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Full Version: So, Missions. Now what?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
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1) This is something I'd like to see worked into the Missions at some point. A way to increase the Loyalty of the contacts. A set way, at least. Dunno exactly how that would work yet, but it's something I've thought about before.

2) I would love to do one at Origins. Maybe next year, though. A bit late to be planning one for this year smile.gif

Perhaps someone already mentioned this, but I find the corporate affiliations & rewards system rather odd. After a job offer, the corps send requests to each of their affiliates. So every corp knows that this group of runners is going to do a particular job?
I should also mention that my group and I very much enjoy playing the Missions. On the whole, the modules are well-written and straightforward to run. There are only occasional misprints and inconsistencies, I guess due to the quality control/testing process.

Wesley Street
QUOTE (Casazil @ Mar 31 2010, 01:22 PM) *
Why does Missions have to use the BROAD brush when it comes to optional rules?

Because to do otherwise would be like opening the Ark of the Covenant.
More food for thought.

I know a mechanic for Contacts has been discussed. But I was thinking about a mechanic for developing and maintaining contacts besides those specifically provided by the missions. For example lets say my character wanted to find a regular street doc. It would be nice to be able to develop a new contact. Of course such a thing should not be free. Or for that matter a way to change rating of an existing contact. If a player has a contact that they often use, there should be a way to alter their rating.

Just a thought anyway.
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