I once created a character who was a Kenjutsu master. Just took +2 DV for Blades and +2 melee parry. I wanted him to be skilled in the
Niten Ichi Ryu style, the famous style developed by
Miyamoto Musashi. It is a two swords style, so I gave him a wakizashi (short sword) for his off-hand and the following maneuvers: Iaijutsu, Off-Hand Training, Two-Weapon Style and Watchful Guard.
The character:
Kyuzo: A master in the traditional Japanese swordsmanship, he was once a respectful kenjutsu scholar and an Adept of the Warrior Path. He was a instructor of his art at Mitsuhama's magical research facilities. One day a disagreement with another master grown into a real sword duel and by the end of that he was the one standing. Kyuzo got arrested for murder and did his time in jail. After getting out, he realized that he could not go back to his old life and became a ronin shadowrunner.
Here are Kyuzo's stats...
[ Spoiler ]
Race: Human (0 BP)
Attributes: (265 BP)
B: 4
A: 4
R: 4 (6)
S: 4
C: 3
I: 3
L: 3
W: 3
Edge: 2
Magic: 6 (5)
Essence: 5
Initiative: 9 / 3 IPs
Active Skills: (98 BP)
Athletic Group: 2
Blades (Katana +2): 6 (11)
Unarmed Combat: 4
Infiltration: 3
Instruction: 3
Perception: 3
Knowledge Skills: (18 Free)
Japanese N
English 5
[Academic] Bushido 5
[Academic] Kenjutsu 5
[Academic] History 3
Qualities: (-10 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Martial Arts (20 BP)
Incompetent: Computer (-5 BP) (there is a scene that did not make into the final cut that shows Kyuzo trying to work with the farmers and demonstrating his total lack of skill for that kind of work. And if we think that Computer is the laborers main skill of the 2070's...)
Talisman Geas: Katana (-10 BP)
Compulsive - Moderate: Training (-10 BP)
SINner: Criminal (-10 BP)
Adept Powers:
Improved Combat Ability [Blades]: 5
Mystic Armor: 4
Attribute Boost [Strength]: 2 (for the Kiai shout when striking with his katana)
Martial Arts: (8 BP)
Kenjutsu: +2 DV Blades, +2 Parry
Manuevers: Iaijutsu, Off-Hand Training, Two-Weapon Style, Watchful Guard (his fighting style in this build is the Niten Ichi Ryu, the two swords style created by Miyamoto Musashi.)
Gear and Lifestyle: (31 BP)
Squatter Lifestyle (1 month)
Katana Weapon Focus Rtg 2 (Bound: 2 BP)
Synaptic Booster Rating 2
Lined Coat; Wakisashi; Commlink: Metalink/Vector Xim; Googles: Flare Comp, Image Link, Low Light, Thermographic, Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Mag; Earbuds: Audio Enhancement 3, Spatial Recognizer; Certified Credstick (120Y)
Contacts: (6 - Free Contacts House Rule)
Fixer: L1/C2
Armorer: L2/C1
Hope it can give you some ideas