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Full Version: RL Pharmaceuticals Warehouse Heist
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Zen Shooter01
This is apparently a fairly popular sport.
Xahn Borealis
I love the description of "unscrupulous people interested in profit". cool.gif Sounds a job description of Shadowrunners, no? Or a corp VP, for that matter.
Thanks for that link.
That's a bit more...elaborate than breaking into a local vet practice to steal a couple of ketamine ampoules. spin.gif
A whole hour (at least) inside and security system disabled... No security guard on site with such vast amount of dollars in the warehouse.. ? GFC much nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (nemafow @ Mar 18 2010, 04:08 PM) *
A whole hour (at least) inside and security system disabled... No security guard on site with such vast amount of dollars in the warehouse.. ? GFC much nyahnyah.gif

I used to work, many years ago, for a DRAM wholesaler and manufacturer. We had no guards after hours. I had 24 hour access alarm code, but walking through the warehouse full of millions of dollars of memory was interesting. Particularly as there was a slew of takeover style robberies across the country before I quit. I always looked at the monitors showing the parking lot before leaving.
probably cheaper to have the warehouse content insured then hire the guard. IF the criminals strike, you get the money back.

on that note, who the heck own loyds of london in SR?
Due it's structure you can't own lloyds IIRC.
QUOTE (kzt @ Mar 19 2010, 10:23 AM) *
I used to work, many years ago, for a DRAM wholesaler and manufacturer. We had no guards after hours. I had 24 hour access alarm code, but walking through the warehouse full of millions of dollars of memory was interesting. Particularly as there was a slew of takeover style robberies across the country before I quit. I always looked at the monitors showing the parking lot before leaving.


Still boggles my mind...
QUOTE (kzt @ Mar 19 2010, 12:54 AM) *
Due it's structure you can't own lloyds IIRC.

reading the wikipedia article now, as you got me interested in a bit of investigating, and the mind basically boggles.

seems its some kind of construct that basically is a leftover from the 1800s, and exist in its form mostly out of tradition, tho it probably violates one or more free trade principle.

given that, it would not surprise me if its a division of the corp court in SR.
someone better pack that red pain.
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