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Full Version: Mad about Maps
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
How important are maps, even on the tactical level in your games?
Reasonably important while I never bust it down to the figurines and movement speeds level (if distances are an important consideration I will point them out in the opener) maps can be a very effective tool for allowing players to visualize the scene and get a sense for space and situation. As much as possible I like to find floorplans online.
Maps are useful all the time, but especially so for combat, especially mass combat. A good example, the opening bit of the On the Run pre-made adventure is the runners all at the Stuffer Shack when a bunch of thugs try to rob the place and everyone inside. If you've got a team of runners that's 6 or more, or have someone with drones or spirits or whatever, yeah, maps help deconflict a lot of that, especially when you're talking aisles, cover, concealment, etc.
I try to use maps any time the situation calls for detailed descriptions of the tactical situation. As previously stated, it helps the players visualize the situation and prevents arguments over what they can or can't do in a given area or where exactly that sniper was biggrin.gif . Google is your friend when it comes to maps for things like apartments, warehouses and even cruise ships, though good luck finding anything on military vessels. I also have never had to break it down to figurine level and prefer to keep things more fluid. Distance has only really been an issue a few times to determine range penalties and how far someone had to run to get away. In most fights the players are more concerned with cover and such.
I'm a big fan of maps for many of the reasons mentioned above. But it should be noted that they have their disadvantages to, namely increased prep time (if you make your own as I do) and some would argue that it makes for lazier GMs and players (detracts from the creative visualization and descriptive RP, as the theory goes).
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Maps can indeed eliminate any tactical confusion that may be present...

Keep the Faith
Xahn Borealis
QUOTE (SleepIncarnate @ Mar 6 2010, 07:10 PM) *
A good example, the opening bit of the On the Run pre-made adventure is the runners all at the Stuffer Shack when a bunch of thugs try to rob the place and everyone inside.

Wasn't that Food Fight 4.0 in the quickstart rules?
I just throw something together in Visio when my players ask for that.
Well, and the locations they are to sneak in are often mapped in advance.
I'm not all mad about it cause I'm yet to find an editor that'd work really well for that.
WHen i can't find anything online I generally sketch something out out a piece of paper in a few moments. They include a lot of (not to scale) and (also not to scale) notations. And it is a well stated fact that making fun of my artistry (or lack therof) is grounds for character death.
I make detailed maps in my head and quickly recreate them perfectly on my trusty White Board w/ dry erase markers. this way, the players can't see past what their characters are seeing and I can make adjustments as needed for dramatic effect.
I do this (although lately they've been more like this).
What were those done with by the way? Also does anyone use fractal mapper? I see that it's on sale on drive thru this weekend and was considering getting it. I had an earlier version but I have no backgroun in art or computer aided art so it was a might hard to grasp.
The older style use images captured from Google Earth (obviously) as a base. The more recent stuff I've done is made from scratch in Photoshop, occasionally using stock terrain images (which I run through various imaging filters) for texture. I use Photoshop to layout walls, doors, windows etc and then use a variety of objects from places like and
I like using maps, since I think they make combat more tactical. They also help a lot with planning, especially for infiltrations and B&E's.

But, I am very lazy. I will usually just Google around for floor plans until I find something that I like. If I'm ambitious, I will re-draw it onto graph paper.
QUOTE (Method @ Mar 6 2010, 09:05 PM) *
I do this (although lately they've been more like this).

Excellent idea, Method! I'm going to forward your gallery link to my GM. smile.gif
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