I'll be the first to admit that I love me some Gunslinger Girl, in the past I managed to even hash up a half decent replica using standard 400 BP rules.

Since then I have watched season 2 -Il Teatrino-, and decided that a Pino themed character would be interesting. I adapted him slightly to the Seattle setting, seeing as how the Mafia is much less prevalent (and he was a member of an anti-government/terrorist organization) so I went with Yakuza as his... I don't know... patron? So to speak.

A quick rundown of the character is that he is a hitman who eschews guns (relating to his first kill, which involved a little girl) in favor of knives, both thrown and in melee. His patron, who I think was really his uncle? (I haven't watched it in a while and the video was shoddy) Was one of the heads of the anti-government movement in Italy and funded terrorist acts, the largest being the bombing of a bridge. Anyway, without going into a total plot synopsis I present to you... my SR version of Pinocchio. I hope you enjoy and if you have comments/suggestions they are always welcome.

[ Spoiler ]

I left out Knowledge skills as they tend to be up in the air until I put something down on cold, hard, paper.