Yep. I'm happy with the things are for the most part. Improvements could be had, but there's no need for a complete overhaul, let alone an anal retentive one just to satisfy a few people who can't control themselves. And yes, I'm well aware of the hypocrisy there. But I'm also not the one who goes rampaging about how things need to change whenever my temper gets the better of me. I actually do that whole "take responsibility" thing, God forbid.
If you are repeatedly asked to cool down for doing something, you have no one but yourself to blame if you continue to do it. Again: Forums aren't a democracy and you are guaranteed no special rights or privileges as a member. If you do have an issue with something that the moderators are adamant about, approach them privately and try to work out a solution. Constantly fueling public drama isn't going to help your cause one iota. The only thing it will[/] do is worsen your situation. As well it should.
Okay, first, insinuating that I don't "take responsibility" for myself *is* a personal attack. Same applies to everyone else who's ever gotten a warning. Gods, this whole mess started because Frank felt he had to take responsibility in bringing dire news to light. So, please, don't give me, or anyone else here, a lecture on responsibility.
I call it like I see it. And yes, I am abrasive at times, flat-out rude at others. I'm not saying I'm completely innocent here. I toe the line, and sometimes I cross it.
But when I stay well clear of the line, I've caught warnings and bans even then. Sometimes it looks as if the mods are actively waiting for me to slip up, even a little, just so they can make an example out of a SR4.5 naysayer. Other times, it looks as if they're perfectly fair and aboveboard. It kinda depends on what side of the argument you're on. And since this is a private board, the *only* thing that can help my cause one iota is public pressure. Public pressure is what got Bull's RPG.net ban dropped from a month to a week, and public discourse was not just allowed, it was encouraged.
While I don't think we need an overhaul, I think we do need to look at other forums and see how they handle these sort of situations. If they do a better job-- and again, I've seen posts by Dumpshock mods that say there is a problem-- then we should try and learn from those boards.
2.) Cain's topics that he can't discuss generated 10 different moderation threads, and generated warnings for quite a few people (generally 3 a thread). After review these threads all followed the same format and arguments. The mods decided that because of this same reaction, that theses posts were pretty much in the same league as trollin or flaming... they were going to just keep generating warnings for everyone involved. To be honest, not posting any of those arguments are probably the only reason you are here to discuss these things with us now Cain
Those aren't actually the ones I'm talking about. I'll shoot you a PM. There's only one gag order I think is completely unreasonable.