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Full Version: Seattle 2072 nominated for Origins Award
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JM Hardy
I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use some good news. Could you use some good news? Because I could. Well, here's some: The beautiful and informative Seattle 2072 has been nominated for an Origins Award in the Roleplaying Game Supplement category! Even better, it's one of five nominations Catalyst products received! What were the others? Who cares! Seattle 2072 was nominated! Sure, Eclipse Phase totally deserves its nomination in the Roleplaying Game category, sure Poo is fast and dirty fun, but we're here to talk about Shadowrun, dammit. And a Shadowrun product just got nominated.

Kudos to the writers, artists, layout people, developers, and all who played a role in making Seattle 2072 awesome!

If you want to see the whole list of nominees, you can find it here.
Excellent news, Jason. Congrats to everybody who worked on Seattle 2072.

Haveta ask: Does an Origins winner get a trophy, a statue, swag of any sort?smile.gif
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Penta @ Mar 26 2010, 07:40 PM) *
Excellent news, Jason. Congrats to everybody who worked on Seattle 2072.

Haveta ask: Does an Origins winner get a trophy, a statue, swag of any sort?smile.gif

It seems you get a statuette. Should Seattle 2072 win, I would of course immediately take the statuette out on the town and go cruising for babes.

Jason H.
I'm hanging out with your wife that night, then.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Adam @ Mar 26 2010, 07:51 PM) *
I'm hanging out with your wife that night, then.

Last time you were puttin' moves on a member of my family, it wasn't my wife.

Geez, I'm derailing my own thread . . .
Ummm back on toipic... That's cool guys. Congratulations. I think maybe I should actually read that book. I've got it but since my game has been based out of Denver for the most part, I just haven't gotten around to reading the book.
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Mar 26 2010, 05:18 PM) *
Last time you were puttin' moves on a member of my family, it wasn't my wife.
Pictures or it didn't happen... grinbig.gif

Seriously tho: Congrats gentlemen (and ladies). Its a beautiful book.
The Jake
QUOTE (Method @ Mar 27 2010, 06:41 AM) *
Pictures or it didn't happen... grinbig.gif

Seriously tho: Congrats gentlemen (and ladies). Its a beautiful book.


- J.
A thread to make us happy! Thanks for the good news, and congratulations.
That is good news. Seattle is as much a character in the cast of Shadowrun as any Dragon or Corporate overlord. It's good to see some recognition for all the work the team at Catalyst puts into the game.

Here's hoping that same team can put out this standard of work for a long time to come.
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