Mar 20 2010, 01:08 AM
How does one go about anchoring spells into something that you can then move?
I was curious about trying a suggestion someone made in a previous thread, spells anchored to bullets then fired. What would you have to do to achieve this?
What I had in mind more specifically was rockets loaded with spells.
Saint Sithney
Mar 20 2010, 02:29 AM
I can't seem to find any limitation keeping you from anchoring a spell to any object, nor what can happen to that object afterward.
The only actual problem an anchored object can have is with moving through wards. Anchoring itself comes with other specific limitations and problems..
Mar 20 2010, 02:49 AM
Anchored ammunition would be more for taking out big beefy spirits, elementals, and mages. Also to add extra punch to a standard HE rocket (A Napalm spell)
What would you have to do to anchor a specific spell to a specific object, such as a rocket, so as to discharge when the item was destroyed?
Mar 20 2010, 03:04 AM
Anchored spells have certain "triggers" that set them off.
One of the more useful possible triggers is to simply have the spell go off when the object comes in contact with the aura of anything other than the caster. If you're worried about fragging a team mate accidentally, you can anchor with a set of "recognized" auras designated, so that those specific auras won't set off the spell.
Mar 20 2010, 05:14 AM
How specifically do I anchor the spell to the projectile? Street Magic and Core are somewhat vague about it
Mar 20 2010, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (P. 59-60 @ Street Magic )
To create an anchor, the initiate first chooses which spell to anchor and then what trigger condition(s) she wishes to include. Once a trigger or triggers are defined, the spell is cast as normal (the number of hits achieved should be recorded for later reference). The initiate must then resist Drain for the spell twice - once for casting the spell, and once for creating the anchoring construct. If the spell has a variable Drain (such as Heal), the caster must choose a Drain Value to cast it at; if that DV later proves to not be enough for the situation when the spell is released, then it simply fails.
The spellcaster then pays 1 Karma for every point of the anchored spell’s Force to “prep the anchor". Anchored spells should be considered the same as quickened spells (p.190, SR4) for the purpose of determining interaction with mana barriers, astral combat, and dispelling attempts. Anchored spells remain linked to the spellcaster’s aura and may be used for astral tracking (p. 185, SR4) or as a sympathetic link (p. 28).
When the pre-determined trigger condition is met, the anchor construct collapses and the spell discharges as if it had just been cast (refer to the hits registered during the casting for the purposes of determining effects). The spellcaster sufers no Drainwhen the spell discharges. Once the anchor collapses and the spell inside is released, the effect ends and all Karma is lost. Sustained spells will remain sustained in the same manner as a quickened spell. Permanent spells will remain sustained until the effects become permanent, and then deactivate.
Unless the anchor has a linked Detection spell, it can only target someone or something in direct physical or astral contact with it. If a Detection spell served as the trigger, it can aim the anchored spell at any valid target it detects within range.
An anchor may be activated or deactivated at any time with a mental command from the construct’s creator. This has no range limitation and does not count as a trigger condition.
An initiate may only have a number of anchors active at any time equal to her initiate grade.
Mar 20 2010, 06:18 AM
Hmmm, the Karma thing is going to be tricky. This seems to be a tactic that you cant use often.
Does the spell have to be anchored to something specific or a specific substance? Or can it be anything?
Saint Sithney
Mar 20 2010, 11:58 AM
It doesn't specify that it has to be any type of object, only that it must be prepped with karma. So I imagine it could be anything which a person can manipulate with their hand. So, bigger than a dust mote and smaller than a building. Living, dead, metal, plastic, wood, flesh, none of these things seem to matter. When in doubt, ask your GM for a ruling.
One thing to consider when you're thinking of what to anchor the spell on, what happens if you miss? Rockets have a terrible scatter problem..
Mar 20 2010, 08:50 PM
I was also considering using bullets to anchor spells to and using them with an arcane sniper sort of character.
Does it specify how LONG it takes to anchor a spell? I mean is it something you could do on a rooftop or do you have to take a few hours in advance?
I also cant find anything about any skill that's involved with this. Are there any tests or requisite skills to do this? It would seem like you'd need some materials at least.
Professor Evil Overlord
Mar 22 2010, 09:31 AM
Your best bet to overcome the karma cost is an anchoring focus - they can hold an anchored spell and then be "recharged" later without needing additional karma for every use (you pay initially). The down side is that you'd need to recover them later and that they'd have to remain intact (making bullets far less attractive than say arrows, thrown weapons, or crossbow bolts). By the way, there is nothing keeping a mundane from using an anchored item, though an initiate with anchoring is needed to prepare and recharge the foci. You just need the right kind of triggers.
Saint Sithney
Mar 22 2010, 10:01 AM
Oh man, the mystic adept Gambit character. Such a classic.
Etched metal playing cards made to be anchoring foci then combined with power throw and missile mastery.
Mar 22 2010, 11:39 PM
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Mar 22 2010, 05:01 AM)
Oh man, the mystic adept Gambit character. Such a classic.
Etched metal playing cards made to be anchoring foci then combined with power throw and missile mastery.
Another good use would be a healing potion or a ring of regeneration... lots of D&D magic items would translate over for this fairly well. The only real hold up is the Karma cost and the fact that such devices cannot be made permanent as easily.
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