Tactical AR software and Drones
According to Unwired p125:
“Members may be characters running the tacsoft on their commlinks or drones running the software on their systems.”
“Drones sensor systems also count; each drone can supply a number of sensor channels equal to its Sensor rating.”
This means that a MCT Fly-Spy (Sensor rating 2, sensor capacity 3) with a camera (low-light, thermographic, vision magnification, and vision enhancement 3), microphone (select sound 3, audio enhancement 3, and spatial recognizer), and range finder will only contribute 2 channels to a tacnet; however a person carrying the same sensors would be contributing (at most) 10 channels. How does this work? Am I doing something wrong or misreading something?
A different and yet related topic is the vehicle modification “Improved Sensor Array” from Arsenal p 138. It increases the sensor capacity of a drone or vehicle. Using this modification on the above Fly-Spy I can now add a motion sensor and Olfactory Sensor 6 for an additional 2 channels, but it still only contributes 2 channels to the tacnet? Huh? This should be 12 channels contributed. I realize that 8 channels are the most you will ever need, but having 12 available means that any 4 of them do not need to apply and you still will not lose your network.
How do you all handle all of this?
Thanks all.