given how polluted Auburn can be, the whole complex has to have a pretty good air conditioning solution anyway.
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

[*]Is the Pool/Bar/Gym level below, or above all the parking levels?
[*]The lowest level of the Parking garage shows a ramp going down... Where to?
Right. I have taken note from all the feedback that my setup wasn't entirely clear (at all, apparently). I've now gone back and added floor references for everything and an overview of how its structured to the introduction. The idea is that you have the main building, the gym / bar / swimming pool below this, and then three floors of parking below that. That lowest level, the ramp is going up, I'm afraid.

QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

[*]Based on the furniture illustrations, the bedrooms seem a bit too small.
They're big beds! And the rooms are actually quite large if you visualise it. At least I think so. Perhaps not by American standards? Note also that some of these apartments are family apartments. You have a master bedroom which really is big, and then maybe the kids' bedroom(s).
[*]There appear to be long thin hallways between the living rooms and the bedrooms with doors at each end into what might be closets. Why not just have the bedrooms open up into the living space?
Sense of privacy / territory. The place is largely open plan, but it's still nice when you have guests not to go immediately from the very personal territory of your bedroom to all those strangers in your house, but rather to have that buffer zone. At least, that's my take on it. The corridor separates out the personal home from the welcome home.
QUOTE (MJBurrage @ Mar 7 2010, 12:19 AM)

[*]The one bathroom is across the living space from the bedrooms. Not a big deal for a couple, but my be less desirable for a family, or those having out-of-town guests staying over.
[*]I would also suggest two bathrooms for Apartments this large, one as part of a master suite, and one shared by the other bedrooms and the living space.
You may be right. It's too late for me to start redoing all the plans now. I once dated someone whose family home had two bathrooms. I was very impressed at how I'd gone up in the world. I also couldn't believe that her family still had arguments with such luxury. As far as I was concerned, a family was a collection of people who fight over a bathroom. Still, these apartments are typically a couple or a couple with two kids. I can't believe even High lifestyle has more than one toilet per four people. Luxury level, maybe.
Thanks for all the feedback. I've updated the location with a lot of the suggestions, including some more Matrix security details. I'll await a couple more comments on font size and style before changing though on the grounds that I like it as is and changing things based on two people having different tastes doesn't make sense. If some others can confirm that I'm in the minority, that would be helpful and I can then amend it (and future works).
Really appreciate all this feedback - makes it all worthwhile.
Peace and coolness,